Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Cold and Callous" - The naked truth [of land eviction throughout Cambodia] according to Karl Bille

Karl Bille reunites with friends in Dey Krahorm to release his Love & Eviction CD. Cold&Callous is the first video off the album, produced by Platapus Produktion in support of the upcoming Sounds of Solidarity concerts. SOS concert tour support threatened and evicted communities across Cambodia. Support now! www.licadhocanada.com


Anonymous said...

LOL,hahaha, the asshole's (Karl Bille's) country got plenty of homeless and beggers, and he's pointin his finger at us, hahaha, LOL, hahaha, ... . We can smell pouk Ah Scam Rainxy for miles.

Get lost, motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama needs to kick Mr. Hun Sen's ass.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. You have done a great job!

Anonymous said...

Karl Bille , Please bring this story pread around the world , let the world know how dirty HUN SEN are.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

5:51 PM did you fuck your mother last night ?
you sound like you are one of HUN SEN dog that live by his leftover .

Anonymous said...


If you are Cambodian, why leave our mother out of the equation, it is really offensive and is very so-not-Cambodian.

No hard feelings, I am just reminding you of some Cambodian value.

Anonymous said...

9:04 PM you are so SICK and FUNNY.

Anonymous said...

8:42 PM

E-thug? You ain't got nothing but a bitching mouth on the internet. Acting so tough behind that computer screen there, Mr. keyboard warrior. The language you use clearly shows what kind of a person you strive to be and it's not even in the middle-range, I tell you. Learn some manner first, kid.

Anonymous said...


DO you even respect your mother? You should come back to Cambodia and learn some values.

Oh yeah, I have a lot of everything. If you are really in Cambodia, let me know your name and address and I will show you what I have got.


Unknown said...

Wow! Great video!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr:Karl Bille for the very good job!!!
Please bring this story to show Mr:Barak Obama!!!!!
and take Ah dictator Hund Xen to the court!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Ah Blue-eyed worshiper!

Anonymous said...

the way i see it is the greed problem in cambodia. some people are just too greedy that they will not accept a compensation offer in the first place, they just want more money as if their ancestors had left them a heritage or make them an heir or something. and greedy seemed to run throughout everyone in society, some leaders alike as well as ordinary citizens as well; it's all in a society, and no one is to point fingers or blame others when indeed it seemed to start with themselves for being too greedy. the key word is "greedy". if we stop being "too greedy", then perhaps we all can solve a lot of society's problem. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Great video ! I love it. Thank for posting. This is the reality in Cambodia. A corrupted government is the same a communist. They are not different.

Anonymous said...

9:36 PM you are a real mother fucker .. you POTATO HEAD ..

Anonymous said...

Look at all the Khmer people who fell trapped to the White men's hegemonic ideology and don't even know about it. When is a white person very genuine about what he does? Slavery, Imperialism? Yes. I live in the West and I learned how them whities operate. All of you who live in the West also know this but you choose to ignore it and live your life easily.

You know the white people look down on Asian, calling us names, gook, chink, etc... and instead of standing up for your own integrity and ethnic values, you opt to be stepped upon by those guys as long as they let you live a good life. Wake the hell up, Khmer living abroad. Majority of them so-called non-governmental organization workers think we Khmer are inferior than them. That's why they act like they can do whatever they want in Cambodia.

Under the good image of non-government organizations and Christianity church, etc... they are trying to extinct the traditional way of life in Cambodia. Those Christian good doers only help you if you join their religions. Isn't that clear enough?

About the non-government organizations, some of them are genuinely for good intention but the workers and the organization's mentality is to subject Khmer people, poor and rich, to an inferior level than them. They are a bunch of self-righteous liberal supremacist who thinks spending a few years raising their voice for their so-called poor people in their so-called third world will make them feel good about themselves and be proud of what an ethical and enlightened human beings they are.

For instance, why the are so many non-governmental organizations making noises opposing Cambodian government? Is it that they want to help the poor? Maybe. Or more importantly, do they just want to oppose the government of a country that they view as inferior? You have to not just look at what they do but how they are doing it, given the past and the on-going characteristics of their ideology.

Let me tell you of my personal. I was at the Sokha Hotel breakfast lounge in Sihanouk Ville in Jan. At about 9am, I see a white guy talking forcibly to a Cambodian cook who serves the noodle stall section. I walked by to see what's up. The noodle stall is purposed to be moved to the inside room after 9am but this white guy who appears to be like he owns the place, threateningly tells the Cambodian cook to get back into the stall and turn the stove on and make his noodle right there. He said "I'm sick of waiting for you people. I'm not going inside to get my food. You have to unpack and cook my food for me right here right now."

Honest to God, if I was back living in Cambodia or if I wasn't with family, I'd pull that white guy aside and see what's his fucking problem was and if he was acting like an irrational superior jackass that he appeared to be, I would like to set his asshole straight. I felt choked up to see my fellow Khmer feeling oppressed by these imperial assholes. Our country is poor but we don't need your fucking money if that's how you want to treat my people. If I am not the person I am today, being rational and somewhat of a peaceful person, I would kick the shit out of that white fucker right there and then. I'm from a middle class and my family is in the military but I value Khmer people more than those white supremacist fuckers who think inferior of everyone else.

Sorry for the long comment but that's just something I needed to get off my chest. I'm going back to live in Cambodia after I finish schooling in the US. I want to be there with my Khmer people against any foreigners who look down on us.

Anonymous said...

9:36 PM , YOU old FART .. you try to teach me some CAMBODIAN manner? you are not CAMBODIAN , you should teach youself first you old Dog.you are a old generation but you did nothing for a younger generation to respect you , all your comment are foolish and serve YOUN interest and you want me to respect you since you try to detroy my belove Khmer nation ?STUPID OLD BAG screw you .. AH YOUN DOG .

Anonymous said...

5:01 AM

A fool again and again, how many times do you have to prove that to yourself and me? lol I'm 23 years old living in the US. Sorry that my manner is too mature for you, e-thug.

Anonymous said...

The song reflects the US very well.

Thanks for sharing, Karl.