Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama Showed Peaceful Change: Opposition [-"Cambodia does not belong to any individual, but to all people": Sam Rainsy]

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
26 January 2009

Opposition party leaders Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, who earlier this month joined in a political alliance, said Thursday the recent inauguration of US President Barrack Obama was a good example of how democracy can bring peaceful changes.

In first-world superpowers and developed countries like the US, people still need change,” said Sam Rainsy, whose eponymous party holds 26 seats in the National Assembly. “Americans wanted change, so I believe that Cambodians, who are facing 1,000 times more hardship, suffering, and poverty than Americans, really want change.”

Kem Sokha, president of the Human Rights Party, which has three seats in the Assembly, said the democratic model of the US demonstrated “peaceful power transfers” among “sportsmen.”

Both men appeared on “Hello VOA” Thursday following the joining of their parties in the Political Democratic Movement for Change.

“The alliance is to gather together nationalists, those who love the nation and justice, to stand up and help save the country,” Sam Rainsy said. “Cambodia does not belong to any individual, but to all people.”

Cambodia has become increasingly poor, lacks freedoms and rights, and faces illegal immigration as an ongoing problem, he said, and needed a new leader.

Kem Sokha urged the disadvantaged to “join hands” and vote for the alliance in upcoming elections, repeating allegations that July’s national elections had been sullied by vote-buying, threats and intimidation from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, a charge the CPP has repeatedly denied.


Anonymous said...

អស់លោកទាំងពីរ ប្រយ័ត្នឲ្យហើយទៅ​ លោកហ៊ុនសែននឹងរៀបចំផែនការបំបែកបំបាក់ទៀតហើយ។

Anonymous said...

សាហាវព្រៃផ្សៃ មេកើយសព្វថ្ងៃ គំរាមប្រជា
អ្នកហ៊ានប៉ះពាល់ អំណាចឬស្យា សម្លាប់ប្រហារ
គ្មានញញើតដៃ ។
ប្រើកលគ្រប់ល្បិច ចាក់ដោតមួលក្តិច ពន្លិចបំភ្លៃ
លួងលោមទិញសូក អស់លោកមន្រ្តី អំណាចដល់ដៃ
ប្រល័យតបគុណ ។

Anonymous said...

Please don't listen to Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy. They voted for McCaine and they hate black.

Anonymous said...

These two guys seem optimistic from inside, but they both are fucking liar.
Particularly, Scam Rainxy. He want to help the nation but look inside his internal party, it's stinky. Every High-Ranking member want nothing but power.
Go to Hell!!

Anonymous said...

The DMC is pathetic. They supported McCaine since day1, and now they try to get on Obama side because McCaine lost the election, hahaha, LOL, hahaha... What an immoral soul?

Anonymous said...

this is what true democracy should be - service to the people, not any individual person, leader, etc... otherwise, there's no change. gov't need to take care of the people and national interest as well, of course. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Oh plzzz.... don't do us any favor. We don't want no service from losers!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha had joined in a political alliance, it won't last long... they will breakup in May 2009. Watch my mouth.

Anonymous said...

We’re doing Cambodia a favor, not Ah Graveyard Digger 8:32AM any favor.

He earns nickname Graveyard digger bcuz he digging his family’s graves to create jobs and promote tourism.

Anonymous said...

Not that people don't like because he is black, gay, and a preacher liar, but he was not a natural born in the US. His mother registered him in Hawaii as a US citizen, but none of any Hospital has his birth record.

I don't know why Rainsy and some still bring this usurper Obama to compare with Cambodian a one state government. Because the imposter Obama can preach he learned from the racist Church of Jeremy Wright? Hun Sen won't go away with this insulting. Why? he is drunk with power.

Anonymous said...

There are quite a lot of funny things to laugh at, in this forum though some is to the extreme but it is worthwhile laughing !

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I am very happy to hear that the both parties of Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha joined force.

In the name of many million Cambodian people, I am sure that Cambodia needs a change_mainly to change its corrupt leaders and their followers who consider the country as their possession alone.

I am Hean Padhi,a non-partisan man and who never scare of speaking and writing about what I know, think, and see! What I need is just a right freedom and justice for my poor Cambodia!

I would like to appeal for all Khmer intellectuals to unite with the both to help the nation on time.

I surely hope that the US's Obama will contribrute his effort to helping Cambodia from corruption, human rights abuse and social unjustice!

From Hean Padhi, never fear.

Anonymous said...

Shame on those who try to use Obama for political gain, but voted for McCaine.

Anonymous said...

Really I like the existence of Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, they are good as watchdogs, literally, to keep an eye on Hun Sen and they are just about as useful as them. Besides that, they are just hypocrites who want a slice of the cake Hun Sen is enjoying by himself.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia belongs to its liberators, not Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy (The Faggots).

Anonymous said...

Instead of learning and searching online this idiot "Khmer Innocent" criticized others with nothing to add rather laughing? Some of the comments of these people or elswhere you may find them laughable, but some may have the truth in their comments.
Don't pretend that you do know shitt because you don't, moron.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia does not belong to individuals like Dear Leader Kim Jung Il, but belongs to the people of Cambodia we called a Nation.

If what you said was true then Hun Sen should change Cambodia to Hun Sen's property.
Don't you make a stupid comment anymore if you are already insane.

Anonymous said...

Hean Padhi,
You are dreaming. The US imperialist already collapsed by the foreign governments. Obama is just their puppet.

Billion of dollars those foreign governments spent to put the imposter Obama, a not natural born who was brainwashed by radical groups into the White House for their own interests not Cambodia, a small nation.

Bush/Cheney and US supreme court who supposed to protect the US Constitution won't dare to protect the US Constitution, because they already made a deal that the Socialism Dem won't charge Bush/Cheny as war crimes, as long as Bush/Cheney won't charge Obama as a userper.

America is running amok, and corruption rises. People continue to lose their jobs and Socialism is coming.

Anonymous said...

Listen up, Ah Potato Diggers, Cambodia belong to its liberators, not to scavengers like you, alright?

Anonymous said...

No I'm not a potator's digger, but a fine Physician from Russia.

Learn it right, no one owned the Nation, only the people of that nation do. If Hun Sen and his friends owned Cambodia, then they would have changed Cambodia to their names, and they may be King or Queen, but they cannot. The governmnet and the people of Cambodia as well as other Kingdoms are all under an umbrulla of the tradition which we called the Monarchy.

Врач от Россия.

Anonymous said...

My post 2:00AM. I meant "usurper". Correction.

Anonymous said...

Obama can be kicked out by the people of America if they know for sure he is not a natural born. But since million Americans lose their jobs, Obama is lucky for the moment. Those foreign governments like Russia, China, Muslims who helped Obama behind into the White House expect to see America collapses in the hands of Socialism. But Obama's Socialism will never work. The theory is wonderful and people who need help love what Obama speech lied to them.

Socialism sounds so great but when we try to enact in the real world, it will turn ugly. Socialism didn't work in former Soviet Union, why works now?

Socialism only creates more poverty, whereas Capitalism makes people rich.

Obama, the imposter will be miserably fail and people will curse him worse than they did to Prez Bush.