Friday, January 30, 2009

UN Special rapporteur on adequate housing denounces forced evictions in Cambodia

30 January 09
Human Rights Tribune (Geneva, Switzerland)

UN, Geneva - The following statement on the latest in a series of forced evictions in Cambodia was issued today by the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik:

“More than 130 families were forcibly evicted during the night of 23 and 24 January 2009 from Dey Krahorm, in central Phnom Penh to make way for a private company to redevelop the site.

The forced eviction was carried out in the middle of the night, without prior notice and the shelters belonging to this poor community were torn down and destroyed. This situation has grave consequences for all the victims, but particularly the women and children. Reports also state that prior to the eviction, the community suffered intimidation and community representatives and members were also subjected to criminal charges.

It is regrettable that the ongoing negotiations with the residents were abandoned, casting aside a valuable opportunity to reach a just and lawful solution to this longstanding dispute. It is now of utmost importance that the rights of the residents to fair compensation for their lost homes and property and the provision of adequate alternative housing are fully respected.

Unfortunately this is by no means an isolated case, and the increase in forced evictions throughout Cambodia is very alarming. Reports indicate that tens of thousands of poor people have been forcibly evicted and displaced, pushing them into homelessness and further destitution.

In Cambodia, a consistent pattern of violation of rights has been observed in connection with forced evictions: systematic lack of due process and procedural protections; inadequate compensation; lack of effective remedies for communities facing eviction; excessive use of force; and harassment, intimidation and criminalization of NGOs and lawyers working on this issue.

Forced evictions constitute a grave breach of human rights. They can be carried out only in exceptional circumstances and with the full respect of international standards. Given the disastrous humanitarian situation faced by the victims of forced evictions, I urge the Cambodian authorities to establish a national moratorium on evictions until their policies and actions in this regard have been brought into full conformity with international human rights obligations.”

The former Special Rapporteur on adequate housing conducted a mission to Cambodia in 2005 and presented a mission report on his findings and recommendations (E/CN.4/2006/41/Add.3). Concerns on forced evictions in Cambodia have been shared through a large number of communications by the Special Rapporteur with the authorities. These communications remain unanswered to date.


Anonymous said...

UN talks too much, less action!
That's the reason why Hun Sen staying too long in power.

Anonymous said...

We ,people khmer we suffered since 1970.We prayed Buddha all the time for peace.

Un message de paix au monde.


Il a dit :

“Le meurtre, la violence, l’avidité la colère et la tentation

ont transformé le monde des hommes en un lieu de désespoir.

Un terrible orage est descendu sur le monde des hommes,

et cela amène le monde vers sa propre destruction.

Il n’y a qu’une seule manière de sauver le monde,

et c’est à travers le « dharma » (la pratique religieuse) …

En conséquence, suivez le chemin de la religion


Ne mettez jamais d’obstacle, de colère ou de doute

sur le chemin de cette mission qu’est ma méditation.

Je ne fais que vous montrer la voie, recherchez la par vous-même.

Ce que je vais devenir, ce que je vais faire, les jours prochains vont vous le révéler.

Sauver l’humanité, sauver tous les êtres vivants

et la paix dans le monde sont mes objectifs et mon chemin.

“Namo Buddha sangaya, Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya.”

Je contemple la libération de ce monde chaotique de l’océan des émotions,

je contemple notre détachement de la colère et de la tentation

sans même m’écarter de la voie ne serait-ce qu’un seul instant,

je renonce à mes propres attachements dans ma vie

et à ma maison pour toujours, je travaille pour sauver tous les êtres vivants.


Mais dans ce monde indiscipliné,

ma vie consacrée à la pratique est réduite à un simple spectacle de divertissement.

Il est essentiel mais très difficile de comprendre cette pratique et cette dévotion.

La pratique et la dévotion de nombreux Bouddhas

sont adressées aux progrès et au bonheur du monde.


Mais bien qu’il soit facile de mener cette existence d’ignorance,

les êtres humains ne comprennent pas qu’un jour nous devrons quitter ce monde incertain

et partir avec le Seigneur de la Mort.

Nos grands attachements envers les amis et la famille se dissoudront dans le néant.

Nous devons partir en laissant derrière nous les richesses

et les propriétés que nous avons amassées.


Quelle est l’utilité de mon bonheur quand ceux qui m’ont aimé depuis le début,

ma mère, mon père, mon frère et tous mes proches sont tous malheureux ?

Ainsi, pour sauver toutes les créatures vivantes

je dois être l’esprit du Bouddha,

et émerger de ma cave sous terre où je pratique la méditation « Vajra ».

Pour faire cela je dois réaliser le bon chemin et la connaissance,

alors ne déranger pas ma pratique.

Ma pratique me détache de mon corps, de mon âme et de cette existence…”


Propagez le message de la paix mondiale


Eh bien je veux moi aussi aider à propager la Paix mondiale !

Chose insensée quand on voit autant d'actes violents, vulgaires et guerriers

se pavaner en toute légalité

dans le monde et dans nos foyers.

Mais bon !!!

Il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte un peu

Si chacun fait l'effort du premier pas

Le reste suivra.

Construisons la Paix en nous mêmes

Nous enlèverons de la Terre tous les problèmes.

Anonymous said...

We, all the khmer's people around the world need to stand up and support our country, specially people live out of the country.

No one, love khmer than khmer poeole. We need to stope blame each other rather gathering, and we need to represent ourself to the world and fight for our country.

Anonymous said...

Well. What are we going to do about it? Do blame the Cambodi Goverment totally. We the oversea Cambodian should bear some fault too. We the oversea Cambodia go there every and put a lot of money to jack up the land price. Our action indirectly encourage some of goverment official to do the bad things.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up, Ah Pimp (12:36). We don't need any favors here.

Anonymous said...

If the lightning not hit ah Kwack yet, nothing we can do about improving condition in Cambodia!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but who said we need any favor from your stupid potato digger?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have a bright idea for the UN: Let double the aid donation amount since the ruling party simply does a brilliant job when carrying out the evictions.

Anonymous said...

The UN has loss its credibility!!! Every nations are for themselves. This report will serve as an information and serves no significant merit or action, and it will faded away in days ahead!!!

Anonymous said...

Chères Consœurs cambodgiennes et Chers Confrères cambodgiens,

Sous un côté ou sous un autre de la médaille, tout Etat est dorénavant obligé de respecter, de protéger et de mettre en oeuvre la charte des droits de l'homme, et ce, conséquemment, de ne pas organiser, tolérer et encourager des évictions forcées.

Or, le respect accordé aux droits de l'homme joue un rôle primordial dans les efforts pour protéger les individus contre la violence et le désespoir dont s'accompagne couramment la malheureuse opération d'éviction forcée.

Dans les cas des acquisitions foncières directes et des évictions forcées, qu'ils soient réalisés ou non, doivent soulever une ATTENTION IMMEDIATE, ce qui pour l'instant est de soumettre les documents ou les rapports écrits au sein de la communauté internationale. En effet, une réaction rapide et concertée de la part des agents locaux de l’ONG facilitera cette tâche.

À cet égard, je ferai le nécessaire et tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour livrer les messages à la communauté internationale dont je suis amicus curiae du directeur general des Nations Unies.

Solidairement vôtre,
Neriratana Angkor

Anonymous said...

Hello Neriratana Angkor!

I think I khow who you are. You are one of the grandchilds of HM King-Father (Samdech Ta) Norodom Sihanouk. Mmm... Maybe I'm wrong. In any case, you are the protector of Angkor, according to my sources.

But hey, thank you for your kindness regarding the attention you pay to the community of Dey Krahorm and other districts. I have faith in you and I surely believe you can make a difference. I also know very well that you ABSOLUTELY don't want to get involved in politics, nonetheless, you still care very much about the well-being of your fellow Khmers in Cambodia. And for that matter, I'm grateful to you.

Together, we can do it!!!

TA PROM of Cambodia, One of your Admirer(s), of course.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The UN aint doing all that much for Khmer people as they seem to be doing. The aid that was giving to the 10 millionths of Khmer people can't hardly buy enough toilet papers to keep their arses clean everyday.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid comment I ever heard of!!! What is wrong with you 7:41 AM? If you needed help, I would be pleased to refer you to someone who has expertise in mental illness.

Bopha Prey Phnom

Anonymous said...

Yeah zip it up Mr. 7:41AM! What have you done lately to save or to help your fellow Khmers, Mr. 7:41 AM? None, right!? In that case, shut the fuck up! And let other Good Countrymen and Countrywomen do their good work to save Cambodia. God bless those men and women inside and out the country to help and save Cambodia.

Long Live HM King-Father Sihanouk! Long Live Queen Monineath! Long Live King Sihamoni! Long Live Khmer people of Cambodia! Long Live people with soft heart! Long Live Sri Krsna! Ling Live Neriratana Angkor!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you forgot PM Hun Sen, you idiot (9:01). He's our liberator.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. 10:05 AM!

What did u say? Pee-Pee Mmm Hun's who? Oh! My god! This guy still doesn't get it, folks! Please my fellow Khmers do sth to this guy, I think he needs help. Hellooooo! Is there anyone here in this chatting room who can assist me to bring Mr. 10:05 AM to the Psychiatric Ward.

Remember, how the world may change, we, the Khmer people, will never forget our HEROES (Men and Women alike).


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. 9:01 AM and Mr. Ho-Ke,

I totally agree with you both!!! As a Chines (Mandarin) descendant, I support 100% Fellow Khmers here in Cambodia and elsewhere in Overseas for helping Cambodia, in which, is much needed to be saved.

Long Live Mr. 9:01 AM! Long Live Mr. Ho-Ke! And course, Long Live people with good heart such as Mr. Peter Ma, Mr. Sokha Ly, Mr. Nov Try and Mr. Sam Rainsy and Team! Least, but not last, Long Live Young Generation (male and female alike) of Cambodia!


Anonymous said...


This is a friendly reminder, it's not "Least, but not last". Actually, it's the other way around. It's "Last, but not least"

Long Live Young Generation (Male & Female alike) of Cambodia!

Meiling Kang

Anonymous said...

Enough blah, blah, blah, Ah potato diggers, no one asking you for any favor. Just stay out, Ah Pimps.