News leak on ex-military chief angers Cambodian government
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- The Council of Ministers have chastised the press for publishing information from a leaked government document that revealed it began probe into the real estate holdings of recently removed military chief Ke Kim Yan, national media said on Monday.
The publishing of information contained in the official minutes of a meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Jan. 23, one day after Ke Kim Yan's ouster as Commander in Chief of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), amounted to "incitement and provocation of a bad political environment," English-Khmer language newspaper the Cambodia Daily quoted a statement of the council as saying.
"The government is investigating to find the people who leaked its internal documents and will take strict measures against these individuals," the statement added.
The minutes, which found their way into the hands of several media outlets late last week, revealed that Ke Kim Yan was removed in part because of his land dealings.
According to the minutes, "the Council of Ministers has been informed and commented on the termination of the position of commander-in-chief from HE Ke Kim Yan based on two reasons:
"First, reforming the RCAF rank and file by adhering to work effectiveness in the military rank and file.
"Second, involvement with land issues by a top and powerful person in the military rank and file and doing business by using the name of military for personal gain."
The minutes went on to describe a resolution by the Council of Ministers to have both military and government bodies investigate Ke Kim Yan's land dealings.
Since his removal, ruling party and military officials have repeatedly claimed that his ouster was solely to promote reforms within the military.
The publishing of information contained in the official minutes of a meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Jan. 23, one day after Ke Kim Yan's ouster as Commander in Chief of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), amounted to "incitement and provocation of a bad political environment," English-Khmer language newspaper the Cambodia Daily quoted a statement of the council as saying.
"The government is investigating to find the people who leaked its internal documents and will take strict measures against these individuals," the statement added.
The minutes, which found their way into the hands of several media outlets late last week, revealed that Ke Kim Yan was removed in part because of his land dealings.
According to the minutes, "the Council of Ministers has been informed and commented on the termination of the position of commander-in-chief from HE Ke Kim Yan based on two reasons:
"First, reforming the RCAF rank and file by adhering to work effectiveness in the military rank and file.
"Second, involvement with land issues by a top and powerful person in the military rank and file and doing business by using the name of military for personal gain."
The minutes went on to describe a resolution by the Council of Ministers to have both military and government bodies investigate Ke Kim Yan's land dealings.
Since his removal, ruling party and military officials have repeatedly claimed that his ouster was solely to promote reforms within the military.
អំណាច ដូចទឹកមូយថ្លុក បើមិនហូរ រលួយស្អុយទាល់រីង។
there can be no democracy when one family rule with friends and relative and then inter-married to create the ruling dynasty!
You can't hide the truth because you have a jumbo government. We have a Khmer saying, even if blow the wind under the water, you can't lie.
ម្នាលហ៊ុនសំណែន (បទកាកគតិ)
ម្នាលហ៊ុនសែនអើយ ប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំហើយ អ្នកកាន់អំណាច
មិនបានជួយអ្វី ខ្លួនកាន់តែកាច ខ្លាំងជាងបីសាច
ម្នាលកាន់តែចាស់ គួររកអ្នកផ្លាស់ ហើយប្រាសខំឆ្លៀត
រកធម៌រកអាថ៌ បំភ្លេចវិវាទ សាងខ្លួនម្តងទៀត
ពុំទាន់យឺតឡើយ ។
ខំសាងកុសល បំបាត់កង្វល់ ទើបចិត្តបានស្បើយ
ខំធ្វើបុណ្យទាន ជាស្ពានរកត្រើយ ជួបសុខរៀងអើយ
នៅជាតិខាងមុខ ។
មុននេះសាងបាប សាងច្រើនសន្ធាប់ ប្រមូលវេចទុក
ត្រូវយកសងគេ នៅពេលខាងមុខ ទើបរួចផុតទុក្ខ
ជួបសុខជាក្រោយ ។
អាយុសង្ខៃ មិនអាចតថ្លៃ ម្នាលកុំបណ្តោយ
ពេលកន្លងផុត ពិបាកដង្ហោយ ឲ្យវិលមកក្រោយ
ក្នុងចិត្តប្រេះឆា ។
ស្តាយបាបបានធ្វើ សីលមិនអើពើ ពឹងលើវាសនា
ខ្លួនចាស់ទ្រុតទ្រោម រូបឆោមជរា មច្ចុរាជទាមទារ
រាំងរាមិនបាន ។
ពេលនោះទើបភ្ញាក់ រកទីពុំនាក់ ដូចហាក់ស្រេកឃ្លាន
យល់ដឹងខុសត្រូវ ជម្រៅសីលទាន យកទៅមិនបាន
ប្រឹងរកឲ្យគេ ។
រកសុទ្ធផ្លូវខុស លួចជាតិស្រស់ៗ គ្មានសោះទ្រព្យកេរ្តិ៍
ប្លន់ទាំងអំណាច កំទេចអ្នកស្នេហ៍ បាបរិតឡើងទ្វេ
សងពុំរួចឡើយ ។
២៥មករា ២០០០
Keo Kim Yan killed Hok Landy!!!!!
Does it true ah Kwack???????
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