Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shelling at the Khmer-Thai border

18 Feb 2009
By Pen Bona
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Tola Ek
Click here to read the article in French

A dozen of rockets, shelled from Thailand, exploded inside Cambodian territories in the morning of 17 Feb, near Ta Krabey temple, in the province of Oddar Meanchey.

Military sources indicated that Thai soldiers were training on their territory when they shelled the rockets in the direction of Cambodian border. The explosions scared the villagers who had to find refuge under trees or behind rocks. According the same sources, this is the second Thai training organized near the border zone since January.

The operations – which look more like intimidation maneuvers – were aimed at pressuring negotiators in charge of resolving the Preah Vihear conflict. Nevertheless, Cambodian troops did not reply back. From Phnom Penh, Khieu Kanharith, the minister of Information and spokesman for the government, told the press that the government is waiting for investigation results still underway before reacting through diplomatic channel.


Anonymous said...

Presumably, this is a Thai-US joint military exercise to topple the Hun Sen's regime, according to the Washington Post and the New York Times.

Anonymous said...

Thai try to test the Cambodian's Defense, and inflex their military.

Anonymous said...

This is how week HUN SEN is. He is only tough on his fellow Khmers.

If he is scare of Thai he should report this issue to the UN ASAP.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

Cat and mice negotiation.
(Mice) Hey cat stop doing all those things that I don't like would you? I'm very nice to you don't you understand? I rather negotite only with you not United Nation and hope you listen and understand my point.

(Cat) Yes MICE I would do anything to make you happy and don't you ever worry about it. We will share every thing equally Preah Vihear no sorry Preah Vihean and also all the good thing in sea area.

(Mice) Yes now I am happy and don't you know that my body is smaller than you so it is fair enought is you divide every thing 50/50.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i know it is obvious that siem is trying to pressure khmer to yield to them in negotiation. khmer know, we had suffered a lot, but we're not that dumb to figure it out! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Go thailand! go bomb them khmer barbarians to ashes!