Saturday, March 14, 2009

10 new ministers appointed

Gen. Ke Kimyan talks to the press during a visit to his troops in Preah Vihear in late 2008.

Koh Santepheap newspaper
11th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

Ten new ministers will be appointed to the government positions in an extraordinary session of parliament to be held on 12th March, 2009. At the same time, the parliament will also vote to re-instate Mr. Sam Rainsy's parliamentary immunity which was lifted on 26th February, 2009 for failing to pay fines. Mr. Sam Rainsy paid the fines on the same day as when his immunity was lifted.

In a statement signed by Mr. Leng Peng Long, secretary-general of the National Assembly, the parliament announced the following nominations for appointments:

1. Gen. Ke Kimyan, the sacked Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, will be appoimted as Deputy Prime Minister.

2. Mr. Serey Kosal, defector from the royalist Funcinpec Party, is to be appointed Senior Minister and Government Special Envoy.

3. Mr. Sourn Rachana, to be appointed Secretary of State for Public Works and Transportation, in place of Mr. Kep Thorn who had passed away.

4. Mr. Samraing Kamsan, to be appointed Secretary of State of Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, in place of Mr. Khau Meng Heang who resigned on health reasons.

5. Mr. Hing Thoraksy, to be appointed Secretary of State at the Council of Ministers.

6. Mr. Tek Reth Samrech, to be appointed Secretary of State at the Council of Ministers.

7. Mr. Keo Remy, former vice-president of the Human Right Party, who defected to the CPP, to be appointed Secretary of State at the Council of Ministers.

8. Mr. Chhuon Dara,, to be appointed Secretary of State of Ministry of Commerce.

9. Mr. Ahmad Yahya, defector from the Sam Rainsy Party, to be appointed Secretary of State of Ministry of Social, Veteran and Youth Affairs.

10. Mr. Sam Satha, to be appointed Secretary of State at the Council of Ministers.


Anonymous said...

Jobs for the boys. The govt. has already had more than enough officials to work for it. These new officials will have nothing to do, but will get paid handsomely at the end of the month. It's a waste and it's corruption.

Anonymous said...

These are a bunch of people who are ignorant themselve. These are paper position. They use these paper position to rob khmer peasant all over the country. When youn and siam around, they are scare like the mouses around the cats.

Khmer blood sucker.

Anonymous said...

Offering public offices to tie followers and consolidate the party, and the nation foots the bill.
The benefactors and the beneficiaries have no qualms about it at all, and the nation resigns itself to accepting this state of affairs.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

WOW, Mr. Tek Reth Samrech being appointed as Secretary of State. He was my boss at Ministry of Commerce. He was vice director of Foreign Affair Department. Then, he changed from MOC to COM. You know why? he told me that: in MOC, vice director is the highest position for him and he wanted higher one. Thus, he decided to move COM. His words are so sweet, but his actions are so bitter and sour. Oh my god, this is Cambodia (KAM PUM CHEA!)

Anonymous said...

Look great! I am optimistic that this will be another best five years to go down into Khmer history.

Saddly, I can't say anything for pouk Ah Scam Rainxy. They will always be in the dark side of history forever. What a shame?

Anonymous said...

History will judge the present Cambodian leaders on their corruption and inability to pull Cambodia out of poverty. Appointing supporters to well paid posts which have no job to do is squandering the nation's budget and is pure corruption.

Anonymous said...

The public offices are now like a meat market, where old and new officials are competing for office space to sell their dead meats.

The new building of the Council of Ministers has already run out of office space, and public employees are working in crammed offices to make more rooms available for useless Senior Ministers, Ministers, Secretaries of State and Under-secretaries of State, among other parasites.

As 2:48PM rightly said, another fabulous five years of blood-sucking and waste!

Anonymous said...

each time while yuons come to Cambodia or while its killing tools khmers rouges go to srok yuons for more orders, there are changing heads and new apppointement among khmer rouge cpp cadres

now yuons dont need to throw out its old tools used as yuons did to polpot, the changing is more tactic, invisilble and pacific

Anonymous said...

I don't know where Cambodia will be headed to. It clearly appears that this appointment is just a strategy to strengthen the CPP.

Anonymous said...

Well, we certainly don't want a weak CPP to rule the country, do we?

Anonymous said...

This is a strategy of a dictator to keep power by hiring more useless employees like these 10 to protect Hun Sen from every angles.

Anonymous said...

Nonesense, if those people is useless, they would never be able to hold on to power for so long.

It is Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy who is useless because they are losers since day1.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks fine here.

Just ignore pouk Ah Scam Rainxy.

Anonymous said...

9:49PM. You misread. These people are useless for the country but useful for the dictator like Hun Sen and the Vietnamese who try to get rid of the resistant forces.

I knew because I encounted them. Some of them were given big houses in Vietnam and plenty of money to enjoy.

Your argument based on your fear and your irrational thoughts,
but mine based on facts I knew.

You may be one of the Vietnamese spy just like many of the them are. The Vietnamese spies don't have to be all Vietnamese but some Khmers who serve the Vietnamese like these 10 useless men.

The Vietnamese gave high ranks to many Khmers like these 10, and their duties denoting submission to Vietnamese authority.

I met some of them in UK, I knew one of the employee in Global Witness Report is a fake Khmer, he was born in Vietnam.

Free Spy

Anonymous said...

"...The useless Senior Ministers, Ministers, Secretaries of State and Under-secretaries of State of life in Cambodia has been starved in order to feed the useless Senior Ministers, Ministers, Secretaries of State and Under-secretaries of State of death."

Anonymous said...

As a long-forgotten friend of yours, I just want to say 'congratulation' to you for your being appointed to be one of these ministers. What I have disappointed in you, who used to claim as a patriot pursuing freedom and social justice for the people, is the fact that you can join the team of evils who have hurt and harmed Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

. . .to Sam Satah (Chhoeuth) from 10:53

Anonymous said...

correction: Sam Satah= Sam Satha

Anonymous said...

Use common sense for feedback based on relevent information, people's characters, belief, constructivism, but not your mind- set mentatlity on which side you are with.

We can agree to disagree, but let think that opinions are not facts. Opinions are not necssary wrong or right.

There are differences between belief, faith and brain wash.

Anonymous said...

Chaek Num Knea Si.

That's Hun Sen regime.

Anonymous said...

That's Hun Sen regime. What our people back home get?, for all those people they only get pay free and all those dog will be use their own power to kill Khmer people.

Shame of our people unfortunately they have a evil Leadership like Hun Sen.

Kaun Khmer in blood

Anonymous said...

hun sen saw his power grip was slipping so he sacked key kimyan from top cambodian army post. Had he let kimyan lead cambo army the internal uprising against the dictator would be a disaster to hun sen.

Anonymous said...

They need all of these position to overthrow the Chinese government. Cambodia has a lot of smart government official. Now they can get diplomatic VISA to leave the country......

Anonymous said...

Sam Satha (Choeuth) is the most corrupted person. This guy has no shame. It is good to know that he is part of CPP.

Khmer Young said...

The appointment is just one of the mechanisms for Hun Sen to enforce his internal rival to succumb his absolute power.

But the recycling consequences from his lawless rule will never be ended. Cambodian people are the victim of this power competition.

1. Unnecessary positions will distort the effective work.

2. These unnecessary appointment will indulge in corruption, indulge in cronyism, exploiting the poor, bullying the weak...and exacerbate the ongoing internal political rival.

3. The administrative is continuing to fail , to weaken Cambodia, and to jeopardize the Cambodian people.


Anonymous said...

One of the 10 is "ah ronaeb-ronoab" US jobless, corrupted CMAC director, whose political stand point has been fluid and flowing with whomever can feed him some money at the moment for doing practically nothing...

Anonymous said...

For such a crappy little place, why there need to be so many f?%$*ing Secrataries of State??? Shit, for the size of the US, Hillary should get many more of her colleagues to be in the same Secratary of State position. There has never been any form of logic and intelligence in the current bunch in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

jobs for "phaung ah chaiy and chhleung" to keep on sucking the blood from Cambodia's national budget, year after year - totally not needed.

Anonymous said...

Dorb Remy or Keo Remy whom father inlaw is Chhim Siek Leng told the Cambodian in America when he was with HRP said, Hun Sen regimes will be defeated 2008 and his party (HRP) will be killed and disarrayed all the CPP members from corruption, power abused and restore freedom and rights to the poors, but unfortunately Dorb Remy XO 80 Proof have join an evil government after he fail to get a chair in his dreamt. Dorb Ramy is an opportunist person in the history of his political defector mode.

Dorb Remy= Bottle Remy XO 80 Proof
Keo Remy= Class Remy

Choeu ah Sva nung oss srov pouch heuy!

Anonymous said...

4:57am, who are you talking about? I want to know who that person is.

Anonymous said...

The guy won't answer to your question, but allow me to answer it: CMAC director was Sam Satha (Chhoeuth). Sam Satha (Chhoeuth) was one of the active members of Mr. Son Sann's political party before and until after the 1993 election.

Anonymous said...

Hey mild-mannered and soft-spoken Dr Thoraxy is moving up in life too. Congratulations.