Sunday, March 08, 2009

$80,000 ransom for the release of the daughter of the PM general

Sunday, March 8, 2009
By DAP News
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Siem Reap – At 7:30PM on Saturday evening, a report from Siem Reap was provided to Deum Ampil news, indicating that Morn Chhaya, daughter of General Morn Samon, the military police (PM) chief for the province of Siem Reap, was released by the armed kidnappers. She returned home in the evening of 07 March 2009.

The source for the report indicated that the release was conducted after the kidnappers originally demanded for US$200,000 in ransom. However, negotiations were conducted between the family of the victim and the kidnappers. The negotiations were successful, but the exact amount of the ransom is not known for sure yet. Some sources indicated that the family begged the kidnappers (to lower the ransom amount) because they cannot afford to pay the original ransom amount asked.

At the last minute, the agreed ransom amount of $80,000 was not known (by the public), nevertheless, in the evening of 07 March, Morn Chhaya was seen arriving back at her home.

A source indicated that it is not known whether the released young woman was tortured or she was safe and sound at her return, but the family of the victim remained silent and they did not provide any information about their daughter’s kidnapping.

Prior to the released of the victim, a joint police force was actively conducting a search to help save the life of the treasured daughter of the PM general. But the police was not able to find the hiding location of the kidnappers, nor the location where they hid the general’s daughter.

An unofficial source indicated that, after armed men kidnapped Morn Chhaya, and until the morning of 07 March, the kidnappers called the family of the victim, and they demanded $200,000 in ransom. The police authority is attempting to hide the fact that negotiations were conducted between the kidnappers and the authority. Furthermore, the kidnappers also ordered the police to release one of their men who was arrested by the police on 06 March, the date where the kidnapping took place, in Puok district. Pressure from the kidnappers to release the arrested suspect, led the police to agree on the demand because it was concerned for the safety of the victim.

At around 1 PM of 06 March, two men wearing police uniform drove a Wave motorcycle and stopped in front of the house of General Morn Samon to buy cane juice to drink (along the side of the road). Nobody paid attention to these two police officers, but when the general’s daughter who drove her 2002 black Camry arrived home, she was about to get off her car to open the gate, then the two men who were drinking juice along the side of the road bolted in the direction of the car door, tied and gagged her mouth and forced her to sit in the back of car with one of the kidnapper, then they sped off leaving their Wace motorcycle on the spot of the incident. When they saw the incident taking place, neighbors ran into the victim’s house and told her mother, the incident was subsequently reported to the police which conducted an immediate search along the many roads in the province.

Half an hour later, information from Puok district indicated that one of the suspects was arrested along with the car belonging to the victim, but the victim was nowhere to be found.

Initially, the arrested suspect confessed that his group consists of 10 people, but only two of them took an active role in the kidnapping. The pair disguised themselves as police lieutenants. The other kidnappers were waiting for their accomplices at the Kolap Kraham (Red Rose) guesthouse. The suspect added that he drove the victim’s car alone to Puok district, and his action was taken to deceive the cops only. In reality, the kidnappers took the victim to Phnom Penh on National Road 6 in another dark grey Camry car instead. After receiving the confession from the suspect, the cops surrounded the Kolap Kraham guesthouse, but after their search, they did not find any other suspects. As for road surveillance along National Road 6 to Phnom Penh, nothing came out of it.

In the evening of 07 March, relatives of the victim came to visit Morn Chhaya who returned home after $80,000 in ransom was paid for her release.


Anonymous said...

80,000 USD is not much for ah CeePeePee to pay because each of them has multimillion USD in their bank accounts.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that a police general can afford $80,000. Congratulations to both the general and the kidnappers.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

It was only the money extorted from the innocent Khmer victims in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Wow the kidnappers are doing the great job! I think next time they will kidnap hun sen´s children, hun neng´s children....tea banh´s...people of cambodia will thank them.

Anonymous said...

It seems the world's economic crisis has increased serious crimes in Cambodia. Normally, the big-time criminals refrain from robbing their own CPP circle. It would be like playing with fire, but it seems some of them are desperate for hard cash, and only the CPP network has loads of money inside their piggy banks while the rest of the population are poor and struggling.

Anyway, it's good that the general's daughter is safe and sound. The general may have to sell a few plots of land, or grab a few more and sell them, to recover his loss. Is the daughter single and pretty? She may need a cuddle or two from yours truly Casanova to overcome her recent trauma!

Anonymous said...

bravo !kidnappers all of you have done very good jodb...!so, next all cpp high ranking official wives & children b/cuz they're khmer's thieves
from toronto chinatown.

Anonymous said...

The $80,000 paid to the kidnappers are money stolen from the Cambodian nation. However, I am happy that the innocent girl had returned safely.

Anonymous said...

This is not the best way to rebuild our society.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, the kidnappers for let her return home. Next time they should kidnapp the General nometter they are, because they the one should be punished not for the kids.

I hope all the General in Cambodia stop use their power to hurting, and abuse poor people, this is a small warnning from the poor.

Anonymous said...

6:07 PM

Are you fucking retard? "small warning from the poor?" This is no poor. This is criminal activities.

For all the criminals and their colleagues on here, I say just wait a few more days or maybe weeks, you'll see the kidnappers in bar or shot dead on the scene trying to escape. That's how it always goes down. They'll track you down sooner or later. Even the most notorious kidnapper in Cambodia was finally tracked down and went down in his own blood.

I don't like to see this kind of event happening because it's scary and it involves death. I saw it in the magazine when they tracked down Ah Ra Smuch aka the notorious kidnapper in Cambodia and he was shot dead like animal. It was scary.

If you people on here are celebrating criminal activities, I hope your family just won't go the same direction as you animals out there.

Anonymous said...

6:43 you learn how to speak the dog language from your master Hun xen! you already gave your wife your daughter to him....isn't that enough?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy has became more and more desperate everyday to keep their party (the SRP) alive. Now they are robbing their political oppositions. The worst has yet to come as the world economic crisis continues to unfold.

Anonymous said...

Dirty money never give happiness. You can get money as much as you want, to satisify your cupidity and your family. But at last is your family happy with your money?

Anonymous said...

So all of you guys getting jelousing people.They working hard and they have good business to find the money for their family.You guy think like this like pol pot idea.

Anonymous said...

Please do not hurt the girl , but take the money and demand that General to confess the public that how this general get that kind of money from .. we Khmer people want to know ..

Anonymous said...

10:51 PM .. Prove it , prove that this guy are not corrupted and all the money they have are from their hard business work ..we Khmer people are not jealouse at you as long as it a bloody money .

Anonymous said...

Crrection: it not

Anonymous said...

Good job!! do it again with Hun Sen and CPP officials and let them know how suffering people have.

Anonymous said...

Good job the kidnapper.

Anonymous said...

The girl is mine. ha ha ha .

Anonymous said...

This is the good sample ,IF we are not go in to the tiger cave ,we have never caught the Tiger,Please do to Hun Sen families they have more bucks to ransom.
Cambodian people getting smarter now,thanks God to be blessed.

Anonymous said...

12:24 AM 100% agree our people are getting smart now .. If you rob the people on the street you get nothing much .. and If you rob Hun SEN and it cronie you will get million , and you will get bless to rob those people .. cuz they also rob Khmer people .

Anonymous said...

This kidnapping will send another wave of fear among the public. For sure it will hurt Cambodia when there is no security... Fighting against crimes must be tightened. Fear will destroy the confidence...

Anonymous said...

Haha!, those crooked generals got rob from the poors! that's what happend when you bastard stold people blood sucking of khmer people! Ah Hun SEN and his cornie are next on the list!!!!

Anonymous said...

Next wave People revolution, Arm struggling to overthrow the most Corrupted regime in Cambodia history....The Poor Have Enough....Bravo the people revolution is on the rise...Smash ah XEN AH Sok ACH....Once for all!

Anonymous said...

To above mentioned .
What kind of crime are you talking about? It is not the crime this is just the business to survive ,if you are shit talking a bout the crimes ,compare to your bosses and it crony have done the international crime against human and it citizen ,what are you bitching about? Need sympathy from our citizen? No way Jose,go ahead and tell Hun Sen to spend more money to search for the needle in the hay stacks,there it will be more things exactly alike keep repeating none stop,because your corrupt government can't do jack shit about.
Thank my smart Cambodian people that has the gut,May God Buddha bless you mr. Cambodian Robbin Hood

Anonymous said...

Good to know the girl is once again safe and back with her family. I remember the age of the girl being 16 years? And she was kidnapped while getting back to her car to drive home from school? The last time I remembered, the legal driving age for a vehicle (w/ the exceptions of different types of motorbikes) is 18 years of age? Why the hell is she driving in the first place? Stupid parents bending the law for their children.

Anonymous said...

4:10 am,
The legal driving age in Cambodia is 18 yrs if driving a vehicle and depending on the type of motorbike, it is either 16 or 18.

Anonymous said...

We Khmers Overseas appreciated the kidnappers that were targeted these corrupted family member. It's time to pay theirs price. It's the time you feel the pain....feel pain...just feel pain bitch! Pls continue your brave efforts and kidnapp more of these corrupted elites family. Just be brave like the pirates in Gulf of Aden (Arabian Sea).

Good Luck brave hearts....bring justice to the poor!!!

Khmers overseas.

Anonymous said...

Ah pleu gave his mother pussy to Viet- already, now he's trying to give his wife pussy to Viet-master again...Ah jkout pleu!pleu!

Anonymous said...

7:58, you are a retard. You should be ashame of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Love to fucks his own whore mother in the ass! and gave his wife pussy to VietMaster intead...hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Kidnapper say $$$$ and general daughter pussy is so good....hahaah!