Sunday, March 08, 2009

Buddhist & Hindu in Cambodia: MarcJohn Eskenazi to Show Buddhist and Hindu Sculpture in New York

Head of Vajrapani, Afghanistan, kingdom of Nagarahara, Early Hadda style, 4th/5th century, Terracotta. Height: 41.5 cm.

NEW YORK.- London dealer John Eskenazi will present his annual exhibition at Adam Williams Fine Art Ltd, 24 East 80th Street, New York, from Wednesday 4 March to Saturday 21 March 2009, coinciding with New York’s Asia Week and the International Asian Art Fair. John Eskenazi is one of the world’s most respected dealers in Indian, Gandharan, Himalayan and south-east Asian works of art.

Among the pieces on display is a magnificent, leonine head in terracotta from the 4/5th century kingdom of Nagarahara in Afghanistan, representing Vajrapani, the spiritual guide of the Buddha. Portrayed as wild and unkempt, his appearance is inspired by Hellenistic images of Herakles and offers a dramatic contrast to that of the serene, handsome Buddha. In friezes, Vajrapani is often depicted standing beside the Buddha, as if offering advice and apparently invisible to the other figures in the scene. Vajrapani’s powerful physique is indicative of his role as a defender of Buddhism.

A handsome 2nd/3rd century figure of a standing Buddha sculpted in grey schist exemplifies the Buddha image that developed in Gandhara in the 1st/2nd century, eventually becoming a prototype of the forms that evolved elsewhere in Buddhist regions of Asia. Gandhara was a large region, embracing a number of affluent trading cities in the foothills of the western Himalayas, whose wealth allowed them a degree of political autonomy within the Kushan empire. Contacts with the Hellenistic world as well as China, Central Asia and India resulted in the emergence of a distinctive, cosmopolitan art tradition in the region. This statue is distinguished by the subtle movement in the folds of the robe, gravitating towards the left leg and balanced by the suggestion of cloth stretched over the left shoulder and arm. The beautifully sculpted left hand and the Buddha’s feet are strikingly realistic. The figures on the base of the statue record a Buddhist legend of two merchants who became the Buddha’s first lay disciples.

The exhibition includes several fine pieces from different regions of India, one of the earliest being an enigmatic sandstone figure dating from the late 6th/early 7th century. It comes from North-western India, probably from the Salt Hills of Punjab, and represents an Indian god, although he is depicted in the guise of a Sassanian governor. The Sassanians (224-651), the last dynasty of Persian kings before the Arab Conquest, were Zoroastrians and the fire altar was the chief symbol of a spiritual presence. Nevertheless, an imperial portrait such as this was a powerful propaganda tool for controlling their occupied territories. Punjab, hedged between the Sassanian and Gupta empires, was open to both cultural traditions. Under Gupta patronage, the visual arts flourished across northern India but artworks such as this indicate that some sculptors looked to Iran for visual inspiration. Indian gods are youthfully beautiful, but this figure looks mature and his seated pose is typically Sassanian. His costume is that of an Iranian horseman, of heavy fabric with fine embroidery, worn with boots. The emblem in his right hand is indicative of kingship and he carries a sword as well as a massive crown as worn by Sassanian emperors.

A remarkable 9th/10th century phyllite stone sculpture from Eastern India depicts the Bodhisattva Padmapani. Bodhisattvas are Buddhist spiritual guides who have achieved the rank of Buddhahood but rather than pass into Nirvana, the ultimate state of bliss, have chosen to remain within the human realm to protect and encourage others to follow their example. Padmapani, the lotus bearer, was created from the ray of light emanating from the eye of Amitabha Buddha. Also known as Avalokiteshvara, Padmapani, along with his female counterpart Tara, embodies compassion and he looks down on the world from his mountaintop throne, perpetually shedding tears as he witnesses the follies of mankind. This sensitive portrayal reflects the refinement of both religious teaching and artistic achievement of the early Pala empire which flourished in Bihar from the mid 8th to late 12th centuries and drew scholars from the length and breadth of the Buddhist world. Temples were built of fired brick, with polished stone statues such as this placed in niches. The bodhisattva is seated in lalitasana, the pose of royal ease, and his elegant dress and jewellery befits a prince of Buddhism. He is identified both by the lotus stem in his left hand and the small image of Amitabha Buddha in his hair. Two lions, symbolising the Buddhist faith, support his throne and the flames bordering the back plate sanctify and protect him.

From late 11th/12th century South India comes an elegant bronze figure of Lakshmana, the devoted younger brother of the Hindu god Rama. Vishnu, the god of preservation has ten principal forms (avatara), the seventh of which is Rama, the hero of the classical epic, the Ramayana. In South India in the Chola period (9th/13th centuries), bronze images of the gods were made for the temples and Rama was depicted accompanied by his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana. According to the epic, Lakshmana willingly sacrificed his personal freedom for his brother and he exemplifies the virtues of unselfishness and fraternal devotion. Here Lakshmana’s youth is charmingly expressed in his child-like proportions and the idealised youthful beauty of his face.

A dramatic Cambodian bronze figure of the god Vishnu riding Garuda dates from the Angkor Wat period of the 12th century. The image of Vishnu riding through the heavens on his half man/half bird companion Garuda originated in northern India in the Gupta period, 4th/6th century. The energetic vision of this most popular god inspired sculptors in other regions where Hindu beliefs took root, notably South-east Asia. In the hands of Khmer sculptors of the Angkor Wat period, this familiar form reached new heights of dramatic intensity, with Garuda rather than Vishnu becoming the dominant figure. This is because Garuda is the enemy of the nagas, serpent deities occupying the waterways who have to be appeased. In South-east Asia, where poisonous snakes are a constant threat to farmers working in the rice fields, Garuda appears to have been a focus of popular worship. Amongst Hindus generally he is regarded as reinforcing Vishnu’s role as preserver of life, his fierce appearance and personality contrasting with the benign demeanour of his master. This bronze group dates from the reign of Suryavarman II, an adherent of Vishnu and the king responsible for building Angkor Wat.

One of the earliest and most remarkable of John Eskenazi’s recent acquisitions is an elaborately decorated Bengali terracotta gourd-shaped vase dating from 2nd/1st century BC from Chandraketugarh, 34 km east of Calcutta. The terracotta vases of early Bengal are distinguished by their intricate figurative decoration featuring divine and human figures in halcyon landscapes reminiscent of the region’s forests and waterways. The body of this vessel is divided into three bands above a double lotus petal rim. The broadest depicts a god standing beside a mango tree surrounded by adoring figures. On the other side a horse-pulled chariot and an elephant carrying male and female riders are observed by other figures. Around the shoulder of the vase is a naturalistic frieze of forest elephants with lotus fronds around their necks. The neck of the vase is ornamented with tendrils of lotus flowers and leaves with a band of lotus petals around the lip. It is assumed that such vases had a ritual significance and were used as libation vessels or contained liquors or oils used in religious ceremonies.

John Eskenazi’s exhibitions in New York attract collectors and museum curators drawn to the quality and aesthetic beauty of the pieces he offers. John Eskenazi joined the family art business in 1977 in Milan and established his own London gallery in Mayfair in 1994. In 2006 he decided only to deal privately and is now available to clients by appointment. His expertise and scholarship in Indian and South-east Asian art are internationally recognised and his clients include major museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, as well as discerning private collectors.


Anonymous said...

KI Media, you son of a bitch. I believed you but you betrayed my trust, you motherfucker. I just found out this news about dey krohom situation. According to this news, 93% of the people at dey krohom left with the compensation and only 7% refused to leave without higher compensation.

You motherfuckers made me believe it was the whole community being evicted. What the fuck is wrong with you fucking people? Why are you manipulating your readers like this?

Anonymous said...

Control yourself, man. Those who were evicted only asked for what they considered as appropriate to them. When 7NG refused, then the bulldozers moved in, no further negotiation. That was the whole point. sounds like you didn't understand the issue yourself.

Anonymous said...


You are stupid yourself about the issue of Dey Krohorm. Forcing by bulldozer inhumanely to those 7% is still right for you?

But the truth is not like that. Those families living in Dey Krohorm has been holding title of land issued by the city. For the land property rights, they can negotiate the price with any private companies. Why they should not?

However, link you are referring to is stupid article written by low class writer. Who is "doctorate Chheom Phalvorun, director of Philosophy Institute" can assure that that land is illegal for them to own or what? Where Doctorate degree he got from? He is working in philosophy institute, why he know a lot about legality and land titling?

He is a stupid person like you too.

Anonymous said...

Damn, what take you so long to figure out that pouk Ah SCAM Rainxy (including KI and Potato diggers) is nothing more than deception, cheating, and scamming, 6:43?

Anonymous said...

So you guy don't need dey krohom going new development of country? So you guy just that place going dirty of landing rigth.

Anonymous said...

10:43 PM fair deal fair deal .. I know at lease you know how to type english it better then Doctor HUn sen already. ( don't use the language that Doctor HUn SEN use ) it discusting .

Anonymous said...

"discusting" or "disgusting", Mr English?

Anonymous said...

12:58 AM Who care !!! and I am Mr KHmer .. not Mr English , MR YOUN 12:58 AM .

Anonymous said...

If you claim to be Khmer, why then you do not write Khmer, your mother tongue language? I want to see how good your Khmer is.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI-Media,

Thank you very much for posting this very interesting topic. I really enjoyed reading it!!!

As I'm a friend of Sri Krsna, I'm sure Jasmina (My Very Dear Friend)would be very pleased to learn that her roots in Cambodia are not forgotten and that her path to enlightenment is as relevant today as it was in the Angkor Wat period of the 12th century and even before that.

Anyone in Cambodia who is proud of the Angkor Wat Heritage should be equally proud of the Hindu spirituality that is adorned in the carvings of those MMMAGNIFICIENT TEMPLES. The bronze figure of the God VISHNU is yet another example of the strong BOND between HINDUISM and KHMER CIVILIZATION.


Neeriratana Angkor

Anonymous said...

It is no longer anymore valid, because the Vietnamese too many speak fluently Khmers, take an example Vietnamese ambassador in Cambodia. You are still not learnt that the Vietnamese spies're well trained to adopt and adapt in every corner in Khmer society.
Million Khmer children at oversea don't speak Khmers. What does it tell you?

Don't ask for something that you are clueless. It is not a rumor, it was my experiences I encounted.

KI stand for Khmer Intelleligence?
Then try to keep it as it is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:11 AM,
I am not part of your conversation there...but I am khmer and I can write khmer...

អាលំបល់កាច់ឯង ចង់និយាយថាម៉េចហ្នឹង?
ចង់អោយគេសរសេរខ្មែរដើម្បីអី អាងាប់?

ហាហាហា! យល់យ៉ាងម៉េចដែរលោកអាងាប់
1:11 AM?

Can't help it...Is my khmer good enough for you or you want a dissertation in Khmer?


Anonymous said...

Hey Neeritana Angkor,

What are you talking about? It looks like that your "very dear friend" is an enlightenment to God, is that what you are saying?

Come on, your friend Jasmina is just a mere mortal and not an enlighted one. Fortunately, I understood what you were trying to say otherwise others would misinterprate your meaning. I also know that your "very dear friend" is a devotee of Bhudda and of Sri Vishnu, as well.

Yes, I can see why your friend Jasmine is searching for enlightenment because she thinks her people (Khmers) have been suffering sooo much. As a good person as she is, I'm sure she will be enlighted!!!

Anonymous said...

ហេ Passer-By,
កុំទៅរវីរវល់ជាមួយអា ស្រកីដូង ឬក៏ អាពពុះទឹក ១:១១ នោះអីនាំតែខាតពេលវេលាអត់ប្រយោជន៏។

Anonymous said...

Neriratana Angkor,

Why didn't you say that your so-called 'very dear friend' is your cousin instead?

Oh by the way, I heard that your so-called 'very dear friend' is not even a pure kone Khmer... I think she is a mixture of Chinese, Hindu and Khmer. No wonder, she can speak Indian language fluently. And no wonder she's always in India with all her stupid booliwood actors.

I wonder how she got those ethnicitie bacground unless she is no body. I heard that she has neither a stable marriage nor a place to live because she ALWAYS gone apparently and everywhere she goes she has a new lover there. Too sad, but it just like her grandfather king sihanouk whose has hundreds of grandchildren and your so-called 'very dear friend' is obviously one of the many of the useless royal members.

I bet because of useless royal lineage that she can be a doc as young as the new generation. She must of suck a lot of dick to get a MD degree at a very young age. I heard that she even try to be or copy our great Theary Seng who's been working so hard to get where she is right now. Unlike your so-called 'very dear friend' got fame with corruption and cheat. She sleeps with many people such as other royal countrie, dignataries and those stupid Hollywood stars to get their support. No wonder she travels all the time and no wonder she gains fame it beacuse like I said she must of slept with them ALL. Compare to Theary Seng, your friend Jasmina is nothing but a cheater and a useless royal member as always.

Oh she claims to be an enlighted one? What a joke!!!!!!

Ok, go cry and tell your 'very dear friend' Jasmina that someone has said VERY VERY BAD THINGS ABOUT HER, girl.

Khmer Oversea

Anonymous said...

Your Khmer is real good for yourself who have been taught and trained to speak and write with low moral style by Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

. . .and I'm sorry that I cannot write Khmer back to you in unicode fonts because I get used to using Khmer Smart Writer's fonts for so long, but my speed is very slow though.

Anonymous said...

Hey Khmer Oversea,

Congratulations on such a fine display of intellect and eloquence! It is simply astounding! Unfortunately, your poetry shows once again that someone lacking in integity always tries to drag others down into the mud. Your envy in others is no excuse for fabricating make-believe details of their lives that are simply NOT TRUE. Surely even you can see that your words are hollow and your tone is desperate. I hope that one day you will find at least a shred of dignity and self-respect. Maybe then you will find something better to do with your time than to write lies about someone who has neither the time nor the inclination to defend themselves against such childish attacks.

May Peace and Wisdom be with you.

Meiling Kang

Anonymous said...

Hey Khmer Oversea!

What is wrong with you? Why are you so nasty? Why did you write nonsense thing such as this! Unlike you, Khmer Oversea, I have heard that Jasmine is a model of intergrity and wisdom. So, why didn't you try to learn from her instead of being such a JERK!!!

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't generalise all Khmer overseas are like his. Only a small minority hold such unfounded, uneducated, ignorant view that that. You 'll find that everywhere you go.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI-Media Readers,

Please don't be upset with this ugly comment that has been posted by Khmer Overseas. I would rather suggest this:

"How to deal with ignorant, uncivilised or rude people?"

I have been reading the postings (interesting topics) of this forum for quite some times now and I like them as much as you all do. There are some great minds in here! Although, others were very annoying.

I'd like to start with describing myself before I ask your opinion on this matter.

Thank Goodness, I am a very polite, forgiving, peacefull and good hearted individual. I dont want to cause any harm to anyone and I try not to bother anyone with my doings. I avoid talking about people behind their backs and wish well for everyone in my everyday life. Hey! Give good to receive good back!

I have noticed though that many of the so-called "Western educated people" in this forum are rude and ignorant and see someone else good heart and politeness, as a weakness. They try to bully themselves on the GOOD ONE and just give their negative vibes to them no matter how nice or civilised they are to them - THE BAD ONES - (there's some major assholes out there is what I'm trying to say!!)

My question is, "how to you deal with these people?". Do you answer back with the same rudeness and bullying or do u answer back nicely and forgive them, thus feeling good about yourself (but you end up being the "victim" with our society's standards. I really feel sorry for Neriratana Angkor, especially for her "very dear friend" who wasn't aware about anything and OTHERS, as well for being so nice and helpful to them.

I have been doing mostly the second and definately feel good about myself but there are times that I feel like some people cannot learn with any other way than their own medicine (answering back at them with the same bullyness and bad attitude)

I would appreciate any thoughts on the subject.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Athina, the Peaceseeker

Anonymous said...

To Khmer oversea.

How would you analyse compounds in each of our body and you came into a conclusion this person must be pure and that person is not pure Khmer?

What is "pure" meant with respect to us human? Is there a genetic linked to what has jus be found somewhere?

I don't know who that Lady is but if her parent even one parent (mother or father) was born in Cambodia then she is entitled to be Khmer as she claimed she is.

If you said your friend Theary Seng is pure Khmer, but why her last name "Seng" was found in many human species who live in part of China? Does it make her pure Khmer and others are not? Theary Seng is pure Khmer and so another she you insulted also is pure Khmer.

Does it make you a better person to trash the Lady whoever she is or whatever she does in her life?
It only makes you look so stupid and makes you even below the human shit.

Can a man outrun his fate? Hell NO.

I have noticed in life that people like her can be the most loyal subject and useful to her country Cambodia because of her intelligence and her wisdom from experiences she has had better than some the self claimed Khmer like you.

Don't forget the history, a great Queen, Queen Elizabeth was called a whore and a bastard Queen by lunatics like you later made England the most properity nation on the planet.

You shut up loser Khmer oversea.

I am Khmer oversea too but I understand about Fate.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they called Elizabeth a whore and bastard Queen. Elizabeth I, Henry VIII's daughter defeated Spain to bankrupt. Spain had thousand of grand Navy Ships, money the Spain conquered other regions on earth built its Kingdom as the world richest, but finally lost its war to Elizabeth. It was a great humiliating in Naval History. Imagine Elizabeth had small ships and less than Spain, and why did Spain lose its war, while Spain conquered almost every corner of the planet?

Only GOD can answer why.