15 March 2009
By Ky Soklim Cambodge Soir Hebdo Translated from French by Luc Sâr Click here to read the article in French
SRP MPs wrote a letter to the prime minister asking him for answers regarding the drop in budget revenue.
The 2009 budget, which was adopted at the end of last year, will no longer be met. This essentially sums up the letter dated 13 March and signed by four opposition MPs. In this letter, the SRP MPs explained that the budget planned for this year – which amounts to $1.7 billion, i.e. 28% increase as compared to 2008 – cannot be met. They explained that during the first two months of 2009, customs fees revenue saw a sharp drop, i.e. this revenue amounted to $64 million, as compared to $86 million for the same period in 2008. The opposition MPs are concerned that, should this revenue drop trend persists, the objective of collecting $585 million in revenue will not be met. They asked Hun Sen to reveal his measures to counter this drop in revenue, and to indicate whether he still believes that the 2009 budget which was approved at the end of 2008, will still remain the same. CPP MP Cheam Yeap, chairman of the NatAss committee for economy and finance, did not wait to give his reply: “Of course, the government has taken all the necessary measures to face this revenue drop.” But, he fails to indicate what these measures are …
The 2009 budget, which was adopted at the end of last year, will no longer be met. This essentially sums up the letter dated 13 March and signed by four opposition MPs. In this letter, the SRP MPs explained that the budget planned for this year – which amounts to $1.7 billion, i.e. 28% increase as compared to 2008 – cannot be met. They explained that during the first two months of 2009, customs fees revenue saw a sharp drop, i.e. this revenue amounted to $64 million, as compared to $86 million for the same period in 2008. The opposition MPs are concerned that, should this revenue drop trend persists, the objective of collecting $585 million in revenue will not be met. They asked Hun Sen to reveal his measures to counter this drop in revenue, and to indicate whether he still believes that the 2009 budget which was approved at the end of 2008, will still remain the same. CPP MP Cheam Yeap, chairman of the NatAss committee for economy and finance, did not wait to give his reply: “Of course, the government has taken all the necessary measures to face this revenue drop.” But, he fails to indicate what these measures are …
I believe what MPs. of SAM RAINSY had said. All the government around the world had released their budget plan to survive in term of this economic crisis. So, as my MPs you all must try to push the gov't.
SRP now has little creditability to draw public sentiment. They couldn't even take care themselve properly, how can they point at other and ask them to adapt their opinions.
Just because we have a rough time collect all of the taxes from everyone, it doesn't mean everything has to stop. The inflation keep on rising. All civil servants are still going to need raises to cope with the inflation. Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy whats Khmer to suffer by cut back the budget so that they can score votes for the next election. They don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.
With all due respect, I think HE Cheam Yeap should play his role as a Member of Parliament (MP), not as a member of the government. As an MP only, how could he be so sure that the government had taken all the necessary measures to face this drop of revenue?
I have heard government ministers saying all had been worked out already when suggested some ideas. Actually, nothing had been worked out.
It's a shame really when people do not have any intellectual integrity.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
The government has not been capable of taking effective measure to keep the economy strong. Little action can be seen from those ministers as many of are so novice to confront this situation. However, this can turn out to be a good sign of reshuffle at the aftermath of this crisis.
Cham PraSet is the one most likely to be dismissed first as I heard people complaint about his pocketing the ministry's income.
What a bunch of paranoid fools. The government has done great over a couple decades and they still panic.
Again, this is just pouk Ah Evil Scam Rainxy trying to deter business in Cambodia and create chaos to make people suffer so that they can gain political point in the next election.
i praise the SRP for doing this kind of job, but not so much when they fight for political power even after election is over! they are more fit to do this kind of job like having concern and looking out for helpless khmer people. keep up the good work like this! god bless cambodia.
UNCLE is our HERO , ofcouse he right , He do anything just for Khmer Nation and her people , He did't care a bout his own safty to fight the corruption againt the Monster man name HUN SEN .
thank you for your Concerned UNcle SAM . we all 12 million Khmer people really apreciated on what you have done for us .. wish you have a good health to fight the MOnster one eye , so we all can live independend frome Ah YOUN and it MOnster PUPPET HUN SEN .
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