Monday, March 09, 2009

Clarification for an irate KI-Media Reader

Message posted by an "anonymous irate reader":
KI Media, you son of a bxxx. I believed you but you betrayed my trust, you motherfxxx. I just found out this news about dey krohom situation. According to this news, 93% of the people at dey krohom left with the compensation and only 7% refused to leave without higher compensation.

You motherfxxxs made me believe it was the whole community being evicted. What the fxxx is wrong with you fxxxing people? Why are you manipulating your readers like this?
Dear Sir/Madam,

First of all, we would appreciate it if you would leave our mother out of this debate, the poor soul has done nothing wrong here, and she is not a four-legged woman either, for as far back as we can remember, she was and is still walking on two feet just like your dear mother or any other human beings on this planet. Should you want to blame/accuse us on any issue, the freedom is entirely yours. On the other hand, we are glad to hear that the forced eviction issue in Dey Krahorm caught your attention.

That being said, if you were to carefully read the articles posted on KI-Media, you would notice a press release by Amnesty International we posted on 27 January 2009, in which you can clearly read that “150 poor urban families” living in Dey Krahorm “were forcibly evicted”. A few paragraphs later, you can also read the following statement: “Local authority representatives sold the land to the company, 7NG, in 2005 without the knowledge, participation or consultation with the affected community. Some 300 families were coerced into moving amid threats, harassment and intimidation, while 152 families continued to dispute the validity of the sale and refused to give up the land without compensation.”

From the above article, it is quite clear that some families moved out of the Dey Krahorm community prior to the forced eviction, whether that number is 93% or not, is quite debatable. Furthermore, the above article is but one of the many articles we posted on this issue regarding how many families accepted the offer made by the 7NG company and how many did not. Therefore, Sir/Madam, we are flabbergasted by your assertion that we have misled our readers. Was there any misunderstanding somewhere in your readings on this issue? If there is anything we can help to elucidate you further on this issue, please let us know at your earliest convenience.


(Flabbergasted) KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

KI-Media team,

Please be informed that the majority of your news readers, I strongly believe, appreciate what you have provided free of charge.

My sympathy goes out to your team who work tirelessly and with no monetary compensation to bring news to those who want the information.

After all, you have no ability to force anyone to come to your site to read what you have posted; neither can you force anyone to believe totally what you have posted and prevent them from verifying the fact with other sources.

Information is one of the keys to freedom. Dictators, in order to maintain their power and grip on their poor people whose interests they profess to work for, hate the truth as the truth can set their people free and without their poor and helpless people they have nothing to feed on.

Like your team, I am totally flabbergasted by such an civilized response. However, keep in mind that underneath the gentle and smiling face of a Cambodian, there still exists an evil!

Do not let this individual deter you or discourage you from doing your good work. Carry on and remember that appreciation is there though it is not frequently expressed.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Well said Anet Khmer, and I would second you on that. Thank you for taking the time to comment on it.


Anonymous said...

Suor-sdey niek tham och nuey KI-Media,

Please keep up your hard work and effort in bringing Cambodia-related news to Cambodians living everywhere. A lot of time, some of these news pieces we tend to overlook or miss out on due to our very busy and productive lives.

I've been a daily reader of your site for about 3 years now and I guess I never had the chance to thank you all for your commitment in informing Cambodians of Cambodia-related issues and events. Once again, thank you and don't let individuals such as the person who posted that irate comment discourage you all from seeking out sensitive information about Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Dear My Younger Brothers K-I ,
Please do not forget ,mostly uneducated and without parent disciplined people are talking inappropriate and obscened laguages, young and innocent like this KHMER KID sounds like GANGSTER and ready to be deported back to his place where he belongs.
During food offering religious events, I , as a KHMER always pray and invite your ancestors, parents, relatives and the rest of KHMER who passed away or had been killed .
We are here truly appreciatively impressed with your national consciences and concerns in provding such as significant info to our own KHMER Society.
May Our Lord Buddha and your preciuos ancestors bless you and your entire families.
A Survivor Of the Cambodian Killing Fields

Anonymous said...

Correction of the the following paragraph:

Like your team, I am totally flabbergasted by such an uncivilized response. However, keep in mind that underneath the gentle and smiling face of a Cambodian, there still exists an evil!

I meant to say "an uncivilized response"

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

To: KI-Media Team

I totally support your work and contribution to Press Freedom. Too bad the agents of the CPPs and Vietcongs got itched by your true work--the work of democracy.

The CPPs are trying very hard to oppress the oppositions, the NGOs, the Cambodian media, and thought they can control KI-Media too. Please prove them wrong! Please do not give in to the tyrants such as the CPPs agents of Hanoi.

Keep up the good work!

Oh by the way, I have found out that Sok An(Hun Sen's dog) just came to Toronto, Canada on a business trip and was taken care of by the Vietnamese community here. Surprise..Surprise!!!

Khmer Canada

Anonymous said...

"However, keep in mind that underneath the gentle and smiling face of a Cambodian, there still exists an evil!"

Quit using Sam Ranisy's quote and twisting words around fool!

Anonymous said...

Samdei sor cheat meayeat sor pouch,

Kone ot pouch ambo, khmean me, khmean ba , khmean achar prean prodov.

Bar pourk s'dec chong poch trosok Pha'om, noeung me chor Mafia Hun Sen noeung chor Yuon bantork ach norm oy si barn thom thort, Taer nov min chol chakroeuk YouCong, Voyou, Bat Ph'sa, gangs, kh'nong pheasa sorse noeung niyeay sdei.

Anonymous said...

Your efforts to bring out all news related to Cambodian affairs are always appreciated and applauded. Though, your neutrality and professionalism (regardless you are pro-opposition) need to be maintained. Otherwise, you are as fine as other media publishers in the world.

Anonymous said...

Alright Anet Khmer (5:56 AM), I would still have to second you on that despite the little typo there. LOL! Take care KI-Media and take care Anet Khmer! We will prevail in the end.

And hello Mr. 5:58 AM,
Re: Quit using Sam Ranisy's quote and twisting words around fool!

I think you mispelled Sam's name please take it easy, will you?


Anonymous said...

Well done Ki-Media team. Don't be deterred by these uncivilized comments.

I would like to remind this ignorant and the CPP-brainwished boy that most of the Dey Krohom residents got compensated but at peanuts. The lands there are valued at $3,000-$4,0000/m2, but they got compensated with a sub-standard house worth less than $3,000. And the last residents who have been inhumanly evicted on 24th Jan, they lost everything and some of them got nothing in compensation. These evictions, with the complicity of the corrupt authority, is criminal that should get the severest punishment.

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

I don't have much time to comment on this forum, but quickly skim through the news.

One thing catching my attention:

We should be more selective when we use words to criticise rude people. Traditionally, we retaliate by calling such people, " kone ot pouch, ot me ov, khmean me ov" or something along the line.

In our society, especially after the Khmer Rouge, there were so many children without parents. I was one of them and always tried hard not to use foul language and be rude to people. Most of the times, when I slipped into using a few bad words, was because it was done as a reaction to a few rude people, for their untoward, uncivilised behavior or comments toward me. Some of these people were the ones with parents taking care of them from day one, but their conduct was worse than the ones without parents. Most gang members and young criminals inside and outside Cambodia are the ones having parents, still alive.

Although I had been growing up without parents, my heart was always with Khmer people-young, old, sick, poor, with parents and without parents. My 13+ years old brother, parentless, died serving the country at the border, with Son Sann army.

That's why, I believe we should not use the expression, kone ot me ov, to describe someone like that rude man, the first poster. I am sure this young man is still having his parents, well and alive.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI team and all forum pariticipants.
I fully supported your effort to bring news to all Khmer people around the world. I must also openely condemn one individual who is in this forum who has always making the swearing word such as mother fucker etc.. and etc... I believed that your report of Dey krahoam was correct and was accurated. During that case was in full disputes, I have appealed to UN office in Phnom Penh to put pressure to Cambodian government to force 7NG company into bankruptcy and to force Cambodian government to sack and strongly prosecute the municipal officials for involving in selling private properties without the consent of their owners. We want those who have committed crime for stealing private properties to be banned from travelling outside Cambodia. I am a businessman by myself but I hate people without honesty and people without social justice. areak prey

Anonymous said...

Lol...I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this post by KI-Media. For people who are actually flabbergasted at the poster's words you must not have been reading comments on KI-Media that long. This type of language is very common on KI-Media, and for all purposes KI-Media is okay with stoking these type of behaviors. The only difference this time is that it was directed at KI-Media itself instead of against Viets and Thais. Apparently, you're a sophisticated person if you're dropping f-bombs against Viets and Thais, but you're uncivilized if you use it against KI-Media?

I actually find it funny that the poster actually thought KI-Media was some unbias and credible news outlet. KI-Media is a highly bias, misleading, and racist blog. But I'm pretty sure the poster was a troll and was only trying to stir trouble. The other post that I can remember KI-Media responding to was when someone had claimed to be a CPP member and was planning to shut this Web site down. The fact that KI-Media actually took it seriously and tried to post a response making them sound like martyrs was highly laughable. The fact that KI-Media responded to that post pretty much sums up the intelligent level of the KI-Media team.

This also shows that KI-Media do read their comments and the fact that they've never posted a response to the hundreds of blatantly racist statements made on this site basically shows you that they share in the same racist beliefs as most of the people that comment on this site.

Anonymous said...

Ki Media, We suport you 100%. The only people that are uneducated and illeterate that use that trash language. Most of those people are the slaves of the Dictators in Cambodia.

Please KI do not let those ignorant people stop you good works. Keep up. By a well known Fortune Teller in Thailand, Those CPP will go to KRT jail very soon for the crimes against humanity in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you Ph.D from Viet Hanoi (7:30 AM) are never going to leave KI-Media alone, are you?

Anonymous said...

Don't bother KI team.Just give them middle finger and said;" f....YOU".

Anonymous said...

Dear Ki Team,

Your are the news providers.
Most news related to Cambodia are in your Web Site.
I apreciate your good work.

Anonymous said...

You staff done wonderful job!!!
Thank you!..May God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

7:30 To the Viet Ha Noi Theves. When you are Steals, Killed and Bull shits. What do you want the world to call you?
You call the people you kill are racist?

Anonymous said...

To K-I Team,

I've been following your site for several years. I like the way you try to bring out news about Cambodia from everywhere.

I have seen a lot of irate comments from people who support or appose whoever. But politics does suck because it only distracts people from reality. I support nobody but I try to be fair and balanced in my thought.

Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy are two people we should learn about. They have different traits-- they are both clever and witty in their own ways to win-- but one of them may use better and more moral or bitter methods than the other. I do think it's much better not to be cheated by politics but look for the facts by ourselves.. and here, news plays a very important for decision-making--- and news must be fair, balanced and accurate..and one thing for sure, it musn't be added with your own opinion or your inclination...

But thank you for your efforts-- you have been spending much tireless time giving us news.


Anonymous said...

Fuck you all, motherfuckers (Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy). Who are you trying to kid? The truth of the matter is you are here to misled Khmer people so that you can steal Cambodia from them. We are not blind, fools!

Anonymous said...

@10:19. The fact that you claim all Vietnamese kill and steal, does mean you're a racist. Do you even know what racism is? The fact that you don't, shows much about your intelligent level. If what you claim is true then I can say that all Khmers are idiots because you seem to be

@7:59. What do you mean leave KI-Media alone? This is probably only the third post I've ever posted on KI-Media and the only reason I posted because I thought it was ludicrous and funny that the KI-Media team would actually post a reply to such an obvious troll making it sound that they don't condone that kind of language when they obvious don't care when it's being used against Viets and Thais. It's what people call hypocrisy (@10:19, you might want to look this word up since you didn't seem to have graduated from grade

Anonymous said...

Dear KI-Team,
I really appreciated the way of your respone, " First of all, we would appreciate it if you would leave our mother out of this debate, the poor soul has done nothing wrong here,......"

Keep up, good job!!
I appreciated of your effort

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why a rude person would be associated with being motherless? Maybe you should watch out how you make comments too. Please apologize to all those who are motherless and fatherless, who are making it out in this tough world.
KI first paragraph response to the knuckle head is just as rude and attacking. You need to distance yourself from engaging into these in your word, "uncivilized" gesture. Remember you are an institution.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ki-media,

I like the way you are reporting, collecting all corners of the issues particularly from those minority and vulnerable voices. Please go on doing good work and I will be there on your side.

Finally, I would like to say that with you I have at least 80% of correct news from Cambodia but without you I have more than 100% of false and exaggerated news.


Anonymous said...

12:10.Where did 10:19 say all the Viet Namese? are you so dumb who can't understand the true?
If you are not the thives then explain to the world what happen to Champa and her people?
How you Dumb ass get Khmer Krom's land?
you are so smart why you robed for a living?

Anonymous said...

people must have forgotten that every individual person is different despite they are related or what have you. scientists have proved this fact, so just because might have something against a person, remember that his/her parents have nothing to do with it. in the USA, if you do something wrong e.g. against the law, only you are charged, not your children, not your parents, not your relative, etc... well, unless they are found to be guilty by association, that's another issue all to itself. this is one area i see cambodia need to be educated so to think different as in a paradigm shift or something. otherwise, the karma(cycle of violence) will never end. in order for karma to end, every individual person must have strict self reform first. karmas is a person's choice of how he/she chooses. if we choose unwisely, then karma will stay with us, but if we refuse karma, then it will end by itself. yes, it's all about personal choice! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

hahaha good one KI

Anonymous said...

1:45, I've seen Khmers use the Champa logic very often and it's so flawed it's pathetic. It's easily rebuff by one simple question, "Has the Khmers ever tried to conquered the Chams?" And don't try to make the Chams out to be some peaceful people sitting their minding their own business. They've started many wars against both the Viets and the Khmers. Just because it was the Viets not the Khmers who conquered the Chams, makes us the bad guys? Weren't the Khmers and Chams basically arch-enemies before the Viet conquest so don't give me that bs about how you care about them.

Actually, if you look at the historical records it clearly states that it was the Khmers who attacked the Viets first ( How great is it for Khmers to basically ignore this big fact. You guys were the original thieves, killers, and rapists. What's happening to you guys now is what us Buddhists call Karma.

Anonymous said...

Air Violation.. should/shall be fire automatically.... as last month.. about ten thai shell-grenades were landed /exploded in khmer territory...( there was later an apoloy from Thai side)--this atelery attacked should/shall be responded immediately( less than 5 minutes) after attack as Israeli soldiers responed to hamas missile attack... they reponded very fat to the places/points where the missiles originated.....
last year.. a Thai soldier thrown away/broke down a GPS aparat of a Cambodian delegate headed by a High Rank official(Minister)...(No apology)...many times thais have done like this...
Our srtong man is still patient BECAUSE HE WILL BE AWARDED " PEACE NOBLEL PRIZE SOON..."

Khantey Nhom
Khantey Nhom

Excellency Bandit PhDs Oknha General Achar Knoy(=PhDs from Pahok Chamroeurn Avichea Univ. PPenh)

Anonymous said...

1.49 PM,

i told you before to repent for your fucking retarded jesus and his whore mother for having caused so much pain in human histore.

that is why the the fuckin christians are now being torturted and killed daily by your cousin muslim. you are now paying the price.