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This is what you called an educated fool from the Vietcong school of knowing everything and done everything and this is what can happen when the Vietcong theory and logic are applied to the real world! Cambodia can't get worse than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me how long does it takes to grow two papaya trees, two banana trees, and four to five eggplants?
Hun Sen's new calculation on GDP measure. In the world, only Cambodia that include papaya, banana, and eggplant into GDP.
How long we spend to grow all these plants, and how it exchange in the real market? If Cambodians grow them for export, we cannot count few of them...but each family grows them for family subsistence need in which cannot be counted into Gross Domestic Product at all.
hey, mind the local custom and etiquette. this is cambodia, not vietnam or thailand, ok!
WHERE IS HIS TAIL???????????
This is what you called an educated fool from the Vietcong school of knowing everything and done everything and this is what can happen when the Vietcong theory and logic are applied to the real world! Cambodia can't get worse than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me how long does it takes to grow two papaya trees, two banana trees, and four to five eggplants?
Phd from Hanoi formula: Banana + Eggplants????? hahaha! Ah pleu Lop!Lop! That's kind of PHd hanoi given...fool!
Ok! Ok! Do ma mey "anna phap angn" chet roy! chet roy! anh s(a)mart
Hun Sen's new calculation on GDP measure. In the world, only Cambodia that include papaya, banana, and eggplant into GDP.
How long we spend to grow all these plants, and how it exchange in the real market? If Cambodians grow them for export, we cannot count few of them...but each family grows them for family subsistence need in which cannot be counted into Gross Domestic Product at all.
The world will turning the back to Cambodia if Cambodian people still let this third grade prime minister leading them.
Hahaha! Ah Hun Shit still in 3rd grade...Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fool!
Concak-tulations Dr. Hun Suck!
What do you expect from an iliterate leader like Hun Sen and his party (There were all used to peasants.)
Do something or just shut up and live with it.
8:52AM those stupid things are not peasants like your ancestors, they are drunken and thieves!
5:34Am what the fuck with the world? The UNTAC the one who not finish it job and help put ting us in the hand of ah stupid Khmer rouge CPP!
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