Friday, March 20, 2009

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Nam Vang

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

I fear the same ,viet nam never leave cambodia alone.

. said...

Round and round Khmer has been going and still remaining under the Viet domination, why? Does Khmer have any leader that wants to be free at all?

Anonymous said...

So far, none.

Poor Srok Khmer!

Anonymous said...

Nope! Khmer ran to Viet for help when thailand advanced, Khmer ran to thailand for help when Viet advanced, so at the end, all khmer got left is LEO underwear...hahaha!

. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I used to think that Cambodia is so small and no matter what the Khmer leaders or Khmer people want to do in helping their country to be strong and eventually the Siem and the Viet will overwhelm them!
I honestly think this concept is so outdated!
If a beautiful rose has a thorn why Cambodia doesn't a weapon to deter the Siem and the Viet from their naked aggression?

Well! The Khmer people are too Buddhist and they believe in Karma too much which justify all their weakness and their ignorance for being a victim of the Siem and the Viet naked aggression! To make thing worse for all Khmer people and the Khmer leaders choose to collude with the enemy for their so called self-enrichment!

It is time that Khmer people need to be more assertive and be responsible for the fate of their nation buy choosing the path of self-reliance like the North Korean who can build weapon from scratch to defend their nation!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen said that he told Shinahara, the former Japanese ambassador to Cambodia that: “I rather take defeat, but I would not allow my country to face war again, make no mistake about it.”

= AH HUN SEN is a fucken liar! When he lost the election in 1993 and he demanded that the whole Cambodia to divided in half and half rule by him and the other half rule by Prince Rannaridh! So King Sihanouk has to given to his demand for risking another war! Not only had that AH HUN SEN staged a bloody military coup to kill many Prince Rannaridh top military leaders and politicians to kick Prince Rannaridh out from Cambodian politic forever!

AH HUN SEN also knew that who ever control the fate of Cambodia will also control the hundred of million and billion of dollars of natural resources, economic, and politic! And the Vietcong master told him that he must not fail!

AH HUN SEN doesn’t fuck around since day one and it is the life and death struggle to take away all the power from King Sihanouk and all the Khmer resistance factions to control the whole Cambodia! Now all Cambodian roads lead to Hanoi!

So tell me who control Cambodia now!

Anonymous said...

This is Sihanouk's legacy! And now is Hun Sen's legacy.

Vietcongs today they call Kampuchea-Krom "Nam Bo" and call Cambodia "Nam Vang". What a coincidence?!!! It is too obvious the Viet's desire to transform Cambodia to another Kampuchea-Krom!!!Give it 5 to 10 years with the CPP's control, Vietnamization of Cambodia is a "Fait accompli".

Vietnamization of CPP - done
Vietnamization of Khmer King - almost
Vietnamization of Opposition - done with funcipec, NRP, royal parties
Vietnamization of Business - almost
Vietnamization of Government - done
Vietnamization of Police - done
Vietnamization of Army - done
Vietnamization of Education - done
Vietnamization of Law - done

Cambodia soon will be just a "SHELL"! like Lao's today.

Anonymous said...

Poor Srok Khmer!

Anonymous said...

Look at all the motherfucking self-righteous hypocrites all-talk do nothing pussies on here. Y'all got nothing but your mouth. If you are gonna put your mouth to use, do something better than intellectually analyze and sympathize but don't act. Go put your mouth to good use like sucking a few dicks or something. The later one is more useful.

Anonymous said...

10:39Am mine is big full of juice tell your mom or one of your sis,that mine available 24hrs,call me when your sibling are ready to suck my paleta.

Anonymous said...

Our Chinese is the last hope for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:17 AM you are the crazy guy what you think!!!foolish!!!

Anonymous said...

11:17AM is crazy, he or she is right. In Thailand before Socialist took the White House, Thais wore Yellow (PAD) who went against Taksin, now China rises and the west nations are falling, Thais wear Red for Taksin.

To survive Politicians must change according to which direction the strong wind blow.

Only Vietnamese Communist would not like to hear this.

Vietnamese will lose a huge land into the sea.

Anonymous said...

11:17AM is not crazy

Anonymous said...

Central Vietnam and South will be sinking into the sea about a decade or so. At Northern part like Hanoi may be safe, but China will take it over.
Million Sino-Viets want to be part of China, because they are tired to live under the poverty of Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

1:55PM! i hope it's truth what you have said, i wanted viet to swims like sea lions...

Anonymous said...

He said based on German scientist.
Along the coast line of Vietnam will be washed away. Go and check out. Some blog I found that many Sino_Viets want to unite with one China. They said the Vietnamese are suffering for thousand years and won't get better until they destroy themselves.

Anonymous said...

Man! can't wait to see those Kong Chor Yeik Nam Cong Cac^ swimming like seals...i'm gonna hook them with my fishing spear! do mai cong chor yiek nam!

Anonymous said...

5:24AM. Karma won't end unless you stop creating bad Karma against your enemy such as Vietnamese when they fall and suffer in the sea.

In South Vietnam, many people claimed to see the light of Virgin Marie appeared, and Sino-Viet Psychics or Astrologers informed the Viet Communist Governt' to stop persecuting minority people, but the Communist Vietnam govern't ignored and declined to believe in superstitious. The same Sino_psychics and Astrologers spoke to their followers "The Black man will win the White House, and bad thinsg will happen to the US and to the world, WWIII? Vietnam will be shrinked by a mighty mother nature disaster, and million will die".

Anonymous said...

Could U show us the site of Sino-Viet.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia should welcome a few more Chinese settlers from China. Therefore Cambodian eventually become Chinese and we will become more intelligent and won't be afraid of Vietnamese or Thai. Don't you think it's a good idea?