Radio Free Asia
By Sav Yuth
14th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization
A group of 10 Thai soldiers who were camped at Wat Keo Sekha Kirisvarak pagoda have forbidden Khmer monks from constructing a residence building in the temple compound because they said that the area is a disputed zone.
A Thai soldier named Charso said on Friday that the Thais are not happy that the Khmer monks are constructing their residence building in a disputed zone and they have asked the monks to suspend the construction, waiting for the Khmer and Thai governments to resolve the border issues first.
The Khmer monks and temple committee members said that the Thai soldiers had already stopped them from constructing a toilet once before, but they still keep building. Now the Thai soldiers asked them not to construct their residence building by saying that if the monks do not stop the construction, they will bring the Thai monks to reside in that building.
The temple priest, Achar Sva, said the Khmers will not stop constructing the building because it is located inside Khmer territory. He said: "We will continue to build it. We won't stop because it is our Khmer temple."
Gen. Srey Doek, commander for the Preah Vihear region, said that he will raise this particular issue when he meets his Thai conterpart on 17th March.
In relation to the construction of the temple building, Gen. Srey Doek said: "The prohibition to construct that temple building is linked to the 2000 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which we will discuss on 17th (March). If they accused us of violating that MoU, did Thais ever respected it? But if they think that we violate that MoU, then we must resolve it with each other."
Thailand had sent hundreds of troops to invade Wat Keo Sekha Kirisvarak pagoda on 15th July, 2oo8, after Preah Vihear temple was inscribed by Unesco on 7th July of that year, which Thailand opposed.
This is ridiculous to allow 10 Siem soldiers to control Cambodian border issue!
I say fuck the MoU and start by pulling out the international map of Cambodia!
Now, I do have a burning question! How the fuck the Siem soldiers were able to come and go freely in contact with Khmer civilian? It seem that Khmer soldiers under AH Srey Doek are not doing such a good job in stopping the Siem bastardS from creating more problem for the Khmer civilians! These Siem bastards need to be captured and send them to Prey Sar!
The Siem bastards never run out of dirty trick to steal Khmer land and now they want to talk? ahahahah
Thailand is using monks for political games. They are exploiting Buddhist religion.
the cambodian hun sen government is so weak with Thai invader who's occupied our territory and temples.
but ah hun sen government would use deadly force on innocent Khmer peoples.
this is call f#cking dumb mother f#cker.
Those 10 thais soldiers that stay at the "Pagoda" are spying for their commander, theses thai soldier is the one, dress as a monk to spy on khmer military, and my message to all khmer military leaders don't forget the history of
"THE STRONGEST KHMER ARMY BASE", thai tricks to get inside the base! by using their soft and dirty tricks to get inside, remembered there's no such thing friendly neighbors...never! they just wanted to steal and robs khmer lands and the temples, never trust them Thai/Viet never!!
It is the Khmers' strongman named Hun Sen who appears to be weak in the neighbors'eyes, and allows that to happen. Why the hell he, as the Khmer ruler, does not send some of his generals to fight back the intruders? It's a real shame for Khmers to have such a blind, ignorant, arrogant, coward, and reckless ruler who cares a little about national interests.
go back home, siem! cambodia is not that fond of you!
Why the Siem can come to invade Cambodia??? Because the stupid leader HunSen is chicken. He afraid of thai forces, airplanes. In addition, he already sold part of our island to Ah Thaksin such as Koh Kong etc.
It is the basic rule; If our PM does not care to protect out integrity territorial, the ennemies is invading now.
The person to blame is Ah Hun Sen that allow Siem to invade. Why ? Because Ah Hun Sen has only ONE EYE.
Everything comes down to Hun Sen weak and carefree leadership. It is outrageous to allow Thais bully Khmers on Khmerland. The temple is located in Cambodian territory, so we can do whatever we want. But why Hun Sen is so quiet?
Fucken Siamese did not have lands, Khmer King gave them a portions of lands, and taught them khmer culture, but they are now still fucken greedy mother fucker!!
Yeah, but fucking Ah Karmen don't have beautiful chick, only ugly one that no one wants.
Better than thailand has full of fags and lesbians including THAI FAG KING! hahaha!
Thailand full of fags and lesbains, Thailand is Fags and Lesbains country...
Thailand full of fags and lesbains, Thailand is Fags and Lesbains country...
Thailand is Faggs country...
Thai King is also fags!
The only way we khmer can remove these illegal siams from intruding into khmerland is by fighting them off. But can cambodia people expect ta pek hun sen to step up to defend the border issue? He's a coward
Looking at Thai-Cam border dispute remind me about the land disputes in Cambodia while stronh men, high-rank official Oknhas grabbed poor Cambodians lands...
They use army... and other facility to as they richer than poor cambodians.... and grabbed their(poors) easily....
The poor people do not dare to go to court or seeking assistance from others...
Now Thais play role as Cambodia Authority- Cambodge as poor people..."
How do those whole are Oknha/Generals highrank officials feel when they see Thais do ad they do with their own poor people???"
Dr.Excellency Bandit Phd General SamdachOknha Achar Knoy(PhDs from Pahok Chamreorun Avichea Univ. (= Achar wat)PPenh)
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