Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Cambodia favours Vietnamese goods

One of the popular Vietnamese by-products in Cambodia
VOV News (Hanoi)

A recent survey by Cambodia’s largest daily newspaper, Rasmei Kampuchea, shows that Vietnamese goods are especially favoured in the Cambodian market.

The survey was conducted among senior officials of the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce and the country’s consumers during a Vietnamese products fair in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh.

According to the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, Vietnam took the lead with US$988 million worth of products consumed in Cambodia in 2008, surpassing China ($784 million) and Thailand ($674 million).

Vietnam exports a wide range of commodities to Cambodia, such as medicine, cosmetics, textiles and garments, electronics, mechanical products, processed food, fruit and vegetables.

This is the second year that Vietnam has topped the list of countries producing goods consumed in Cambodia.

Cambodian economic experts predict that with its geographical advantage, Vietnam will be able to maintain its leading position if it continues to diversify its products and improve its designs.


Anonymous said...

i think it is ok to do business with youn, just make sure when youn imported their things to cambodia, the ministry of commerce and so on should make sure they label the instructions and directions, etc... in the khmer writing and language as khmer people don't read and write youn, you know! what happen should be happening in according to khmer law if they want it to be ok to import and do business in cambodia. that's how it should be, then not much to worry about. again, i emphasize the labeling of the imported products into khmer writing and language. don't forget that youn are doing business in cambodia, not in srok youn! that is a huge difference. for a million times, do translate the label and direction into khmer writing on the products to be imported to cambodia. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

We can not blame other for their sucess, but we can blame ourself for our failure.

Anonymous said...

of course, this is a sensitive issue when it comes to okaying youn in cambodia due to lack of trust, etc... however, in this new day and age and era and so on, every country do have its own law and regulations and so on, so it youn want to do business in cambodia, of course, they must strive to at least learn the local khmer way, language, custom, etc... it's all common sense, too, you know. you don't just go to somebody
s house and invade in their privacy, etc..., so, it is the same concept when people are dealing with cambodia as a country, you know! the problem i see is if and when certain people disrespect, disregard, being rude, don't make the effort to learn the local khmer language, costum and etiquette, culture, tradition, etc, etc..., that's when misunderstanding and problem often arises! so, to avoid, such misunderstand and problem, do observe the local culture, tradition, custom, etiquette, language, law, and not be so rude and have respect for khmer way in cambodia, etc..., then i'm sure khmer people would not have any problem with youn or any other races on the planet. i think it all boils down to using common sense, too, you know! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

please learn from the old wis: "when in rome, do what the romans do!" it'll go a long way in making peace and making friends! it so true anywhere you visit or go on the planet! and never assume that cambodia is an exception because that's what will get people in trouble! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Yes! you are right 3:30AM like pice of shit that come out pice by pice!

If ah Hun Xen sucking up to the Viet and not improve any thing in the country beside logging, seling natural resources to foreigner including LAND and PEOPLE, what the fuck can the people and the country improve? Beside the family of motherfucker who can only open bar?

Tel me what ah Hun Xen do in improving any factory?

Tela Khmere is to get gas from Vietname to sele in Cambodia with no tax to the Goverment! WHAT THE FUCK AH KWACK HUN XEN IS THE FUCKING GOVERMENT!

Anonymous said...

All of us liked or not, but please try to understand the political situation. Now we have to pay them back for the Freedom of Khmer citizen.

Anonymous said...

No one can over thrown PM Hun Sen! he is smart, experiencing, a hard working man and also a friend of Cambodia. He deserves to lead Cambodia as long as he wants. Have we done any thing for Cambodia yet? I think most of us are stingy and get our asses saved only. Lets be real people. He is a truely nationalist. Why do I say that? Because I have seen what he s done great thing for Cambodia. Some of you guys completed graduation in Master degree/Dr/PHD...in abroad and want to lead the country and always have extreme ideas against him! think twice or forget it.

Anonymous said...

4:08, pay them for what? It is pathetic that you dumb ass still think YOUN is a Khmer savior. Youn had been wanting Khmer's land hundreds of year ago. They did't come to save your ass, but to kill Khmer and take the land. If it would have been 100 years ago, our land right now would had been Kampuchea Krom #2.

Anonymous said...

5:26 AM, how many countries in the world that have the same leadership for 30 plus years? Your backward mentality is what causes the problem in Cambodia due to limit progress thinking. After the same leadership over 30 years we should not be considered one of the poorest country in the world, the highest illiteracy rate in the world, and top 10 corrupted country in the world. My friend, you need to open your eyes and think a little harder, Hun Sen is a dictator and Youn pupet not a good leader.

Anonymous said...

I run out of comment for these three monkeys!

Anonymous said...

To 5:48 from 5:26 my short comments is he won the election he must have every right to lead the country. We, Cambodian should support his political way! he s a nice human! Even Youn has been manage influency on him or Cambodia but he is not Youn! he loves Cambodia! That all I have seen. Doesn't mean I am one of his cousins, relatives or Youn! Nope not a kind of thing. Youn/Chinese are every where in this world! Every thing was our fault because we are much less populaitons than Youn, Siam and China. We are stingy/we dont have a goal for unity. Just get your eyes on Jews, as an example they strong reason they are one. The Moslim countries cannot touch Isael. In full we are lazy, we dont work hard enough, we are relying on the natural resources too much. So Hun Sen has to stand up and been standing up to save this black sociaty.

Anonymous said...

Gonna enlarge that picture of those three CPP idiots and use as bow and arrow target practice.

Anonymous said...

These three amigoes are the youn slave,they do everything to serve youn people only.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do the three urgly monkeys need batery?

Anonymous said...

"A recent survey by Cambodia’s largest daily newspaper, Rasmei Kampuchea, shows that Vietnamese goods are especially favoured in the Cambodian market." This newspaper is not independence as everyone know it. It is mouthpiece of CPP. JUST STOP IMPORT (OR NOT ALLOW TO IMPORT) THE VIET GOODS INTO CAMBODIA.

Anonymous said...

Youn Hanoi's dogs!!!!
Ah Chhkai youn PhD: Hun ,PhD:Chea and PhD:Heng!!!

Anonymous said...

the people who put action where their mouth is are the most effective and powerful people any where. that's why they say sometimes talk is cheap, especially if it goes in circle! don't you get it, cambodia needs a strong leader. well, if you don't want to miss the boat, then show khmer people that you are effective and strong and mean what you say and say what you mean. only then will khmer people vote for you. cambodia don't need a ineffective lead any more. be need an enabling leader and someone you are capable of leading our country to the new era of prosperity in history. don't hate and don't be so evil, adopt god's love and forgiveness for a change, it will be good for your health too, you know! god bless cambodia.