Monday, April 20, 2009

Southeast Asia Struggles With Democracy [-Cambodia has long been led by PM Hun Sen and his CPP]

By Heda Bayron
Voice of America
20 April 2009

The political turmoil in Thailand renews questions about democracy's future in Southeast Asia - a region historically ruled by authoritarian and military governments. Once celebrated democracies in the region - Thailand and the Philippines - are facing problems.

When Philippine President Gloria Arroyo and other Asian leaders were hastily evacuated from the rooftop of a hotel last week, as anti-government Thai protesters stormed an Asian summit, she may have felt a sense of déjà vu.

In 2001, barely four months into her presidency, a group of protesters attempted to storm the presidential palace to drive her out of office, just like what the Thai protesters were trying to do to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Mr. Abhisit and Mrs. Arroyo rose to power following the fall of democratically elected governments. Mrs. Arroyo became president when President Joseph Estrada was forced to step down amid corruption allegations, street protests and the withdrawal of military support.

Filipinos call it "people power" democracy, but analysts say this pattern of government change has brought political instability in Thailand and the Philippines - once icons of democratic change in Southeast Asia.

Give and take plays key role

William Case is a professor at the City University of Hong Kong and author of books on politics and democracy in Southeast Asia.

"Established interests will consent to democracy as long it produces the results and the governments that they like, and once they get governments they don't like they turn the democracy over," Case said.

That is how he explains what happened in Thailand. The red-shirted protesters who taunted Mr. Abhisit last week were from the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) - a group allied with former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup because of alleged corruption. UDD supporters come mainly from the provinces, which benefited most from Mr. Thaksin's populist policies.

Elections brought back Mr. Thaksin's allies in government in 2007, and Mr. Abhisit's People's Alliance for Democracy party (PAD) demonstrated for months against the ruling party, taking over the parliament building and the international airport.

When Mr. Abhisit became as prime minister in December after the election commission dissolved the ruling party because of election fraud, the UDD launched counter protests against the PAD, whose supporters are largely urban middle class.

Protests undermine Thailand's constitutional democracy

Thanet Aphornsuvan, a politics professor at Thammasat University in Bangkok, says recent events further weakened Thailand's constitutional democracy.

"The constitution has never been respected, for the past 77 years," the professor said. "So any country, which doesn't have a real higher law, they have it but it never functions, there's always some group, some institution that can intervene and dissolve and rewrite it. In the past year, I think the PAD just started a new revolt of the masses to bring it to the streets, outside the Parliament, to rectify what they deem as corrupted policies of politicians. The UDD is a logical outcome of the PAD - two sides of the same coin. They exploit different situations and reasons."

Thailand's path to democracy has been rocky. The country was ruled by the military, on and off, until the 1992 elections. It entered an era of political stability, becoming a model of democratic transition from military rule, until the return of the military in 2006.

The Philippines' return to democracy, post-1986, has also been rough. Coup attempts plagued the country until the early 1990s. Like the fall of Mr. Thaksin, the end of Mr. Estrada's government in 2001 exposed class divisions in Philippine politics between the middle class, which sided with Mrs. Arroyo, and the lower class, supporting Mr. Estrada.

Case says the violent turn of events in Thailand, last week, may foil the spread of democratization in the region, in places like military-ruled Burma and in communist Laos and Vietnam.

"They could conclude that the problem in Thailand is that there's not enough democracy or, conversely, they could say that this is what happens when you have too much democracy and use it as a pretext to clamp down in their respective countries," Case said.

Elections do not produce desired results

Indeed, democracy remains unsteady in Southeast Asia. Several countries hold elections, but analysts say elections do not reflect the quality of democracy in these countries. The Philippines, which inherited democracy from its former colonial ruler the United States, suffers from weak political institutions, widespread corruption, often violent elections and increasing impunity.

Malaysia and Singapore hold competitive elections but parliament remains in the hands of long-dominant parties with entrenched political machinery. Last month, the Malaysian government banned opposition newspapers from publishing ahead of a hotly contested special election. Cambodia has long been led by Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodia People's Party.

Indonesia praised for progress

"There's only one democracy in Southeast Asia today and that's Indonesia. Even there, there are major problems," Case said. "The civilian government does not have full control of the military. There's a lot of intimidation in the local level. But it's the great beacon of democracy in Southeast Asia."

Once ruled by the authoritarian General Suharto, Indonesia's democratic transition has not produced the kind of chaos seen in the Philippines or Thailand. It held parliament elections, this month, and its second presidential election is scheduled in July.

Thanet of Thammasat University says the protests in Thailand also show that people value democracy. He says, in the past few years, Thai people have displayed strong democratic aspirations.

"The uprising of the PAD and the UDD are probably similar to the people power in the Philippines," Thanet said. "We should share these kinds of experience; try to give much more meaning to democracy in this part of the world."

Democracy in Southeast Asia may be far from the stable, but there appears to be less talk about abandoning it, more about strengthening it.


Anonymous said...

I am seeing very clear that Thailand will face so many obstacles in near future.

The most uprising is coming from the Issan region which consist of many Khmer origins that is supporting former Thaksin and they may come back to protest against the Abhisit government.

In the southern tip provinces, the Yala example always want to be part of their own or an autonomy and thinking to declare independent of its own. As the monkey king Bhumibol die there will be so many turmoils and chaos in Thailand. On the other hand, those Khmer currently living in the provinces such as, Trat, Aranyprathet, Chanthaburi, Norkon Rrachasima, Kok Khan, Borirum, Den Surin, Si Sa Khet will be forming their own resistance to be ready for self determination.

Thai Astrologist,

Anonymous said...

Wherever there's no justice there no peace. Thailand, Cambodia. Vietnam and Laos, Burma, will go through for certain for turmoils that will change all the maps in south-est Asia. That will happen for sure if injustice is not drastically being addressed for.
Khmer Krom will rise against vietnamese oppression. Khmer Leu in Thailand will do the same against Thailand. In the present state of affairs they have no intrest to struggle to join Cambodia where also injustice and oppression of the poor and needy are prevailing. But they do for their own survival and their own human dignity. No country can treat their citizen les than animal like in Cambodia and Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Laos.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom will be independent as their own. They don't want to join Cambodia because Cambodia is under the control of YOUN. Khmer Surin as well they want to be part of their own. They will rediscovery their roots and stop joining Thailand.

Khmer Surin has now realized that Thailand has manipulated the history.

Khmer Surin,

Anonymous said...

Right, and so far Cambodia has enjoyed peace and stability that has not been seen since the golden age of Cambodia right after the independence from France. Do you realize Cambodia has been in turmoil since the lat sixties?

Righteously call Hun Sen all that you want but the dude brought something that Khmer people in Srok Khmer never experienced in over 3 decades, stability and peace. Only a cynic would oversea the achievements of Khmer people so far. You obviously live oversea too comfortably to understand how far Khmer has come under Hun Sen.

Obviously, in the world, nothing is perfect. Cambodia has a long way to go but if you are one of the cynical morons that can't appreciate what goods have been done, you are worse than a blind person, for him can see the truth even without a good pair of eyes.

Anonymous said...

A lot of map or Southeast Asian nation will be born. In this near future, there will be new countries will be emerged.

1-Khmer Krom
4-Yala or Southern Thai
5-Khmer Surin
5-Mandanao (Philippines)

Thai Astrologist,

Anonymous said...

Bravo! The Thai is going to crumble!

Bravo! My Khmer brotbers!

Bravo! Sovannaphum!!

Anonymous said...

1:29 am,
To me you are speaking for ah kwak and your self.
You are yuon dog. Most Cambodian people knew that CPP working for yuon.

Anonymous said...

My Thais government today was very oppressive against Pattani people (Muslim), Khmer Surin. The most nightmare was in the society discriminated against the unfortunated people. As the result, this is good time, for people to reclaim theirs right.

Anonymous said...

My brother and sister in YALA will not stop striking thai gov't untill our people free and stop abusing my people in the Southern..

khmer muslim kilo#9 phnom penh

Anonymous said...

like the wind direction, changes are inevitable for cambodia. just be patient, my dear. no body can live forever on this planet. live goes on, you know. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Since Mr. Thaksin does not like the US, why does he care about democracy. Sure he'll be more than happy to follow Hun Sen's footsteps. Now, he does not even like the king, and he'll get rid the US (influence) and the monarchy altogether.