Tuesday, May 19, 2009

CBA starts investigating on Kong Sam Onn based on Hun Sen’s lawyer complaint

19 May 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Chiv Song Hak, president of the Cambodian Bar Association (CBA), indicated on 18 May that the CBA had already decided to form a review committee to look and investigate into the case of Kong Sam Onn, SRP MP Mu Sochua’s lawyer, based on a complaint made by Ky Tech, the former CBA president and current government lawyer representing Hun Sen. Ky Tech complained to the CBA that Kong Sam Onn violated the lawyer’s ethics. Ky Tech used to tell news media that Kong Sam Onn violated the professional ethics when he publicly commented on the case brought up by his defendant, Mrs. Mu Sochua, against Hun Sen when she did not formally file her complaint with the court yet. Kong Sam Onn is Mrs. Mu Sochua’s lawyer in her defamation lawsuit against Hun Sen. According to Chiv Song Hak’s claim, the CBA initiated its investigation since yesterday (Monday). The CBA will start its investigation by researching documents related to Ky Tech’s complaint. The CBA review committee will consist of 4 members, and its work will last about one week. Kong Sam Onn said that the CBA did not inform him yet about this case. However, Kong Sam Onn used to declare that he is very concerned about his professional license when he has to confront such a complaint from the lawyer of Cambodia’s Strongman.


Anonymous said...

As Khmer Superman from Justice League with my companions Iron Man, Batman, Spyder Man, X-Men will help Kong Sam Onn to keep his law practicing licence validated. Therefore, I will ask Batman to investigat on Ky tech criminal background check before it get to late to apprehend the case. Call me, Kong Sam Onn, if you need help, my Phone number is 911.

Your Hero,
Khmer Superman

Anonymous said...

It's laughable to see all these Konkeys lawyers kneel before Hun Sen to lick his testicles.