Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: BAKC, Krom Bak Lorng

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com)


Anonymous said...

Ung Bunleang from Sacrava Cartoon was son of bitch, motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

That was your comment 11:46AM ? are your parents fuck arount like slaved dogs?

How can ah Kwack be proud of stupid kid like you if he not fucking up with a degree with no education!

Like father like son! Do ma ah saker Piss Hun Dick!

Anonymous said...

Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is a committee of Canadian lawyers who promote human rights and the rule of law internationally. It has come to LRWC's attention that your website http://ki-media.blogspot.com/2009/05/sacravas-political-cartoon-bakc-krom.html has posted a cartoon by a person by the name of "Sacrava" who, it appears, is located in Australia. LRWC had nothing to do with production of the cartoon in question. The quote found at the bottom of the cartoon was taken without consulting LRWC, and without LRWC permission from a portion of a letter signed by LWRC's Executive Director. LRWC does not know how "Sacrava" came into possession of this letter. LRWC is impartial and nonpartisan, and does not endorse or criticize any political party or individual. LRWC further wishes to state emphatically that it does not endorse the sentiments of the cartoon in question, and we feel that it is not constructive towards solving any problems. LRWC offers encouragement and moral support to all institutions, organizations and officials in fulfilling their stated purposes to uphold the rule of law and the international principles of the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession. LRWC requests that the cartoon and all references to Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada be removed from your website immediately. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. If you wish further information, please write to lrwcanada@gmail.com