Tuesday, May 26, 2009

SRP's response to CCHR's statement

Unofficial translation from Khmer by Socheata

Sam Rainsy Party


The Sam Rainsy Party sincerely regrets the content of the statement issued on 22 May 2009 by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR). The [CCHR] statement was published in an untimely manner and it was published [only] after Prime Minister Hun Sen criticized human rights organizations during the inauguration ceremony for the Hun Sen Trapaing Thnot high school, in Ang Snuol district, Kandal province, on 21 May 2009.

What was organized by SRP commune councilors was conducted openly and with transparency. Furthermore, this organization was conducted since March 2009.

SRP commune councilors from all over the country have volunteered to organize the meetings on their own in order to show their determinations to defend the interest of the people and of the Nation, to show their faithfulness, their respect of the will and desire of the voters who selected them as their representatives in 2007.

The SRP praises and respects the decision made by more than 2,300 commune councilors who voted to support SRP council representatives at the capital, province, municipality and district levels. In spite of all the threats, intimidation and the attempt to buy them out, more than 90% of [SRP] commune councilors have maintained their goal to faithfully and responsibly serve the people, and to respect the will of the people who voted to provide their confidence to the SRP.

Phnom Penh 23 May 2009
Sam Rainsy Party

For additional information, please call: 012 788 999


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


feeble-minded person.

Anonymous said...


You're the same; also, you're not different from YOU PEOPLE.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...


feeble-minded person.


Anonymous said...

yes, feeble-minded PPU.
i love to make SOME people mad because they are mad men.

Anonymous said...

8:43 PM

Suffice to say, I'm must a popular figure here in this biased and partial forum site, because it appears that most of these Puok Ah Jkuot Jruots simply repeated what I've written. Yup, that's why I call YOU PEOPLE pseudo-journalists.

Pi Anh: PPU