Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: The CPP

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com)


Anonymous said...

Ung Bunleang from Sacrava Cartoon was son of bitch, motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

sht the fuck up! 11:48 am motherfucker hunsendicksucker

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a weak state with a powerful man because this country cannot autonomously control the flows of foreign migration particularly Vietnamese immigrants. CPP has guaranteed stability, but it is the stability of the death because each day Vietnamese population can easily expand their kins entire Cambodia.

The drawing mirrored by Sacrava interpreted the reality happening in Cambodia. Cambodia is moving to become a sub-state of Vietnam under its neo-colonialism strategy. It is true that stability in Cambodia comes from the expense of the sovereign integrity that Cambodia has to share it for under the CPP.

Of course, the triumph of Vietnam to attain Ho Chi Minh's vision of Indo-China Confederation is presently ongoing. This triumph has been flexible to the change of world politic which has tremendously shaped from world war, to cold war, and to capitalism finally.

Capitalism is about the trading, labor migration, and flows of financial and human capitals. Vietnam has capitalized on economic development through economic liberalization and export-led growth focus. In recent decades, Vietnam is satisfied with its growth so it can can diffuse the ideology of Indochina Confederation any time to neighboring countries such as Lao and Cambodia. They have used different terms of Confederation such as eternal friendship, comprehensive corporation, or peaceful neighborhood development etc.

In term of labor migration, many countries have strictly controlled the in and out of labor migration into their territory. But Cambodia has never enforced its immigration laws to control the flows of labor migration. Cambodia has hugely been flown in by labor migrations from China and Vietnam. What Cambodia is worrying is Vietnamese migration to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia-Vietnam border demarcation is just the facade of Uncle Ho's plan. In the past, Vietnamese king assured to respect Champa's border land but imposed their citizens to migrate and live in Champa. Prey Norkor of Jey Chettha II had got promision from Vietnam about respecting his territory land. Vietnam just borrowed the space to train their people. Current situation in Cambodia is the same. Many economic contracts including border demarcation and border-pole installation with Vietnam is just the facade of colonization because Vietnamese labor migration is non-stop influx into Cambodia.

We don't have reliable statistics of how much Vietnamese population has already lived in Cambodia and how much each day Vietnamese migration crossed the border and resettled in Cambodia.

But what we are knowing is the lacking of laws enforcement of immigration laws of Cambodia. Worse, it includes the epidemic corruption of immigration officials that can lead to easily moving to Cambodia of those Vietnamese population.

Now, Cambodia and Vietnam has agreed to waive visa fee from both sides for their people who wish to travel to these two countries. Undeniably, the Vietnamese will travel to Cambodia more than Cambodian travel to Vietnam. Cambodian population has currently had about 14 millions. Vietnamese population has currently had about 80 millions. Ho's dream of using their people as the special agent to expand his real estate is absolutely intellectual and successful.

There is a short joke quoted by Alternative Watch that [Three leaders, one Siam, one Viet, and one Khmer, come across a lamp and a genie pops out of it.

“I will grant you each one wish; that’s three wishes in total,” says the genie.

The Khmer leader thinks for a while, and says, “I want a wall around Cambodia to protect it for all eternity from those with less than good intentions.” So with a blink of the genie’s eye, WHOOSH, there is a huge wall around Cambodia.

The Viet leader is amazed, and asks, “I am curious about this wall. Please tell me more about it.”

The genie proudly explains, “Well, it is 50 metres high, 20 metres thick protecting Cambodia so that nothing can get in or out without permission.”

The Viet leader says, “Ah, it is getting tough. My uncle Ho always wants to expand the real estate. So my wish is to have Khmer leaders as our gofers for all eternity.”

Again, with the blink of the genie’s eye, the Khmer leader bows and invites the Vietnamese leader in. The Siam leader says, “Fill the wall up with water.”]

This joke correctly implies to current stability of Cambodia. When Thailand is so openly aggressively to Cambodia land, Vietnam is so successfully and secretly expanding and dominating Cambodia.

How big wall (border demarcation) Cambodia can build when 80 millions of Vietnamese can access freely to Cambodia land? How easy to bribe corruption immigration officials in Cambodia to become Cambodian citizenship? Including the political maneuver to having more Vietnamese inside Cambodia to favorably vote for the CPP, the power competition in the hand of CPP will eventually spread all Vietnamese population entire Cambodia.

Bravo Uncle Ho in the tale of strong man in a weak state of Cambodia!