Friday, June 05, 2009

CPP Cheam Yiep impressed by Obama's inclusiveness ... unlike the narrow-minded policy of the CPP and Hun Xen

Obama’s Speech Important Gesture: Lawmakers

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
04 June 2009

President Barack Obama’s trip to the Middle East and his overtures to the Muslim world were important gestures to the world, including Cambodians, lawmakers said Thursday.

Four Cambodian legislators joined “Hello VOA” in Washington, to discuss their trip with four other lawmakers to Washington, as guests of the National Democratic Institute.

Obama spoke in Cairo, calling for “a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition.”

Obama spoke at Cairo University, but his message was intended for more than one billion Muslims around the world.

Cambodia has an estimated half a million Muslims.

Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker Cheam Yiep, who is visiting Washington with the NDI delegation, called Obama’s speech “a great gesture.”

“His speech will be a great influence on the people of the world,” CPP parliamentarian Sik Bunhok said. “It emphasizes his goal to make friendship, reconciliation with all nations and his determination to resolve problems through peaceful means.”

Lawmakers Nin Saphon (CPP), Ho Naun (CPP), Cheam Yiep (CPP), Sik Bunhok (CPP), Eng Chhai Eang (Sam Rainsy Party), Kuoy Bunroeun (SRP), Mao Monyvann (SRP) and Yem Ponharith (Human Right Party) are visiting the US as part of NDI’s study mission, “Constituent Outreach and Oversight of the Extractive Industries.”

Eng Chhai Eang told “Hello VOA” he was “impressed with the US president’s speech,” which “shows a new US policy for a Muslim world that was not happy with the US.”

“I think President Obama wants to end the misunderstanding between the two sides,” he said. “I think this is great for the world.”

Yem Ponharith noted that US policy is “very important to the world.”

“In Cambodia,” he said, “people of all faith live in harmony.”

One caller, from Battambang province, asked what the benefit to US citizens was for the US “always warring against Muslims, such as Iraq and Iran.”

Cheam Yiep said, in his view, Barack Obama was seeking a peaceful world “that has unity, without discrimination against religion, without discrimination against race.”


Anonymous said...

I hope CHeam Yiep under this part of the speech when Obama said

"But I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. Those are not just American ideas, they are human rights, and that is why we will support them everywhere"

The CPP cannot behind "internal issues"

Anonymous said...

That should have been "understand"

khmer innocent said...

The president's speech has touched my heart as well. Indeed it is not just the meanings and how good he made it through but clearly how wise, flexible..... the foreigh policies of US are.

US acknowleged that she could not win the muslim/islamic world by force and therefore she wants to make friend with this world.

To me the insight of his speech is that he is kind of accepting the past wrong-doings and publicly admitt without any hesitations. In the meantime he also changed the strategy in the US foreign policies by not mostly acting alone as in the past but to bring the whole world especially all US's allies to involve in all decisions spearheaded by US.

Being impressed is one thing. But it is not good enough. Most importantly Mr. Cheam Yiep, all other MPs and Cambodia governments should think if there is anything adaptable for Cambodia and her people.

Anonymous said...

Barack does have a very good speech writer. Sounds good -- at least -- on the teleprompters. Perhaps the speaker may rely on teleprompters too much.


Anonymous said...

Not only the good speech,But also kindness heart.