Monday, June 08, 2009

I love dogs because I was born in the year of the dog, and I owned dogs and bitches of all races: Sihanouk

Translated from French by Tola Ek

“My dog Miki-Miké Ah Touch Papa”
By N. Sihanouk

I was born in the year of the “Dog” (1922). Therefore, I loved dogs enormously. At certain periods of my life, I owned more than 10 (ten) dogs and bitches of all races. In some of my fiction films from the “60s”, my German Shepherd doc named “Quintus” played an important role.

Currently, I only own one small-size dog which was born and purchased in Beijing. It is a Bichon-Maltese.

He is attached to me since he arrived at my home, in Beijing. From the Beijing kennel, Lok Chumteav Kimsè “brought” me 3 puppies. The other 2 only “thought” about playing, and they ran all over the place.

Miki-Miké Ah Touch Papa voluntarily sat down next to me, in my working chair.

“Miki” was the name of a Bichon-Maltese that was offered to me, as well as my wife, by Princess Souphanouvong, the wife of the great historical leader of the Pathet Lao.

“Miké” was the name a Bichon-Maletese puppy bought in Beijing which was attached to me immediately. Miki and Miké met with painful death because of a toxic product spread on the rug of our house for upkeep.

It was in memory of the dead Miki and Miké that I call my “current” dog Miki-Miké. “Ah Touch Papa” means “Papa’s baby.” Very intelligent, he knows what to do to please Papa, for example: sleeping not too far from me, eating its meals while “sitting” and “touching” my left leg. Last but not least, he really believes that I am his father and that I am only his.

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
Beijing, PRC, 27 May 2009

PS: Miki-Miké Ah Touch Papa knows that he has a “Maman” (my wife, Queen-Mother Monineath). But, he only knows “his Maman” when she gives him an (artificial) “bone” to chew on.


Anonymous said...

Ah Ho,Sihanouk,Mao are communism,they are killers.They have detroyed our Buddha since 1970.

"A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker." Buddha

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." Buddha

Anonymous said...

For those bitches that want to please sihanouk, don't sleep too far away from him and touch his left leg while sitting. Otherwise, he'll cry like a baby. This son of bitch is so spoil. He expect everybody in this world to serve him.

Anonymous said...

Take an easy, be smart guys who were commenting above.

CPP senior member

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:08 PM
Please do not use on the Name of Buddha. Your comment was not a Philosophy as the Teaching of Buddha.

Anonymous said...

My highness grand father king!

I am highly appreciate your majasty king Sihanouk, because evry his expressions and statements are meaningfull and aiming at advisinga and directing his grand son in cambodia to live in peace and harmony. However, If I have a best opportunity to meet your majasty king, I would ask him majasty king that Why every his highness statements are always written in Foreinge Languadge (Franch), why not in Khmer???

Best Regards


Anonymous said...

This king of condom is a REAL LUNATIC as I suspect all a long ....

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!4:57pm,Your papa love bitches of all races including sister,mother,grandmother! tout ce qu'il bouge!
Sdarch chkuot'speech,go follow him he will give you some bone!but stop killing people and say No I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

When the EVIL like 3:08 PM preaches of Buddha people must mediate to avoid of being lured to hell.

Anonymous said...

6:00pm. You lack of intelligence for not understanding bitches refer to dogs. King Sihanouk uses metaphors for other things, but since you and some dumbest cannot understand the metaphors, you keep bitching like real dogs barking at the fence.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Waht the FUCK! Fuck up, fool!

Anonymous said...

Please, all of the attackers, this article is about dogs and life's moments. This is actually one of King's good moments. Buddha or God should be good to not wish anyone any suffering. The cursing or hatred will not resolve anything. If He loves and is comfortable to write in French, He should have that freedom.

Anonymous said...

308pm, 607pm

You really understood Sihanouk's metaphors. When he says Bitches, he referred to his women, khmer, lao, Indo, chine and yuon etc...

When he says dog, he referred to his slaves. I remembered, during the 60's he'd used Sam Sary as his dog, and he has had written a song called " Ah Sary chké knhom" Every khmer in the country must sing that song...otherwise, his secret polices will be determined, that we small people were against his wills.

At the present time " Lok Chumteav Kimsè " gave him 3 bodyguards that's what he considered his dogs.

Anonymous said...

YES, SIHANOUK LOVES DOG. That is so true when he becoming communist running dog.

Anonymous said...

King father just change his name to NoroDOG SihaSNOOPY.

Anonymous said...

11:26PM how about:

Migit shino the dumb ah Katoeur Ho paapleur!

Anonymous said...

Ah S'dach kam noeut chh'kaer, koum nit chh'kaer toeur, and at the end chh'kaer kantuy kh'vean loun lit kh'detn yuon, lit nchoeung Ah Hun Sen.

Ah s'dach kheatakor reas khmer!

Ah S'dach lourk srok khmer do yok numm kom yuon,

Ah S'dach chang rai min See chras chrom ma'hop khmer te, see taer ma'hop yuon ma'hop baraing.

Ah S'dach peal min chess so se khmer te, sose taer Baraing.

Ah Erng s'dach khmer roeu s'dach yuon ???

Anonymous said...

Chass hoeuy min prorm chass,ah sdach kdor kanlet Vietcong.

Anonymous said...

Finally admitted he is the dog ,no wonder Cambodian leaded by the dog king,what can we say?
Sad to see he is absolutely confused !

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is "Ah Satt Xakè"!
Ah Xakè boon cheung!
Ah Rèn meen looy xi bay xa.
Ott looy Ah Rèng xi bay tasssss!
Ah Xakè boon cheung!
Ah Xakè Ak nheung neung Ah Pèkin!
Ah Xakè xi att Ah Hun-Xen!

Choy euy!

Anonymous said...

We all know he loves dogs and bitches. He loves that dog ah Samdach Ach Maha Achow Maciet Hun Sen and that Viet bitch Monica.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sdach Sihanouk is a dog.
But KHMER PEOPLE is a cat.
That mean all KHMER got nine live. Not your ROYAL Family.
Khmer= who born in Cambodia love FREEDOM until today. Who care about Cambodia and HUMAN BEING. And those who defend HUMAN RIGHTS not grabbing people land etc.
YOUN born or CHENS born in Cambodian they're KHMER if they meet the above standard.

Anonymous said...

What else some of these Cambodian dogs are good at? Stupidest knew nothing but barking at the King.

Anonymous said...

The same son and daughters of bitches and some of Viet spies among them. These son and duaghters of bitches deserve to be shot in the heads.


Anonymous said...

931Why do you need to shoot them on the heads? These people were deeply brainwashed by Youn spies like Ly Ngoc Dinh/Yiep already. Their heads were shot by Youn propaganda bullets. They fucked each others too deep they wouldn't believe that Ly Ngoc Dinh/Yiep is not Youn spy. Do you think these fucking extreme group like Hin Sithan, Ung Thavry Pdey ruth chol, KC, and their their clowns would read the facts?
These extreme group won't care to learn the facts their minds are no different than Ah Pol Pot or ah Youn killers? Some who can read and can write like Ta Areak Prey, remember what he said? Fucking Extremists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Racist and genocide and a stupid idiot like you three clown will make Cambodian vanish from the face of this earth. Let me ask you mother fucker who make Pol Pot? And who is Sihanouk? Is your Sdach Ov is 100 percent Khmer?
Now go do some research you dump ass motherfucker.
From Youn Spy.

Anonymous said...

9:31 AM just made a TERROSIST THREAT. Home Land Security should find this person and put him/her in trial.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you ah.mi 9;58am.
It is you who don't know the facts.
You saw only 1/4% of the real story. Don't claim you know what is real. Fuck off ah.mi jumkourt.
Leave my country and my Kings alone.

Anonymous said...

Yeahh and homeland security should find your group who cursing and threat my King too. Your mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

five years from now you and your King will be export from Cambodia to foreign country begging on the street. No more XMER Country. It'll be West Viet Nam. Pnom Penh will call Nam Yang.

Anonymous said...

Stop posting nonesense. Let's get to the reality.
How can you convince others to believe you if you write so stupid?
You think you are right and so are these people who love their King and their country.

Anonymous said...

With world economy is falling like this don't worry every nation will be a beggar. US owed trillion of dollars to China, and Pakistan was just bailed out by China, and Indonesia is deeply corrupted and so are more countries around the world.

I am worried the world is over populated and thing may happen. Either WWIII or epidemic diseases.

Anonymous said...

Buy some salty crap and rice and also those salty duck egg. You'll survive for another 100 years from now. Be loyal to your master he might give you a treat like a bone from Toul Slaeng Museum.

Anonymous said...

Is it how you always barking 10:31am?

Anonymous said...

Guys. King Ta's Miké is cute. LOL LOL. I bet more bitches will barke at me here.

Anonymous said...

Run for your life, Dude. Ta Areak Prey will behead you with guillotine. He said he would and he will do it. His generation love to shit and kill people.

Anonymous said...

Hello Cambodians,
Read Pentagon's document, you may know at least a little bit about what heppened to your country. You will soon learn the facts that all leaders such as King Sihanouk had no impact on Viet Minh or China or Soviet. The Communists Viet Minh invited themselves in and out every time they wanted. No need the permission from the King. The King was about to go with the US, but China threatned Cambodia.
If Cambodia did, China and Soviet will finish Cambodia. Instead of 1.7 million died it could be the whole Kingdom 7M may have been all dead. Everything went far beyond the King power, he has no army and the country's so poor.

Here I copied a line about China threatned Cambodia.

"While the Chinese publicly castigated the Cambodians for working with the Americans to threaten "the security of Cambodia's neighboring countries under the pretext of self-defense,..." /

Anonymous said...

Why just Cambodia got it threat from China but not others country arround? Thai ,Laos,Malasia, ect,
No am not believe with that thread I believe with stupid leaders that has no gut to defence it country better.

Anonymous said...

Pussy Man so weak, He have a nervous wreck. If somebody threaten him. He will pis and shit on himself like a girl.

Anonymous said...

King Sihanouk will go to hell soon!

Yumabaal is waiting for him.

Anonymous said...

After Sihanouk took youn Monica into palace Cambodia start going down since then...

Over 2 million cambodian lost their lives by Sihanouk , siahanouk sold land to vietcong. and vietcong killed 90% khmer to make room for vietcong which is new khmer now.

Sihanouk and monica must stand trail and answer to khmer people why Sihanouk and monica are murder of khmer people?

Anonymous said...

Hello Cambodians 1:56pm-9:57PM,

English is your second language. You cannot write it well and who expects you to be able to form a rational concept of the US's document? The ignorant Cambodian people like you enjoy to read only the falsefying documents from Vietnam or from China. No wonder many of you are still living miserable under the hoodlums.

I never believed that Cambodians would be so dull, until now.
You got what you deserved.

Anonymous said...

12;14 AM,
Mionica was a Bacelonian beautiful woman King Sihanouk loved not his Cambodian wife today.
Besides His wife is Cambodian, not Vietnamese, only your hate group think so.

Anonymous said...

If King married to Minica these dumbest will accuse her of as Srey Youn not Espagnola. Queen Kossoma was a source of this fabrication to destroy her son's favorite's wife. First they said her mother Pom Peang was Youn, then they fabricated her mother Pom Peang adopted her and her old sister Jannette from Youn whore.
:)) I am telling you these people are going no where but accumulating more sins upon themselves. They are not just miserable they are heading to hell themselves. LOL LOL..

Anonymous said...

If King married to Monica these dumbest will accuse her of as Srey Youn not Espagnola. Queen Kossoma was a source of this fabrication to destroy her son's favorite's wife. First they said her mother Pom Peang was Youn, then they fabricated her mother Pom Peang adopted her and her old sister Jannette from Youn whore.
:)) I am telling you these people are going no where but accumulating more sins upon themselves. They are not just miserable they are heading to hell themselves. LOL LOL..

Anonymous said...

Sin Sisamuth dedicated a song Espagnala to beautiful Monica. I heard that she was deadly beautiful, and the whole Khmer Kingdom run amok. I prefer Khmer woman like Queen Monineath than a pure foreigner Monica, inspite of these people brainwashed by the extremists accusing her as Srey Youn, she is Khmer and she loves her country Cambodia than these evils.

Anonymous said...

"I love dogs because I was born in the year of dog."

I rather wish to see you born in year of rat, idiot, and see what you would say then.

Anonymous said...

I like and agree with 3:45AM said bellow:

"Ah S'dach kam noeut chh'kaer, koum nit chh'kaer toeur, and at the end chh'kaer kantuy kh'vean loun lit kh'detn yuon, lit nchoeung Ah Hun Sen.

Ah s'dach kheatakor reas khmer!

Ah S'dach lourk srok khmer do yok numm kom yuon,

Ah S'dach chang rai min See chras chrom ma'hop khmer te, see taer ma'hop yuon ma'hop baraing.

Ah S'dach peal min chess so se khmer te, sose taer Baraing.

Ah Erng s'dach khmer roeu s'dach yuon ???"

"Ah S'dach lourk srok khmer do yok numm kom yuon "
King sold srok khmer to exchange with yuon p@#$y.

Anonymous said...

12:34 AM,
It is so nice for you to try to drop a fe wlines for some of the dumbest like 3;29am and its P'nong spcies.

Our King is always our hero, no matter these P'nong spcies have said.

Anonymous said...

12:34 AM,
It is so nice for you to try to drop a few lines to some of these dumbest like 3;29am and its P'nong spcies.

Our King is always our hero, no matter these P'nong spcies have said.

Anonymous said...

koun ah joy marai mee joy marai9:40am mee khmer rouge or Sihaknuk off spring, you are so proud of your king killer father that killed more than two million khmer? Fuck off your khmer killer!

Anonymous said...

ah kanhchass joy marai mee kanhchass joy marai 6;18pm, ah.mee youn.khmer rouge, you are not proud of my king tried to save my people lives from ah.khmer rouge communists that killed more than two million khmers? Fuck off youn.khmer rouge killer!

Anonymous said...

He who so proud of the dump Sino King are the mistress son and daughter of his sex slave. That's why keeping barking on his behalf.
Fuck your king and Fuck you son and daughter of whore.
Khmer Surin