Friday, June 26, 2009

Who owns the Preah Vihear Temple? A Thai Position

By Monticha Pakdeedong
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Chiangmai U, Thailand
Source: The Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol. 2(1) 2009

Click the link below to read or download the article (PDF):


Anonymous said...

A thai Crazy,

Anonymous said...

Khmers owned Preah Vihear.
And those Khmers are some in Cambodia and more are in Thailand.
Cambodia and Thailand who share the same traditional/culture should combine to be one Nation and change name to Suryaland dedicated to King Suryavaraman built Preah Vihear. King Sihamoni should be King for a new Nation Siam and Khmer combined. Chakri must go.

Khmers and Siam should be one.
If they don't Youn will take over.
I raise my hands to become ONE NATION. Siams/Khmers in Thailand were too arrogant and looked down on Khmers in Cambodia, now they should apologise.

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​ ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងចង់បៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា

ពីអញ ឪអាភីភីយូ (PPU)

Anonymous said...

in the case of cambodia's preah vihear, there is no accepted explanation from the siem side. first off, it is a violation of icj verdict, the international law, not to mention cambodia's sovereignty, etc... when a thief trying to justify his stealing, it makes no sense in the court of law! end of story! case close! period! permanently! god bless cambodia.