Friday, June 26, 2009

Without Ranariddh, NRP now becomes “Nationalist”: NRP who?

NRP changes its name to Nationalist Party

Friday, June 26, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

A high-ranking NRP official told Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper on 25 June that the NRP leadership decided to select a new party name to replace its current name. The new name is: Nationalist Party. The same official explained that the party leadership decided to select this name because it is easy to remember. The new party logo is also easy to remember: it is a map of Cambodia. According to this anonymous high-ranking official, everything is already prepared for the party national congress which will take place this Saturday (tomorrow). The participants to the congress are mainly about 700 provincial, district and commune councilors. The congress will be held at You Hockry’s house located at Prek Ta Ten commune, Ponhea Loeu district, Kandal province.


Anonymous said...

I hope Prince Rannaridh stops his political career. I think he should just serve his country like the British Royal family members do to.

Anonymous said...

Rannaridth is history. He should stay out of politic because he lacks integrity to his party.

Anonymous said...

Who maned him "Rannaridth" ? Rannaridth suppose to be strong warrior and fight to the last drop of blood. Now he lost the war without fighting, that's shame name. Samdach Preah Bro Thean bro watthesas :-)

Anonymous said...

12:42 PM

Yes, I also hope that Ah Scum Rainsy quit his political career.


Anonymous said...

គណបក្សមួយដែលអាចទទួលការគាំទ្រពីប្រជាជនមិនមែនដោយសារឈ្មោះរបស់បក្សទេ គឺ​ដោយ​សារអ្នកដឹកនាំ និង រចនាសម្ពន្ធរបស់បក្ស។
ដូច្នេះបើគ្រាន់តែដូរឈ្មោះរបស់គណបក្សហើយ ដឹកនាំដោយមនុស្សខ្វៈឧត្តមគតិពិតប្រាកដនោះ គឺប្រៀបបាននឺងយករថយន្តកញ្ចាស់ដែលខូច​ម៉ាស៊ីនពុកដល់គ្រឿងក្នុងទៅលាបពណ៏ថ្មីតែ ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។

Anonymous said...

Mi Kantorb PPU.
Until I push bamboo to your hole then you can feel who will stop or not.

Pi Anh, Ah Kvack Hun Sen your PM.

Anonymous said...

comrade ppu you should focus on serving your senior comrade hun sen and not sticking out your behind to let people screw it.

Anonymous said...

through his greed, inept leadership and womanising, he handed power to the one eyed hyena and his pack of howling cpp dogs, a more corrupt but brutal ex KR butchers.

Anonymous said...

same same . eventhoug the name would be changed..
The so-called Royalists NRP/Fun = Royal Shits which are cheaper than AchKo (Ox fece= best natural fertilisers, best for Paddy,rice and other Crops)

Anonymous said...

it doesnt matter what name they change to , the NRP has no agenda . you can see the name but never hear the voice because they just fallow the CPP foot step . the NRP and the Funcinpec parties will disappear by the next general election

Anonymous said...

សូមអរគុណ KI Mediaបានអនុញាត្តិឲ្យខ្ញុំបាទបានជេអាឡប់មួយចំនួននៅ

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hey! Hey. How about National Reakach Party? NRP still stay?

Anonymous said...

4:02 Right on! nrp (now nationalist prty) and funcipec are the two parties for hun sen to kick around.

Anonymous said...

Even Sam Rainsy Party is

HSP stand for HunSen Slave Party !

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​ ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងចង់បៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា

ពីអញ ឪអាភីភីយូ

Anonymous said...

how about CPP to Tay Houng party?