Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bloc 26, another offshore concession in Total’s pocket

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
By Florent Chevalier
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Tola Ek
Click here to read the article in French

While the attention is turned to Bloc III which was granted to French Total oil company by Hun Sen during is visit to France, Total is also rejoicing for having obtained the concession of Bloc 26 where the development could come up much faster.

The oil bloc is located in the Mekong basin, in an extension of the concession obtained by Total from Vietnam. The oil field is qualified as “borderline,” i.e. the quality is not first grade, both in terms of the amount of oil reserve, as well as the possibilities to extract oil from it. Nevertheless, its exploration and its exploitation could start very quickly because there is no obstacle to it, Jean-Pierre Labbé, Total EP Cambodia general director, told Cambodge Soir Hebdo in an interview.

Quite to the contrary, in Bloc III, Thailand is also laying claim to this bloc and no operation will take place until the two countries come to term with each other. An agreement should come to place within a framework of 10 years, otherwise, the concession will be renewed again. According to Jean-Pierre Labbé, due to strong pressure on the world market for oil, and due to the need of energy by both Thailand and Cambodia, all parties concerned must come to a quick resolution on their dispute.

Most likely, Cambodian and Thailand would share the resources as the conflict opposing both countries in this area has nothing in common with the one in Preah Vihear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whatever! nobody has to please you all the time! life goes on, you know, with or without you! it's not the end of the world, you know! there are more to cambodia than your deviate thinking! talk about maverick or renegade or deviate individual! get with the program. law is law, whether you like it or not, get used to it! no mercy, here!