Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chairman of Cambodian parliament told chairman of Thai parliament to withdraw troops from Cambodian territories

Source: Khmer Sthapana and Deum Ampil newspapers
Reported in English by Khmerization

Mr. Heng Samrin, the chairman of the Cambodian National Assembly, has told the visiting chairman of the Thai parliament to tell the Thai government to withdraw Thai troops from the Cambodian territories.

Mr. Chai Chidchob (pictured), the chairman of the Thai parliament, is on a two-day visit to Cambodia from 23rd to 24th July where he had met King Sihamoni, National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin, Senate President Chea Sim and Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Mr. Korm Kosal, advisor Mr. Heng Samrin, told reporters that during the meeting between Mr. Heng Samrin and Mr. Chai Chidchob on the afternoon of Thursday 23rd, Mr. Heng Samrin told Mr. Chai to withdraw Thai troops from Cambodian territories. In response, Mr. Chai promised told convey the message to the Thai government.
Mr. Chai Chidchob (L) greeted Mr. Heng Samrin on his arrival for the meeting at Parliament House.

But during a meeting with Prime Minister Hun Sen on the same afternoon, the subject of Thai troop withdrawals have not been brought up. Mr. Ieng Sophalleth, spokesman for Prime Minister Hun Sen, told reporters that the pair only discussed about easing the military tensions along the borders. Mr. Sophalleth quoted Mr. Chi Chidchob as saying: "The Thai government will make efforts to ease the military tensions along the Khmer-Thai borders and he also proposed for strengthening of good cooperations between the two countries."

Mr. Sophalleth also quoted Mr. Hun Sen as responding that Cambodia will also make great efforts to avoid armed clashes along the borders.

At the same time as leaders from the two countries are discussing about easing border tensions, news from Preah Vihear indicated that the Thai military had sent more weaponry and troop reinforcements to Hill 500 while the Cambodian military responded by sending more troops to the area as well. The situations have been tense in the area.

Mr. Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, told reporters that what Cambodia wants to see is the Thai parliament ratifying all agreements about border delimitation and demarcations signed by the Thai parliament. He said in the spirit of the agreements Thailand should have withdrawn its troops a long time ago.

Mr. Rong Chhun, president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers Association who had staged severals protests against Thai violations of Cambodian territories, said he is unable to organise a protest this time because he is on mission to the provinces.


Anonymous said...

Thai culture shows more gentle and soft than Cambodians. That's the way Thai people show respect to others. Unlike Thais, Cambodians don't know how to show respect properly.

Anonymous said...

How many chieves are there in my Khmer Empire? apart from Sihanouk and Vietcong.

Anonymous said...

He's Khmer Surin....

Anonymous said...

Dear Siamese 2:39Pm, yes we somehow see what you have montioned(it's different what we see actually happening along the Kh/Th Border), but let mee tell you this Khmer rouge more polite than Siamese verbally. This means is not always generous as emotion, exemple these two politistes above: 1- Siamese thieve polite is simply to coverup their greedily and capeting their infringing actions being committed over Khmer teritory, to show the world that Siam is always have good relation with Cambodia neihgbour; 2- Khmer rouge polite however, is similarity how Ah Siamese is doing, not for humanity alligiant, but for their stratagems.
I, as Cambodian never buy of these ways of politeness. Head up dear compatriots! P.L.K

May Buddha bless Khmer all!

Down Ah Siam

Tuk Trey Sre said...

There are so much societal problems beyond anyone can help us Khmer folks. We never see eyes to eyes with regards to raising ours Srok Khmer on the pedestal. Khmer has a genetic markers to be self-indulgent, introvert personalities, arrogant being as to who care about others, egotistical being, and most Khmer has NO MORAL PRINCIPLES.

We will be consume by our bickering and indifferences. Looks what happening in Sieb Reab province, Sok Kong get all the rights to collect funding and ticketing sale regarding ours Cultural Heritage. Approximately 60-80 million US dollars generated from the tourism just in the province. ONLY a million USD or less is infused back to local sectors. There are many more beggars in the street of Sieb Reab, while Sok Kong is raising more motels/hotels/resorts popping up like bamboo shoots. The Wealthier Khmers DO NOT care about anyone else in Cambodia.

In the next decade, will there be Cambodia left? Climate change is a global scale, CPP haording the revenue from illegal logging from ours natural Rainforest of the SW, NW, and NE zone. When Cambodia whether increase 3.5 degrees hotter, will Cambodians survive a temperature of 105-110F?

I see Khmer "nov" Srok Khmer worry about what trees to cut down first, but never worry what sort of tree ought to be planted first. KHMER ATTITUDES WHO CARE ABOUT YOU (khmal ahn, sawk ahn attitude)?

Anyone knows Hun Sen, would you tells him to put 5 minutes of his time to promote planting trees day for the next generation?

Anonymous said...

2:39PM, you're sitting in a chair and raising yourself up?

I would say you are Ecocentric person! Wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...

Cambodians are peace loving people giving a chance, but if war starts, Cambodia has no choice but to defend this already small nation.

Anonymous said...

10:45PM your analysed is base on you actually seing what is happenning, I do agreed, but the true Khmer attitute is significantly different, nothing compair, as Buddhist beliver exeption to circomstances current administration or before. Why I mention this, because Khmer nation have been victimized by neigbhouring countries and countiniously being victimizing. Despite of these Khmer nation yet not have any chance to use their true colour, even though Khmer nation have deeply show their patience of kindness toward enemies who are invated and occupies our homeland with care. This is just a fraction of Khmer kindness attitute while ourown Country occupied by other nation. My question this: Is there any country in the world could take this measure to ease the conflict as same as Khmer nation actual? do Siam nor Vietnam can do if Khmer were invads their own teritories?.
Yes one again in this regards, you and I did not see the truely kindness of Khmer nation yet.
Another word, if China without Mao Chinese could not find the proper path to walk as we're seing nowaday!. It simply my foreseen!

God bless Khmer all!

Anonymous said...

Hi 11:00 PM,
Cambodians are peace loving people until after they became weaker and weaker. But before they were the most aggressive ones, if not they did not rob and killed others to become wealthy and built the empire. Thanks GOD that Mongolian started first destroying the Empire.

You don't see how Thai people show respect like He Chia Chidchob, you are fooled.

Anonymous said...

It is actually useless to continue to negotiate with Thais.


Ponlue said...


Your comment is totally wrong.

If Khmers were aggressive like you said, Siam don't have any thing like nowadays.

In reality, Khmers are too kind and generous. On this basic, the Khmer Angkorian Kings allowed Siamese ancestors who escaped from the southern of China to settle down on the Khmer mother land without thinking any dangerous.

In opposite, Siameses were ungrateful and aggressive, not only don't showed gratitude to the owner, but thieved the Khmer's properties.

From the appearances, Siameses look like Chit Chop, with hide the cruel, envy spirit inside.

Anonymous said...

Every empire has its rise and fall. The empire created by tyrants; and the growth of the wealth were from other nations; and without those wealth to maintain the empire then it fell.

To Khmers the Empire Kings were heros, but to other nations the empire Khmer Kings were tyrants and butchers.
I don't believe those souls of the prisoners of war (POW) who were captured by Khmer empire Kings to build those luxery rich Hindu Temples would be happy to hear you claimed your KIngs were generous. If they were so nice they would had not been cursed and now those bad deeds fall on all Cambodians.
The Kings may be nice to his people but not the POW.

Anonymous said...

what the hell is "Ecocentric?" damn, i learn new stuffs from here all the time...

Anonymous said...

In case that some of you are very stressful and want funny things to watch, enjoy Apisit and Thaksin Rap here and here

Anonymous said...

4:20 AM
Don't forget that the British empire broke up from 1918 until today no better than Khmer empire.

Don't be misled my Cambodian compatriot.

Anonymous said...

The British empire and Khmer Empire are different forms. The British created empire throughout the world, and the wealth like gold and diamond and other resources were their wealth brought in from their comenwealth. The British didn't expand the territory in England, but expanded the territory at outside such as Australia, North America, India, many Islands, and Africa. When the empire collapsed the original land in England, stays.
Khmer Empire expanded the territory in the same region, when they lost, look what they have? a tiny spot squeezed by new comers Siam, Laos and Youn or Burma, Malaysia too.

Anonymous said...

4:20AM – generally speaking, there is some truth to what you said. However, I am convinced that those temples were mostly built by Khmer people or workers as an unwavering dedication to their religion and revered Kings, rather than by POWs as you implied, unless you have strong evidence to prove it.

Whatever the case, we are not reliving the past. It is in our mutual interest to focus on the present and the future. Thailand military response to Preah Vihear world heritage listing is counter-productive and inappropriate. Why disputing over relics and risking an open armed conflict?

Khmer Academy

Anonymous said...

You People please, do like I do - DO NOT give a SHIT about ah Viet/Yuon's TRASH, PPU!!!

Ponlue said...


It sound as if you are cursing Thailand.

Because Siam thieved the owner's properties and killed them too.

In reality, You get bad smell every day from the canals that scatter in Bangkok because Siam forced the POW from Lao to make for them.

If like what you said, Siameses will get their sin very shortly.


Anonymous said...

All species have Kama (Sins) that's why they are here on earth. You don't have to curse. Just to let you know the empire was not built by sweet and kindness person like Buddha(s), it was built by the tyrants and butchers.
Furtheremore, no matter you all have tried to hide the facts among your own people that at least one of empire King named Jayavaraman 8 was a notoriously killer who put the Khmer empire under Mongolian's feet and destroyed the empire economy and persecuted all the Khmer Buddhists. Those Khmer Buddhists had to escape for their lives and found a new Kingdom later called Siam.
We always remembered our Kama and your Khmers should to.

Ponlue said...


Your comment related to Jayavaraman VIII is totally right. Thank for your raising the real fact.

So Siamese should express deep gratitude and bow down to him 100 times a day.

However, you should not say that what my people have today because of their kama. Do you really understand the theory of kama in Buddhism? It concerning to individualism not collectivism.

Khmers live on the fertilizer soil and full of natural resources since the prehistorical era. They are so kind, generous and peaceful.

Regarding to the Khmer leaders are somewhat....

Anyway, I consider you are one of knowledgeable persons. But your comment should be on basic of the fact hypothesis, not extreme nationalism.

My above mention is according to your comment at 4:20. It means I do not curse Thailand, but the POW's spirits do.

Anonymous said...


Jayavaraman 8 was one of my example to prove to Khmers who bragged that their Kings were kind, but he was not, he was a butchers and a destroyers.

Why should Thais express gratitude to a fool serial killer like Jayavaraman 8 who persecuted his people?

Of course I understood the law of Karma in Buddhism? But how about you? Do you really understand it? If you do then do you understand the concept of "reincarnation"?

Do you or those Khmers remember their past life, or remember what they did in their previous lives?

Each or us has a soul, and our souls will return upon our past deeds, even Lord Buddha had to incarnate into many forms (20 forms may be) before the Lord Buddha reached a stage of no Karma.

Anonymous said...

correction to 8:58PM. it should be "butcher and a dectroyer."

Ponlue said...

I heard that your present king killed his own brother and then take the throne, right?

So your Simese worship to the killers.

More, the souls of the POW will follow your shadow every minute in order to get back what you siam owed.


All Thai kings are ungrateful and butchers. Maybe their children will get their sins...any day.

Anonymous said...


You are so ashamed to admit I am right and you are wrong.

I am Thai and I didn't make comments that the empire was created by nice and kind Kings, I said the empire (any empire) created by tyrants or butchers.

I said eveyone has Karma, and my King's actions (his own Karma) has nothing to do with you braggart Cambodians.

You are so ashamed to admit that Buddhists believe in "reincarnation"?

What a Hypocrite Cambodian you are.

Ponlue said...

What King Jayavaraman VIII had done was the main cause to give Siam a birth.

You said you can not express your gratitude to him coz he was a butcher.

So i just want to know that your Siamese obey your kings or not when you know that they are destroyers and butchers?

Your mouth is talking about Thama, but your action is different.

It is like Chit Chop...

How can we trust on you, Due to Siameses are Buddhists, but they have big ambition by sending the troops to invade neighboring country.

You are too ashamed in claiming that you believe in Buddhism, but you don't follow the Buddha's principles.

How a hypocrite Siamese you are!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't want to jump in, but as a Khmer "Chhup debate tov". You need to learn how to debate or explore more Blogs, then read how people debate. You are winding roping yourself. Right now we see that you are not matched with this Thai.