Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mrs.Mu Sochua and the Justice

Mrs.Sochua is awarded for her brave to face with this court in order to bring along with the non-biased court, the justice and human dignity, the rule of law, the respect of the supreme national constitution, the fearless and open society, the liberal democracy, and the freedom of speech for all Cambodian people.

Finally, the municipal court of Phnom Penh delayed the verdict of Mrs.Mu Sochua from July 24 to August 4. Everyone, men and women, Cambodian people in Cambodia and abroad appealed for justice for Mrs.Sochua. In reality, we are not deceived by that because the justice for Mrs.Sochua was already violated at the beginning. The following is the injustice procedures of the court.
  • Mrs.Sochua is the victim of the trial because Prime Minister Hun Sen who defamed her during his public speech at Kampot province, not Mrs.Sochua. Prime Minister's speech was unacceptable for general women when he made fun that there were a woman wanted to expose her bra but accused others of stripping it off...that woman was a strong leg woman etc. This speech is irritated by all Cambodians.
  • Mrs.Sochua had to defend herself from being looking down by PM and misunderstanding by the public. If this case happened only between Hun Sen and Mrs.Sochua in a private place, not in public like this, it might not be a matter. But every Cambodian saw and heard when Hun Sen's speech was televised nationwide. When Mrs.Sochua wanted to use her basic right to protect her fame and dignity, that basic right has become a sword to herself because her lawsuit dismissed by the court but the countersuit by PM Hun Sen has been in the process. The court said her lawsuit was lack of evidence, but PM's lawsuit had sufficient evidence. What evidence should be relevant while PM defamed Mrs.Sochua through the public, Mrs.Sochua just defended herself by doing press conference to prepare the lawsuit. The court used the excuse of not mentioning the name. Yes, Hun Sen didn't mention the name but when the public realize whose that person Hun Sen referred to, this evidence is relevant enough. More than this, previous conviction of defamation, there were many opposition members were convicted though they didn't mention the name directly. For instance, Sam Rainsy was convicted by this same court before while Sam Rainsy didn't mention the plaintiff name directly.
  • After the court dismissed her lawsuit and proceed PM's lawsuit, the Cambodian parliament was at the urgent meeting to strip off her parliamentary immunity. Why the assembly didn't strip off Hun Sen's immunity as well while he was also the defendant.
  • It is worst when Mrs.Sochua's lawyer, Kong Sam Onn rejected to defend her and surrendered himself to become CPP's political member while he was under the pressure by Ky Tech, Hun Sen's lawyer. Everyone knows that Kong Sam Onn was at the hardest situation because of his worrisome of Bar association would disbar him and his lawyer career would be terminated, also the court might convict him in the defamation lawsuit by Hun Sen as well. When Kong Sam Onn resigned, no lawyer or defense attorneys dare to defend Mrs.Sochua. This situation proves that Hun Sen's power is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent in Cambodia. Mrs.Sochua is not reluctant to face with this injustice procedure. She came back to Cambodia from her international conference although her parliamentary immunity was lifted, and bravely she accepted to walk into the court without having defense attorney.
Now, the case of Mrs.Sochua is the best example for the injustice procedure of the court of Cambodia. This trial has been put in a high profile for the nation. The high profile that Mrs.Sochua has put her life in a difficult situation because every one knows and she knows that "The Cambodia Court is Excessively Influenced by the Prime Minister and the Government". Cambodian people in general, NGOs and international observers etc are keeping close eyes to this procedure.

We don't know what is in mind of the municipal judge on the 4th of August relating to this lawsuit. But what we have known is that the law itself and the litigation itself were already contaminated in this court of Cambodia. Now it wholly depends on the judge, the judge who was put himself in a very difficult situation because of the omnipotent of the Prime Minister. The win-win strategy would settle down when they convict Mrs.Sochua by fining her according to the Prime Minister's demand in his countersuit.

This trial is the best lesson for all Cambodians and the government to demonstrate the injustice court of Cambodia especially to learn to behave properly about the independence of the executive, the judiciary and the legislative. Doing so Cambodia will have the brighter future and the supreme national constitution will no one can violate any more.

But are Cambodian people aware about this? Does Hun Sen enlighten this? Does the court of Cambodia want to behave at a proper way at the sacrificing of their own corruption mind?

Mrs.Sochua is awarded for her brave to face with this court in order to bring along with the non-biased court, the justice and human dignity, the rule of law, the respect of the supreme national constitution, the fearless and open society, the liberal democracy, and the freedom of speech for all Cambodian people.



Anonymous said...

I applaud her courage at time it is something predicable from the regime of cpp. If you decided to enjoy in the feast of demons you are neither good or different from them.

Mrs. Sochua has a role to play for cpp as for srp

Anonymous said...

Very enlightened article!

Anonymous said...

She might not be "victim of the trial. She is a victim of the conflict with Hun Sen".

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...


I am 100% behind Mrs. Mu Sochua's standing against the dictatorial regime of the Hun Xen.

Khmer Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen win ,the Cambodia world look stupid,Viet Hun Sen Boss take the trust away from Hun Sen because he fool and making the world keep eyes closer to Cambodia ,the Vietnamization to annext Khmer will delay their process so the result Hun Sen might get lock up by the patron Viet Nam.
So the verdict Hun Sen is the loser.
Mu won khmer heart and the whole world.
Mu .is the winner.

Anonymous said...

The justice system is an important of a country pride and dignity. A country with a justice system where the court just serve the powerfull and the rich is proving that the country is still barbaric and is uncivilised. A good leader must be braved to allow their citizen to challege him through court and is courageous to accepte responsiblity for his wrong doing. Only a coward who is very brave in his own compond with full of bodyguards. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

I think SRP and Mme Mu Sochua react to the court is too much. It looks like they are immature confronting the unfair trial. I think everyone understand that this court is trying to save face for PM Hun Sen. And Sam Rainsy has declared that he want to close this case by paying the amount of money if the court find Mme Mu guilty. But the way they prepared for the verdict yesterday, it is just to anger our Strongman and his court that make this case stay longer.

Best Site said...

There is no justic in Cambodia.

(Movies, Musics, Games, Softwares)

Anonymous said...

I would like to see comrade hun sen pit against mrs. mu sochua in a boxing match. I'll bet my money on this woman. They say comrade hun sen is a strongman in cambodia but mu sochua is 10 times stronger. Comrade hun sen will be at a disadvantage in the contest because he can only see with one eye, whereas mu sochua can see with both eyes.

Anonymous said...


Actually, man and woman can not compete in boxing match. However, man and woman can compete on the bed. One thing I do agree with you on what you said that "Thick face Mu Sochua is 10 times stronger than Hun Sen" That is why she has white man's husband and also got 3 kids. She can cope with white man who has his little brother bigger and longer than Hun Sen. So, Mu Sochua can beat Hun Sen within the first round.

Love Live, strong and thick face woman Mu Sochua????

Anonymous said...

It is not relevant about skin color whom a person maried to. If you are Buddhist, you should understand "Ku Preng or Ku Kam".

Do you want me to expose Hun Sen's daughter's white men boy friends? How many of those good looking guys Hun Sen's daughter fucked? Plenty. Did anyone know she is under medication from HIV positive? One of Hun Sen's nephew married a French woman now both have kids. Do you think he is not a good fucker on bed with that White woman? If not she would have left him already. Now you see Khmer guys are good fucking than others.

If you want to argue like someone from at least not a group of male prostiturtes In SEA, then try to be rational instead of personal attack.

Anonymous said...

In reality, Hun Sen is a coward in this case because he can't face Mrs Mu Sochua in court . If he is a STRONGMAN like they call him , he would have come to court to face Mrs Mu Sochua one on one instead of sending his lawyer . To me , whatever is going to happen on Agust the 4th , Mrs Mu Sochua is already a winner because she is a woman who is brave enough to stand up to a Dictator in court without her lawyer to represent her .
Long Live Mrs Mu Socua

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a dictator, rich and owned Cambodia. Why do you think he would come to this junk court, while he is PM who owned that court. Get some reality, my friend.
The dictator like Hun Sen will face his opponent in court? He can just order to shoot her or anyone any time in a second.

Anonymous said...

On the verdict day, the stupid court will ask Mu Sochua to pay the fine and then she can go.

They won't be stupid to put her in jail. They just want to show who is in charge so no one dares to mess with them.

Anonymous said...

1:39 PM
That's what a coward Hun Sen is . I think that's good for him because if he is in court he won't be able to controll himself . A wildman like him might order his bodyguard to shoot someone in there.

Anonymous said...

A secret of true happiness and success in peace is to love your enemy and pray for who hates you.

Anonymous said...

If we obey God's commands, then we are sure that we know Him. If someone says that he knows Him, but does not obey his commands, such a person is a liar and there is no truth in him. But whoever obeys His word is the one whose love for God has really been made perfect. This is how we can be sure that we are in union with God: whoever says that he remains in union with God should live just as Jesus Christ did.

The Bible 1 John 2: 3-6

Anonymous said...

Cambodia right now is like pol pot part 2 under Hun sen/hanoi.

Anonymous said...

How many times that PM Hun Xen have been used his inappropriate languages during his speech to Cambodian people in 30 years?
A. 100 times
B. 300 times
C. 1 million times
D. All these above

Anonymous said...

Justice in Cambodia - the big one wins- or should I say "animal justice" system; and they are proud to walk this road path.

Anonymous said...


Your language tells a lot about who you are and the kind of party you believe in...

I wish you would stick to the topic debating.

Tuk Trey Sre said...

There are so much societal problems beyond anyone can help us Khmer folks. We never see eyes to eyes with regards to raising ours Srok Khmer on the pedestal. Khmer has a genetic markers to be self-indulgent, introvert personalities, arrogant being as to who care about others, egotistical being, and most Khmer has NO MORAL PRINCIPLES.

We will be consume by our bickering and indifferences. Looks what happening in Sieb Reab province, Sok Kong get all the rights to collect funding and ticketing sale regarding ours Cultural Heritage. Approximately 60-80 million US dollars generated from the tourism just in the province. ONLY a million USD or less is infused back to local sectors. There are many more beggars in the street of Sieb Reab, while Sok Kong is raising more motels/hotels/resorts popping up like bamboo shoots. The Wealthier Khmers DO NOT care about anyone else in Cambodia.

In the next decade, will there be Cambodia left? Climate change is a global scale, CPP haording the revenue from illegal logging from ours natural Rainforest of the SW, NW, and NE zone. When Cambodia whether increase 3.5 degrees hotter, will Cambodians survive a temperature of 105-110F?

I see Khmer "nov" Srok Khmer worry about what trees to cut down first, but never worry what sort of tree ought to be planted first. KHMER ATTITUDES WHO CARE ABOUT YOU (khmal ahn, sawk ahn attitude)?

Anyone knows Hun Sen, would you tells him to put 5 minutes of his time to promote planting trees day for the next generation?

Anonymous said...

On the basis of the same agurment that Hen Sen or this PP court is applying to this case to plead Mu Sochua guilt, let us all from now on call SOMBODY " Ah Qvak" or Cheung Klang in Kandal....let see how Hun Sen react to this indiret slanderous and let us all see how the court will flop flop on its precedent. [Khmer Peasant]

Anonymous said...

10;48 pm,
I agree with you, but please correct the name of Khmer Province." It is not Sieb Reab" province, it is "Siem Riep" province.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tuk Trey Sre (10:48 PM)

Change is a "Slow Train Coming"

In a few short paragraphs you capture some very poignant thoughts about what ails Cambodia. It is the mindset of the people who are not sincere about making changes that will improve the situation for the masses, but rather to serve the select few.

Also, your concern for the environment and the potential impacts for future generations are to be commended. Please do not give up hope though. I dare say that I STRONGLY disagree that Cambodian people are genetically predisposed to introversion and lack of moral principles. These are clearly choices to be made and are not irreversible.

From what I see, many of the Youth of the Nation are no longer satisfied with negativity and refuse to the status quo of self-interest, corruption and environmental degradation.

Do not give up, my dear friend "Tuk Trey Sre". Hope will prevail! In the words of the famous singer and song-writer Bob Dylan (selected lyrics from Slow Train Coming):

"Sometimes I feel so low-down and disgusted Can't help but wonder what's happening to my companions
Are they lost or are they found, have they counted the cost it'll take to bring down. All their earthly principles they're gonna have to abandon? There's slow, slow train coming up around the bend."


"Man's ego is inflated, his laws are outdated, they don't apply no more. You can't rely no more to be standing around waiting"


"Fools glorifying themselves, trying to manipulate Satan
And there's slow, slow train coming up around the bend."

"Big-time negotiators, false healers and woman haters. Masters of the bluff and masters of the proposition. But the enemy I see wears a cloak of decency.

All non-believers and men stealers talking in the name of religion
And there's slow, there's slow train coming up around the bend."

"People starving and thirsting, grain elevators are bursting. Oh, you know it costs more to store the food than it do to give it.

They say loose your inhibitions, follow your own ambitions They talk about a life of brotherly love, show me someone who knows how to live it There's slow, slow train coming up around the bend."


"I don't care about economy, I don't care about astronomy. But it's sure do bother me to see my loved ones turning into puppets
There's slow, slow train coming up around the bend."

And, in the words of the Tragically Hip: "It's a long train coming. But well worth the wait."

Jai Sri Ram, Jai Jai Ram

Your Rock and Roll Guru,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Bun Heang the cartoonist,
Please you draw Mrs.Mu Picture status in fron of Chan Chhaya river bank with black cloth cover on her head and one hand Mrs. Mu carry the scale ,this is the symbol of justice,it doesn't matter and what happen to her may be she gonna be NEANG DEAP VANNARA the heroine in the LON NOL TIME ,you know what I meant? And Mrs Mu will be that symbol for khmer people dare stand up in front of dictator Hun Sen.
Californian resident

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ms Mu SocHua
Do not seek justice from men (human) for in their heart there is no justice. But seek justice from God. Your God. If your gods are money, fame, pride, approvals from men, honour, praise, your gods cannot give you justice or anything else for you or to save you except to bring you down even further. But if your God is God the Creator of heaven and Earth, God of Love, God of justice, merciful God, forgiving God, God Almighty, God the Savior, God that sent his only Son to come to save us, He will save you and He will lift you up from the trial and persecution, if you go to him and humbly ask Him.
Plead for His help and Justice, And He will prevail over men injustice.For He will be with you and guide you and protect you.
To the judge, the prosecutor, to the persecutor... your heart is troubled, your way is wicked, you toil, you judge to please men but not for justice. You fear men but not God. Your deeds will not go unpunished. In due time you will be judged and punished and pay back the price of your injustice. Look at Duch. your due time is near, very near, and the price you will pay back will be hundred folds. Your family will continue to pay for you also.No one will escape.
If you cannot judge to give justice to your fellow people, you should at least know how to judge for yourself and for your own justice.

Anonymous said...


Don't bring your God concept to create more conflict in Cambodia.

It is enough for zero-game God belief. When Christian, Muslim and Jews each claims their God only is the truth, others are fake, these three religions have been fighting and killing each other ever since.

So, your belief is zero-game belief. It leads to only disaster and intractable conflicts.

Madam Sochua needs only peaceful mind come from a deep breath of meditation to face with those injustices.