07 August 2009
By Baphuon
Article originally posted online
On April 27, 1954, the Geneva Conference produced the Geneva Agreement which supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Indochina thereby granting its independence from France. In addition, the Conference declaration agreed upon the cessation of hostilities and foreign involvement (or troops) in internal Indochina affairs.
Vietnam must withdraw their armed forced from Cambodia but never did since then to these days.
The Vietnamese armed resistance (Vietminh) for Vietnam liberation from France was very active all over Cambodia from inside to outside. Indeed, to run Cambodia, French colonial administration used Vietnamese cadres. By this way, Vietnamese officers were infiltrated in the Force Royale Armée Khmer (FARK), Security forces and civil administration.
To fight against the Vietminh, French Army created district armed forces. At the village level, French army armed Cambodian villagers with rifles and ammunitions. In order to get armament and ammunition from French Army, the chief of village must do first the survey, how many families, how many people lived in his village? Hence, the Chief of village must fill the forms of the survey of their village. The Vietnamese village’s chiefs in Cambodia knew very well how to make that kind of paper works of survey while Cambodian villages in majority illiterate, except Khmer Krom villages in Cambodia, didn't.
Finally, all the Vietnamese villages in Cambodia got their rifles and ammunitions from French Army to defend their villages against the Vietminh. But in reality, these rifles and ammunitions went straight to the Vietminh. After a few skirmishes, the Vietnamese villagers, in connivance with the Vietminh, abandoned their rifles and ammunitions to the Vietminh. On other hand, the Vietminh got also their rifles and ammunitions from the Vietnamese cadres in FARK and Security forces.
That was the main avenue the Vietminh got armament and ammunitions from French Army to fight against French Army during the French colonialist war, 1945-1955, and later to dominate all Indochina.
Immediately after Geneva Agreement 1954, France Army demobilized the district Cambodian armed forces, stocked pile their armored vehicles, canons, mortars, machine guns rifles and ammunitions and brought them back to France. But the Vietminh were very active to steal theses armaments and ammunitions from French stock piles. Almost half of the French stock pile armament and ammunitions was looted and went straight to arm the Vietminh.
Only two Cambodia generals, General Lon Nol and General Duong Sam Ol saw the danger for Cambodia. General Lon Nol and Duong Sam Ol fought with the Vietminh to get some 5,000 rifles Garand M1 and Enfield and ammunition from French stock pile. To hide these 5,000 Garand M1 and Enfield and ammunitions, General Lon Nol and Duong Sam Ol buried them all in Long Vek district.
FARK of King Norodom Sihanouk did not fight at all against the North Vietnamese Army which continued to occupy Cambodia.
FARK was very ill equipped, had never been trained, and never fought. King Sihanouk was afraid of the FARK’s coup. Even his uncle Sisowath Monireth made a coup to topple him in 1946.
In the 1950s General Lon Nol, Samdech Sangh Chuon Nath and Iv Tout believed firmly that Vietnam would never withdraw their armed forces from Cambodia, and Vietnam will swallow Cambodia. To free Cambodia, Cambodia need a strong army, well trained, well led and well equipped. Hence the three national leaders decided to create a secrete army of Special Forces, independent of the FARK. They named it KANSEIGN SAR [white scarf]. Khmer Krom and Khmer Krom Vat supported enthusiastically from the start financially and in human resources the creation of the secrete armed forces.
In 1958, General Lon Nol, Samdech Sangh Reach Chuon Nath and Samdech Sangh Pravanarath Iv Tuot would equip the Special Forces KANSEIGN SAR with these 5,000 rifles Garand M1 and Enfield that General Lon Nol and Duong Sam Ol buried in Long Vek.
In 1979, when the People Army of Vietnam (PAVN) invaded Cambodia, General Duong Sam Ol was stuck in Cambodia. He was hiding in Phnom Penh suburb Stung Mean Chey with Sarin Chhak and Ang Kim Khoan families for more than one year. Chau Dara, one of Resistance chiefs, sent a team led by his bodyguard Phéng, now living in Massachusetts, to bring General Duong Sam Ol to Thailand. Chau Dara commanded an army division of 10,000 soldiers. Dara needed a well known Cambodian leader to lead the Armed Resistance to free Cambodia. Chau Dara had refused to eliminate Son Sann and General Dien Del and Co in spite of the CIA insistence because he has sweared to Buddha, he will not kill no more Cambodian brothers.
The Duo General Duong Sam Ol/Chau Dara might well lead Cambodia to the victory, but fate had decided otherwise.
Phéng, the bodyguard, met with these three eminent families. But in a split second, Sarin Chhak, our national hero for his thesis of Doctorat en Droit on Cambodia borders, lose his way and later disappeared in Vietnamese incarceration. Only Genera Duong Sam Ol and Ang Kim Khoan escaped to Thailand under Phéng leadership.
Chau Dara deemed that Prince Sihanouk and Son Sann were incompetent and a big obstacle toward Cambodia’s victory. Even the CIA station chief advised Chau Dara to decapitate the FNLPK leadership and took over the movement. Son Sann and General Dien Del launched a smear campaign against Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol to Thai military and asked Thai military special force to hunt down Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol. Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol were wanted for 50,000 Bath reward per head. Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol went to hiding until Père Venet sneaked General Duong Sam Ol out the refugee camp and brought him to France. The CIA Station Chief brought Chau Dara to the States and said, we will meet again in thirty years if Cambodia is lucky enough of not being swallowed by Vietnam and when Sihanouk was no more in political arena.
The US can do nothing to help Cambodia when Sihanouk is there politically, said the CIA agent.
General Duong Sam Ol died on Wednesday August 5, 2009 at Hospital LAGNY, FRANCE, at 93 years old. He was a great soldier!
All my sincere condolences to the family.
Vietnam must withdraw their armed forced from Cambodia but never did since then to these days.
The Vietnamese armed resistance (Vietminh) for Vietnam liberation from France was very active all over Cambodia from inside to outside. Indeed, to run Cambodia, French colonial administration used Vietnamese cadres. By this way, Vietnamese officers were infiltrated in the Force Royale Armée Khmer (FARK), Security forces and civil administration.
To fight against the Vietminh, French Army created district armed forces. At the village level, French army armed Cambodian villagers with rifles and ammunitions. In order to get armament and ammunition from French Army, the chief of village must do first the survey, how many families, how many people lived in his village? Hence, the Chief of village must fill the forms of the survey of their village. The Vietnamese village’s chiefs in Cambodia knew very well how to make that kind of paper works of survey while Cambodian villages in majority illiterate, except Khmer Krom villages in Cambodia, didn't.
Finally, all the Vietnamese villages in Cambodia got their rifles and ammunitions from French Army to defend their villages against the Vietminh. But in reality, these rifles and ammunitions went straight to the Vietminh. After a few skirmishes, the Vietnamese villagers, in connivance with the Vietminh, abandoned their rifles and ammunitions to the Vietminh. On other hand, the Vietminh got also their rifles and ammunitions from the Vietnamese cadres in FARK and Security forces.
That was the main avenue the Vietminh got armament and ammunitions from French Army to fight against French Army during the French colonialist war, 1945-1955, and later to dominate all Indochina.
Immediately after Geneva Agreement 1954, France Army demobilized the district Cambodian armed forces, stocked pile their armored vehicles, canons, mortars, machine guns rifles and ammunitions and brought them back to France. But the Vietminh were very active to steal theses armaments and ammunitions from French stock piles. Almost half of the French stock pile armament and ammunitions was looted and went straight to arm the Vietminh.
Only two Cambodia generals, General Lon Nol and General Duong Sam Ol saw the danger for Cambodia. General Lon Nol and Duong Sam Ol fought with the Vietminh to get some 5,000 rifles Garand M1 and Enfield and ammunition from French stock pile. To hide these 5,000 Garand M1 and Enfield and ammunitions, General Lon Nol and Duong Sam Ol buried them all in Long Vek district.
FARK of King Norodom Sihanouk did not fight at all against the North Vietnamese Army which continued to occupy Cambodia.
FARK was very ill equipped, had never been trained, and never fought. King Sihanouk was afraid of the FARK’s coup. Even his uncle Sisowath Monireth made a coup to topple him in 1946.
In the 1950s General Lon Nol, Samdech Sangh Chuon Nath and Iv Tout believed firmly that Vietnam would never withdraw their armed forces from Cambodia, and Vietnam will swallow Cambodia. To free Cambodia, Cambodia need a strong army, well trained, well led and well equipped. Hence the three national leaders decided to create a secrete army of Special Forces, independent of the FARK. They named it KANSEIGN SAR [white scarf]. Khmer Krom and Khmer Krom Vat supported enthusiastically from the start financially and in human resources the creation of the secrete armed forces.
In 1958, General Lon Nol, Samdech Sangh Reach Chuon Nath and Samdech Sangh Pravanarath Iv Tuot would equip the Special Forces KANSEIGN SAR with these 5,000 rifles Garand M1 and Enfield that General Lon Nol and Duong Sam Ol buried in Long Vek.
In 1979, when the People Army of Vietnam (PAVN) invaded Cambodia, General Duong Sam Ol was stuck in Cambodia. He was hiding in Phnom Penh suburb Stung Mean Chey with Sarin Chhak and Ang Kim Khoan families for more than one year. Chau Dara, one of Resistance chiefs, sent a team led by his bodyguard Phéng, now living in Massachusetts, to bring General Duong Sam Ol to Thailand. Chau Dara commanded an army division of 10,000 soldiers. Dara needed a well known Cambodian leader to lead the Armed Resistance to free Cambodia. Chau Dara had refused to eliminate Son Sann and General Dien Del and Co in spite of the CIA insistence because he has sweared to Buddha, he will not kill no more Cambodian brothers.
The Duo General Duong Sam Ol/Chau Dara might well lead Cambodia to the victory, but fate had decided otherwise.
Phéng, the bodyguard, met with these three eminent families. But in a split second, Sarin Chhak, our national hero for his thesis of Doctorat en Droit on Cambodia borders, lose his way and later disappeared in Vietnamese incarceration. Only Genera Duong Sam Ol and Ang Kim Khoan escaped to Thailand under Phéng leadership.
Chau Dara deemed that Prince Sihanouk and Son Sann were incompetent and a big obstacle toward Cambodia’s victory. Even the CIA station chief advised Chau Dara to decapitate the FNLPK leadership and took over the movement. Son Sann and General Dien Del launched a smear campaign against Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol to Thai military and asked Thai military special force to hunt down Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol. Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol were wanted for 50,000 Bath reward per head. Chau Dara and General Duong Sam Ol went to hiding until Père Venet sneaked General Duong Sam Ol out the refugee camp and brought him to France. The CIA Station Chief brought Chau Dara to the States and said, we will meet again in thirty years if Cambodia is lucky enough of not being swallowed by Vietnam and when Sihanouk was no more in political arena.
The US can do nothing to help Cambodia when Sihanouk is there politically, said the CIA agent.
General Duong Sam Ol died on Wednesday August 5, 2009 at Hospital LAGNY, FRANCE, at 93 years old. He was a great soldier!
All my sincere condolences to the family.
Oh Khmer....It's hard to be different, but we tried.
Now, we know that Gen. Duong Sam Ol was a sihanoukist.If he decided to join Sihanouk who was well known as a vietcong and north Vietnam sympatizer then his death is nothing to be sad about.May his soul went straight to hell.He should have join the true nationalist or the khmer REPUBLIC from the beginning.
Oh ! mon pauvre Comité des frontières du Cambodge (CFC) en Englais Cambodia's Border Commitee
(CBC) ? C'est très regretable pour le Pauvre Peuple cambodgien de recevoir la biographie incomplète du traitre Duong Sam Ol. Pourquoi CFC=CBC n'informe-t-il pas la Biographie complète du sieur Duong Sam Ol ? Duong Sam Ol, officier déserteur de la Force Armée Royale Khmère depuis le 18 Mars 1970 pour se rejoindre dans camp de Funk et de Grunk, ensuite il est devenu Membre-Cadre des Khmers rouges. Duong Sam Ol travaillait sous les ordres de Ieng Say au Ministère des Affaires étrangères à partir du 17 Avril 1975 du Kampuchea Prâchea Thipatay (Kampuchea démocratique)des Khmers rouges dont Ah Norodom Sihanouk, Chef de l'état ou Président du Kampuchea Prâchea Thipatay.
Je demande ce dudit comité des Frontières du Camboge dont MR. Seang Péngsè Président, siègé à Paris en France de reviser la Biographie réelle de cet homme : Duong Sam Ol.
Merci d'avance !
Sihanoukist and got to go to B 32 prison with him, but also got hunting down by G. Son Sann who was a Sihanoukist? and never got to do anything significant in Cambodia during Sihanouk was in power between 1993 and 2004 or during his son Sihamoni's Reign at present time. Strange and mysterious story indeed.
That teaches you to choose just one good horse. Win or loose. So be it.
Com on old boys up there from 7:23 to 7:36am.
Be cool men. Don't you believe in fate at all?
Don't know the real deal so don't judge the King. Yes politics is always mystery that's why some American's wives now are 80's 90's said they never seen their husbands and the government didn't tell them where their husband were died or alive? Some received fake death certificates of their spouses but never see the bodies.
If they let you or me know everythings there wouldn't be secret missions at all.
12:49pm there is no such a thing as seccreat missions. do not compare cambodia to the usa...you are comparing apple and orange here, mister. the whole thing about cambodia is that all khmer politicians have no clue as to what they want to do with the country they live in. They often live in a foreign country so they lose touch with reality. If you ask them about the state of economy in cambodia, they wouldnt know a thing.
A good primary source of unknown story,but it is hard to find independent confirmation. However, Ge. Sam Ol is a true Khmer nationalist based on his short biography.
rest in peace (rip, my dear!
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