Sunday, September 27, 2009

1,500 U.S Soldiers to Join Drill in Cambodia


About 1,500 U.S. military men are expected to join military exercise which is planned to take place in Cambodia in the middle of next year, Cambodian military official said Saturday.

Gen. Chhum Socheat, spokesman of National Defense said that more than 2,000 military men are reserved for the first-ever event in the country and they will come from more than 20 countries, of which 1,500 will be from the United States.

The military exercise which is to be supported by the United States under a program titled "Global Peace Operations Initiative or GPOI" will take place in June or July next year.

According to the plan, the military exercise will be conducted in Phnom Penh and in Phnom Sruoch district in Kompong Speu province, about 90 kilometers from the capital, the officials added.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh issued a statement saying during a four-day visit to Washington D.C. , Tea Banh, Cambodia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense had met with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and discussed security cooperation between the United States and Cambodia.

During the meeting, they also highlighted Cambodia's ongoing support for international peacekeeping operations and Cambodia's commitment to hosting the 2010 Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) regional capstone exercise.

GPOI is a U.S.-funded G-8 program to expand global capacity to train and equip 75,000 peacekeepers by the year 2010, the statement said.

Peace Operations Initiative was established after the 2004 G8 Sea Island Summit to address growing gaps in international peace operations. The goals of GPOI expand upon the goals of the Sea Island Action Plan. GPOI built policy based on previous peace operations capacity-building programs.


Anonymous said...

1500 soldiers??? What is the US planning to do? Are they setting a military base there?

Anonymous said...

Train the khmer soldiers on how to fight effectively against real enemies DUMBASS.
Nowaday, those soldiers were regard as good only with innocence people.

Anonymous said...

US should buy out cambodia. cambodia needs the USA, especially in the new era for US to establish permanent US military bases there. we want the USA there. we know how good life can be have if the USA is there in cambodia. we love america. hope this is a new beginning for cambodia and the USA. god bless cambodia.

ps: the USA is the economic powerhouse of the world, really, so, it is smart for cambodia to embrace the USA, instead so much of youn and siem, etc... remember the power of the US dollar, a de facto money in use in cambodia along with the khmer riel. so, it says a lot about the power of the US influence there, really. cambodia and khmer people deserve better involvement from the USA. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

cambodia wants USA involvement both militarily and economically, really. look at south korea and japan and even thailand where there are USA present, look how their economy and way of life is much better everywhere the USA is involving there. it's time for cambodia to benefit from the USA presence and econical power as well. we want good life in cambodia. don't let political ambition blinded us all. cambodia should look into the bright and better future with the new relationship with america both economically and miliatrily. yes! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

To: 6:10 AM & 6:16 AM

Please, do not get too excited.
The US involvement in Cambodia does not necessarely benefit the ordinary Khmer people.
It is like in a classroom; no matter how good a teacher is, if the pupils are too lazy and/or too stupid, then the results would be still disappointing. It depends upon us khmers to study and work harder and smarter.

Anonymous said...

Most of Khmer soldier had experienced with long wars only, but not technique, i hope US will teach them the most effective way of fighting and modern Technique of warefare, because US has the most modern Technique of warfare inculding best weapons....

Ponlue said...


Anonymous said...

Khmer had experienced killing khmer each other very well...

Anonymous said...

The fundamental that khmer soldiers should learn from the United States is STAYING NEUTRAL and not partisan.Because either party won election ,that party will need armed force anyway to safegard our country.Political party should not use national guard as their tool to intimidate their opponent.Khmer has along way to go on that one.

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

Remember that 2/3 of the Hun SEn's armies are Vietnamese Viet Cong with Khmer uniforms.

In 3,000 Hun Sen's bodyguards are about 2,000 Viet Cong in Khmer uniforms..

And these are not including the real Viet armies in all khmer provinces yet, as over 100,000 of them, said Hun Sen last year 0f 2008.

Anonymous said...

Most of Vietnamese army are staying in cambodia during 1979 invasions, they did not return to Vietnam, a lot of them are working as machine shop, auto, moto bike mechanics...

Anonymous said...

Why don't we send those viets to the frontline in Preah Vihear, but under the strict supervision of Khmer officers.

Anonymous said...

No, those hidden vietnamese soldiers did not want to go to the front line at Preah vihear.They would rather stay in provinces or close to the capitol.When time arrive ,they just rise up and take over and that spell the END of khmer.Putho arahaing.

Anonymous said...

That is a good new to hear the manover of US soldiers in Cambodia like this, I am very glad. That is belance bewteen Youn and Chhin. Cambodian peolpe US military present and US investment in this country. Thank to MR Obama. Depending on the interview of MR Tea Banh in RFA "What military did , is up to the court ". His answer is clear, wenn at time the court independent, then the Khmer army will do althing right. But the problem is that, are the Khmer army is really Khmer sons or the mixed Viet (in Khmer army and speak Khmer) and real Khmers? Why? I have relative who is working in PM, he told me 1/3 of PM are viet speaking Khmer.

Anonymous said...

6:10 AM & 6:16 AM
you are so stupid. use your head!

Anonymous said...

We need all supports from outside world, also from the US government and other countries to rebuild the real democracy in Cambodia.´
It is good for our country, because our democracy is very unstable and by this way USA can help us.
Of course USA did some mistake in the past, but now the US government really want to help our country and our people.
It is the best for Cambodia to have good and well relationship to all countries on this planet.

Khmer born

Anonymous said...

Vietcong has swallowed ChamPa,Prey Norkor,and Now AngkorWat.

Vietcong has no any religion ,it's true.

We are khmer everywhere on earth.

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind"

International law and International Justice,The Empire khmer belong to Khmerrrr!

"Good is friend in need"

Anonymous said...

Khmer song

Anonymous said...

Americans will train Hun Sen to treat Xam RaingXy supporters like Abu Grahab and Guatanamo.

Anonymous said...

I except or supporting Global peace operation program in the Kingdom of Cambodia and I would like to see more other Country participanting such a wonderfull peace operations capacity-building programs for right now and for the future.

Anonymous said...

The Global Peace Operations Initiative trainning in Cambodia is much better than the Cobra Gold training in Thailand.