Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Abhisit flexes his muscle back at Hun Xen?

Abhisit asserts Thai rights over disputed Khmer border zone

BANGKOK, Sept 29 (TNA) - Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Tuesday insisted that Thailand was ready to assert its rights after his Cambodian counterpart Prime Minister Hun Sen earlier ordered his troops to shoot any intruders from Thailand who stepped on Cambodian soil.

The Thai premier said that raising the issue to an international level was Mr Hun Sen's style.

"When he (Mr Hun Sen) was interviewed by foreign media, he always expressed this attitude," said Mr Abhisit. "It is his style in making headlines."

Mr Abhisit, however, assured that Thailand was always ready for negotiations, but "at the same time, we are ready to assert our rights."

Despite the ongoing tension on the border, the Thai premier expressed confidence that his Cambodian counterpart will attend the 15th ASEAN Summit and other related summits at the Thai seaside resort Hua Hin, scheduled for October 23-25.

Mr Hun Sen's announcement came after yellow-shirt protesters of Thailand's Peoples’ Alliance for Democracy (PAD) rallied in the Thai province of Si Sa Ket near the disputed Preah Vihear border area with Cambodia and clashed with local police and residents there.

The PAD supporters’ gathering opposed Cambodia's plan to build new structures in the area near the ancient Preah Vihear temple disputed by Thailand and Cambodia.

Tensions between the two neighbouring countries flared after the United Nations cultural body UNESCO approved Cambodia's bid in July last year to list the 11th century temple as a world heritage site, while the question of sovereignty over the 4.6 square kilometres of surrounding land has never been clearly resolved, angering some Thais who continued to claim Thailand’s ownership of the site.


Anonymous said...

100% agree with Mr. Abhisit, Hun Sen is all talk. He is only brave with innocent poor Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

You and your gangs always say one thing and do the opposite. Look at your country, who is the boss – the yellow shirt, the military, the parliament, the prime minister, or the King? How can Cambodia negotiate with a country in a politically disfunctional like yours?

Anonymous said...

Why did you agree with Abhisit?
In what way? Hun Sen style? How about the power grabber style of Abhisit? He came to power by Thai military Junta supported by Bhumibol, the absolute thug of Chakri.

Look dude, I may not like Hun Sen for his son of bitch attitude toward my Khmer people, but Hun Sen became the PM via elections either he cheated it or not. Unlike Hun Sen Abhisit came to power by Bhumibol military junta. If you want to point finger at Hun Sen for whatever his style is, then look up the record how many time Bhumibol issued his military coup to keep power for life?

Look what the billionnaire sore loser Bhumibol who lost the court battle to King Sihanouk still cry out loud from his deathbath and demanded to take what belongs to Khmers. How much more Bhumibol and his Chakri thieves want after falsefied the history saying Khom not Khmer built Khmer empire temples?

Yes Hun Sen style, but he is not King to be, to have a porn star wife to be queen like the frankentstein Sia O, Bhumibol's son. Oh yeahh Thais' King to be is a play boy carries HIV positive and his 3rd wife the queen to be was a porn start.
His 1st wife was a movie star, but 1st she was his mistress. Then his yeakaney mother named Sirikit drove his 1st wife out to an exile with her 5 children.
His 2nd wife was his 1st cousin, a niece of his yeakaney mother. Chakri family was famous of incest. Like Chulalongkorn married to his 4 sisters and all were his Queens. Now his 3rd wife was a porn star in Thailand.

Hun Sen style defending his country I applauded.




Anonymous said...

10:32PM - thanks for sharing your view with us. Hun Sen may not play fair sometimes, but he is much better and much more legitimate than the go-go boy Abhisit and King Bhumibol who conspired with the father of his his yeakaney wife Sirikit to kill his own brother.

Anonymous said...

Hell is waiting for you, Bhumibol, and your Kingdom for the cruelty you and your people have done to your own ancestors - the Khmers.

Anonymous said...

I hope Hun Sen is tough to Viets the same as he is tough to Thai since both are aggressors. And I hope also that his words followed by his actions. In the past, to his khmer people, his words are followed by his actions. However, to foreigners, his words never translated into actions. Maybe Thai PM is right, Hun Sen just wants media's attention.

Anonymous said...

Both of them are locked in psychological warfare of words.
Adhisit in the past year has learned much about Hun Sen 's state of mind and attitude and reaction when Hun Sen is facing a strong critics and crisis.

Overtime after two armed conflicts, Thailand has developed techniques of how to inciting Hun Sen with War of words and test see whether Hun Sen jump each time when Thai throw some triggering words at him. So Hun sen, in fact did jump.

And What the benefit of doing that, Thailand gradually stands to gain domestically and may be some sympathic from Asian friends at each time when Hun Sen is so angry and trashing out all kind of words against Thailand. Thailand will then use Hun Sen's words against him and label him as uncivilized and ruthless and strongman leader.

Does hun sen gains from using these style of words? YES absolutely but for who.
Cambodian needs this style of his leadership during crisis.
another question, Does Cambodia needs to win the border row issue alone or needs friends as well?

the answer only Hun Sen and his team will know best.

Anonymous said...

Like someone had mentioned that HUN SEN wants to drag on about this case til 2013 national election. No wonder he didn't bring this case to UN.

There is something going on.

Anonymous said...

I'm Thai if Abhisit Vejjajiva failed what he promised to Thai people that he will do whatever to reclaim the Khao Prah Vihan temple people will demand his resignation. And now he had realized that Cambodia is legitimate owner he is looking like a fool that he was convincing Thai people elected him. He had thought he can restore what the previous government duty to reclaim. Like we knew it too that even the pass PM said the temple and the 4.6km2 is belong to Cambodia.

Now he is putting his political career at odd.

Thai Tharmasat University student,

Anonymous said...

And what is your style, Ah Kdit... Ahbullshit?

Your style is to lie to spread lie to your people and show your blind side of greed. Does 'blind' sound familiar?

Keep up the shameless greed and your king will go to hell soon. Next, it will you and all your people.

Rot in hell!

Anonymous said...

He Abhullshit is not blind but his king is blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...



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Anonymous said...

ahbishit flexes his small, skinny cock!

Anonymous said...

hey, stupid siem thugs, cambodia has exhausted all useless negotiation with you thugs already. look! it's been going in circle as you people are using our preah vihear for your own political gain! how stupid and ignorant can that be! pure stupid and ignorant of siem thieves!

Anonymous said...

Ahbulshit born in UK and educated in UK.
Bhumibol born in USA and educated in USA.
Ananda born in Germany and educated in Germany.

During the WWII, the British defeated the Thai Nazi and the US helped the Thai Serei.

Ahbulshit is turning to the US
instead of turning to the UK hoping that the US can help him as much as the US helped Bhumibol because the British told Thailand to refrain its army out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

10:46 PM,
King Pumipon didn't kill his brother, it Sirikit's Father. King Pumipon was tricked by Sirikit's Mother to marry Sirikit. And later King Pumipon poisoned Sirikit's father; that's why Sirikit's mother was angry and hated Pumipon for poisoning her husband. After having evening tea or coffee with Pumipon, Sirikith's father found death. King Pumipon didn't attend the funeral.
Sirikit was not pretty at all until after she had a plastic surgery in London.

Anonymous said...

i don't think hun sen style of talk is to show of to any1 this guy just not give a fuck about any one ,unlike Abhisit alway try to be gentlemen. a good leader try to be a really educated person but inside his brian does not know a shit how to run a country he best at lies cheat and steal we shout congrate siam for that! khnz

Anonymous said...

Abhisit Vejjajiva is using land invasion as a scaped goat because they are going through their political turm oils. So, their government is trying to change the topic by misleading Seim people to focus on other things rather than on him as an incapable Prime Minister and they know it too well that the Temple is belonging to Khmer people but yet they are trying to make trouble to convey the Thai people to focus on something else rather than on him, on the other hand, it is a way of getting their people back on track, like instead of fighting with each why not fight with the Khmer? This is called politic! They are trying to promote love and unity for their own people and stop fighting each other. So, therefore Khmer government needs to learn more about politicians' intention because it could lead into an effective outcome for the whole nation just like Thai government does. Aust