Thursday, September 24, 2009

Deputy PM calls for halt to jingoism

Suthep: Favours talks, not picketing

Bangkok Post

Whipping up nationalist fervour over the Cambodian border issue is a risky game which could harm trade relations with our neighbour, says Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban.

Negotiations were the way to handle the dispute, not picketing, he said yesterday.

Mr Suthep was commenting on Saturday's clash between the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and Si Sa Ket residents near a disputed 4.6 square kilometre border area with Cambodia.

PAD held the protest in Kantharalak district of Si Sa Ket to pressure authorities to force Cambodians from the disputed area, which is near Preah Vihear temple.

The protesters confronted a group of residents who tried to stop them. A clash between PAD protesters and the villagers left scores of people on both sides injured.

Mr Suthep said the government had tried to solve the border problem through negotiation to prevent the dispute from escalating into a conflict between the countries.

People should not let their emotion drive them to stage protests over sovereignty, he said.

Demarcating the boundary with Cambodia could take as long as 10 years, as the two sides could not agree on who owns what.

PM's Office Minister Sathit Wongnongtoey said the government would bring together Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and PAD co-leader Veera Somkhwamkid, who led the PAD protest on Saturday, to explain problems concerning Preah Vihear temple. They would appear together in a television broadcast after the prime minister returned from his overseas trip this weekend.

Natthawut Saikua, of the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), yesterday demanded Mr Abhisit clarify reports that Cambodia was building a road to Preah Vihear through the disputed area.


Anonymous said...

Stealing the market and swallowing cambodia by viet is a big concern to Thailand which led to the panic state and confusion.


Anonymous said...

Do Thai people included the Thai leader ever be able to come up with
a good point?

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែររួមជាតិទាំងឡាយ  ទោះជាយ៉ាងណាក្ដីនេះជាស្នៀតនយោបាយរបសរដ្ឋាភិបាលថៃតែមួយគត់  គឺរិះរកក្បួនញ្ញោះញង់ខ្មែរដើម្បីលុកលុយតទឹកដីយើង ដូចយួនវាបានធ្វើរួចមក ។ យើងត្រូវចងចាំថា៖ ខ្មែរមិនដែលធ្លាប់មានទឹកដីត្រួតស៊ីគ្នាជាមួយប្រទេសជិតខាងឡើយ នេះជាលេសរបស់សៀមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ហើយចង់ចរចារអោយមានភាពសមស្របទទួលយកបាន គឺអោយខ្មែរប្រគល់ទឹកដីខ្មែរដែលវាទាមទារទៅវា តែខ្មែរយើងបានមើកឃើញគ្រប់នូវចំណុចនេះ ទន្ទឹមនឹងនេះវាបានដឹកទ័ពចូលសន្ធឹកសន្ធា់ប់មកកាន់កាប់ដីយើងដូចបងប្អូនបានឃើញស្រាប់ ។ រួចវាបានប្រាប់ពិភពលោកថាវាមិនបានរំលោភទឹកដីខ្មែរទេ តែវានៅទាមទារខ្មែរអោយចរចារ  ផ្ទុយទៅវិញអាសៀមនេះចង់ពន្យាពេលអោយបានវែងឆ្ងាយ ដោយកំពុងដើរគេចវះ ខ្លាចព្រួយពុំហ៊ាននិយាយឬទៅតុលាការឡើយ ជាមួយគ្នានេះដែរវាបានប្រើក្រុមអាវលឿងមករំខានរករឿងខ្មែរឥតឈប់ឈរ ព្រោះប្រើយោធាបានបាក់ស្មារតីរួចជាបីលើកមកហើយ ។ ស្នៀតខិលខូចរបស់សៀមនេះនឹងមានបន្តរបន្ទាប់ ព្រោះមហិច្ជិតាវាគឺរំលោភយកទឹកដីខ្មែរ ព្រោះវាច្រណែនជាមួយួនពន់ពេកណាស់ ។


Anonymous said...

Thailand think cambodia is five years old kid, they had send those Yellow Shirts to protest on purpose, because they try to avoid, and delay border democration line...

Anonymous said...

Come on Thailand, you have bigger land than cambodia, just leave the issue alone, the land belong to cambodia and you thais need to focus on your internal issues in thailand rather then being greedy!

Anonymous said...

If Thai are trying to make border game with Cambodia, the perminant hot wind from East and South (Viet, Xmer) will burn your house in 50 years. Now, Viet works hard to perform the Indochina forderation but in 40- 50 years the "Indochina Forderation + 1" will be appear.

old pol. wolf

Anonymous said...

bad ti tuy. actually nasty ti tuy.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind da sicken tired of Siamese greeds! when they gonna stop barking, cliaming preah vihear lands? cambodian Gov't must start develope the border area as soon as possible, we must continue building more roads, villages, city town, market, shopping center, and our cambodian military base must also build and stay there permenently, this way our people felt safe and secure....

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Military base is the key, because people can feel safe there, as we all knew that our people being shot at every single day along the border...

Anonymous said...

Must do the same at Vietnam-Cambodia border, Viet quiet and spreading like anaconda snake!!