Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Exit The King - ពេលស្តេច​ត្រូវ​អស់​សង្ខារ

រឿង "ពេលស្តេច​ត្រូវ​អស់​សង្ខារ" របស់​ Eugène Ionesco

ដោយ វ៉ាន់ឌី កាអុន

នៅថ្ងៃអង្គារសប្តាហ៍នេះ វ៉ាន់ឌី កាអុន​ មាន​សេចក្តី​រីករាយ ​វិភាគ​នូវ​រឿង​ល្ខោន​មួយ​​របស់ Eugène Ionesco មាន​ចំណង​ជើងថា “ ពេលស្តេច​ត្រូវអស់សង្ខារ ”។ រឿង​​ល្ខោននេះ បាន​ត្រូវ​សំដែង​លើក​ដំបូង​បង្អស់ នៅ​ឆ្នំា១៩៦២។

សូម​ចុចខាងក្រោម ដើម្បីស្តាប់៖

French Literature
“The King is dying” by Eugène Ionesco

15 Sept 2009
Comment by Vandy Kaon

This Tuesday, Vandy Kaon is pleased to comment on Eugène Ionesco’s play “The King is dying”. The play was first showed in 1962.

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

The play

It is the third in Ionesco's "Berenger Cycle", the first two being The Killer (1958) and Rhinocéros (1959), and the final one being A Stroll in the Air (1963). In the other plays of the "Berenger Cycle", Berenger appears as a depressed and insecure everyman who is prone to sentimentality. In Exit the King, he is the solipsistic and belligerent King Berenger the First who was apparently at one point able to command nature and force others to obey his will. Also, the king is, according to his first wife, over four hundred years old. He is informed early in the play that he is dying, and the kingdom is likewise crumbling around him. He has lost the power to control his surroundings and is slowly losing his physical capabilities as well. Through much of the play, he is in denial of his death and refuses to give up power. Berenger’s first wife, Marguerite, along with the Doctor, tries to make Berenger face the reality of his impending death. Berenger’s second wife, Marie, sympathetically attempts to keep Berenger from the pain of knowing his death is imminent. The king lapses into Berenger’s normal sentimentality, and eventually accepts that he is going to die. The characters disappear one by one, leaving the king, now speechless, alone with Marguerite who prepares him for the end. Marguerite and then the king disappear into darkness as the play ends.


Anonymous said...

I love you guy my KHMER brothers/sisters out there all over the world. Keep on writing KHMER script and showed our KHMER people those who don't know how to read/write/speak. Believe me some of those kids that born abroad don't know not even 1 KHMER script. Most kids from abroad speak majority of English, French, German, nor Dutch.

I've learnt so fast every times open this up. I called my dad/mom read it for me. That how I learnt it very fast. GO to YOUTUBE and GOOGLE and you will learn alot more than you think. I taught myself from computer no class has taken.


Anonymous said...

រៀនខ្មែរបានច្រើនរឹតតែល្អច្រើន មែនទេលោក
ហេង ស៊យ? ហាហាហា!!!



Anonymous said...

It's a great story. the main character in this story is like our Sdech Kwack. He thinks that he'll be in power forever even after his death. In your dream you damn fool. I'll piss and dace on your grave after you die.