Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hun Sen´s Son Really Gets Scholarship?

September 13, 2009
Op-Ed by Sokheoun Pang
On the web at

It is another cheating news posted by Dap News which aimed to boost Hun Sen´s credit by his sycophant – Soy Sopheap. I think Hun Sen´s son ís not that smart. I mean he is not receiving a scholarship from the USA military university, but instead he gets the FS -Family Scholarship, to study at that university. Well, Hun Sen can send his sons or daughters to study anywhere on earth if he wants, as we know about his richness.

That university is glad to accept Hun Sen´s son because of profit making, but not the qualification or free education offered to Hun Sen´s son.

Why I said so, because we have already checked for the information. And what Soy Sopheap posted in his site is truly lying.

Note: Why have Hun Sen´s sons received only scholarship for military university? Please think about it. Well, it is not the sons´ scholarship offered by the university, but the sons´s scholarship offered by Hun Sen for his political purpose.


Anonymous said...

Son adopted of Khmer Rouge Sihanouk.
For ECCC .

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to him...

to those shit guys who envy him: you are shit...

Anonymous said...

Hi guy, although Manet received fund from his father, he was a great student and he achieve tremendously. You should acknowledge that man. Don't be too negative.

Anonymous said...

Good catch, and ah Soy Sopheap must be sued for "disinformation". Lol. Ah Soy Sopheap is "ah pler merl min jea". He declared that ah Siem could never use their guns against Preah Vihear, but ah Siem did. Lol. Ah Soy Sopheap said that he was the one responsible for the END of the Royalist Party of Cambodia and if he wanted to, he could end the Sam Rainsy Party also. Watch out for ah Soy Sopheap because he is the number one LIAR around. For example, he said that to attend the event hosting Mu Sochua, the attendee must pay 25 dollars, but the truth is that it is only 20 dollars for one's share of the meal and the use of space. Also, Ah Soy Sopheap read a token fine against Sam Rainsy in France not in terms of cents, but in terms of dollar, that is he read $0.27 as 27 dollars and not as 27 cents. So watch out for ah Soy Sopheap. He is one disgusting pig who calls Hun Sen as his "father" and Hun Sen's wife as his "mother". I bet Hun Sen will say to ah Soy Sopheap that he aint his f*cking father at all. Ah Soy Sopheap must honor his real father instead of going around sucking up to Hun Sen. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Oil for scholarship.

Anonymous said...

It's good that Hun Xen's xon is coming to study in the U.S.A rather than Vietnam, China, or North Korea! As you know Hun Xen will never going to give up his power. He will one day pass his power to who else other than his son. Hopefully his son will learn the western style of democracy and take back home and lead Cambodia to be like the western countries. So stop bitchin. My one cent comment.

Anonymous said...

In one aspect, Hun Sen's son is grreat in terms of the situations that many high-ranking officials' sons couldn't pursue high education like him though they have enough money to do so.

Anonymous said...

12:59 PM,
You sound like most Cambodian people in Cambodia. This is why Hun Sen stay in power of dictatorship. You need to wash your face and wake up! Hun Sen, his son and his family DO NOT owned Cambodia. Cambodian need to understand clearly that Cambodia is own by all Cambodian citizens. Cambodian citizens is the true owner of the nation.

Your comment is actually worth less than a milli-fraction of a penny to true Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

Louk Pang Euy Louk Pang!!! why are you so selfish and jealouse with Sam Dach Hun Sen..If you are good person dunt try to be in other personal bussiness. In contrast, you better to do all your best to get such the same chnace as Hun Sen's does or you can save your money to send your son or daughter to attend any university or you try to encourage your kid to study hard to scholarship as others done. Stop and clean up your head from envying somebody fate or fortune..Teat Tov, be strong for yourself it would be adimirable person.


Anonymous said...

1:50PM, What's to admired about Hun Xen? The money he have is from corruptions which he killed Cambodians for. He terrorize and forced evictions so he can sell their land to freigner's estates.

Think about it for a moment! There are billion in U.S. dalloars in donation poors into Cambodia, yet the peoople and nation still poor. Why? Because 99.99% of those aid went to Hun Xen's personal pockets.

Only idiot admire this type of people....killing his own people and destroying his own nation for his personal wealth.

Anonymous said...

Some people got education from America, when they returned home .They hate AMERICA.In that case ,congress should pass a bill prohibiting foreign students from attending U.S Universities.

Anonymous said...

don't be jealous of him because he get a free sclolaship to the millitary school in usa ,should be proud of him because when he came come back he will serve the country .congrate manet!!

Anonymous said...

Whether he got scholarship or went there with his own money, WHY IS IT RELEVANT for discussion here? Is there anything else KI-MEDIA can brag about beside attacking PM's family? this KI-MEDIA is a really fucked up.

Thes Meas said...

It doesn't matter who offered scholarship to Samdach Hun Sen's son, but West Point US military school accepting Samdach Hun Sen's son into their school does matter, becuase only a few best students are accepted into West Point each year.

Anonymous said...

Again, had Manet been the son of prime minister of Cambodia, I'd be hard-pressed if the school would permit him to attend this school. Plus, in fact, there are plenty of the best and brightest from around US schools who were accepted. Then again, for Manet or his brother, Many ... forget it, if it had not been for their father.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:32 PM. Before you get accept to West Point you must get letter of recommentdation from the the US congress or the ambassaor. If I'm right he is the fist Cambodian ever accepted to the West Point. So you should proud of him.

Anonymous said...

RFA may want to call up West Point Academy (equivalent of French St Cyr) Admission Office to clarify the scholarship issue. However, as far as I know West Point is operated under the Pentagon budget and this is tuition-free institution in contrast to other US colleges. West Point is strictly reserved for US citizens and sometime exceptional foreign nationals. A few bright Cambodian-Americans were invited to attend but turned down the invitation due to the military duties after graduation (brilliant kids did not want to be sent to Iraq after four years of hard work with potential bright future).

Anonymous said...

it is generally people like 1.50pm that separate between top and bottom and he usually ranks the latter while excepting shithead like hun shit as his master

Anonymous said...

PM acts like a man , be your own words. You should deny US scholarship for your son but to send him to study in Hanoi instead.
US is not good enough for your own opinion.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Sopheap does not know what's he talking about.

There was no such school called US defence univeristy.

US has thousands of pubUS has thousands of public university excluding public four year colleges.

This also not counting countless private owned colleges and Universities too.

Anonymous said...

2:32 pm, you are right. It is getting out of hand. Just look a few posts down below of who lied to whom involving high ranking officials both in Cambodia and abroad which landed KI Media in hot water. People have been telling KI all along about adhoc editing, modifying headlines, injecting additional notes, inaccurate or incorrect translation, etc causing a lot of confusion and unnecessary inflammatory. Can we just have fair, balanced, and original news? By the way, no side is taken here.

Anonymous said...

sent these comments to Ah Soy, let him look at it

Anonymous said...

Do ma no body chould talk me!

Anonymous said...

ah hun and familly look like the famer pictue all in red collor. this color is for famer chinese and youn people for strong but not for khmer how could he said he is khmer if they use all bright collor in red.

this youn and chinese familly, the way they dresses look so dummy pm familly because they should know the bright collor do not look good on the picture either their face going to fade a way or it does not look professional as familly of pm this is show exactly dummy pm familly should learn more how to dress youselft up, it seem like they do not know how to dress. bright dress does not help any thing i mean the look,the fatty body and every inch of meat in their body is show up. dump

what is this mean? this red color not for khmer it is for chiness simble of strong, you stupid pm familly next time go to ask king sihamony, how to dress in khmer style and in a professional way not youn and chinese famer way.

especialist marrieage like this is a big event for PM familly show up as khmer traditional not youn and chinese famer. event right now chiness pollitic in china country they know how to dress better then these red color. it is way to old fasion of chiness and youn famer collor not chinese in a political familly.

Anonymous said...

All non-U.S. citizens interested in applying for Admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point are first advised to contact the U.S. Defense Attaché Office located at the American Embassy in their native country. The USDAO serves as the link between the student, the host nation, and the United States Military Academy.

Revision of Title X of the U.S. Code in 1963 authorized up to sixty International Cadets to study at USMA at any given time. Eligible countries are selected on an annual basis by the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Each year, usually in mid-summer, these departments send a message through the U.S. Defense Attaché Officer in the American Embassies notifying invited nations of their selection to nominate up to six candidates per country to compete for admission to the U.S. Military Academy.

167 nations were invited to nominate candidates for the USMA Class of 2010; this expanded list of nations was the largest number in this program's history. The goal is to admit fifteen (15) International Cadets each year.

Central to the success of the International Cadets is full assimilation into the Corps of Cadets and a four-year experience that is identical to that of U.S. Cadets. The U.S. Military Academy has implemented a support system that is based on this policy of full assimilation, but which also provides appropriate assistance to ensure transition to Cadet Life.

The application process for International Candidates are essentially the same as that for U.S. citizens, with a few key differences. General requirements include:

Be sponsored by a national level government official.
Be between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two years of age.
Not be married and not pregnant, nor have any legal obligation to support children.
For further information on the USMA International Cadet opportunities available to each nation, contact the USDAO at the American Embassy.
Please look the admission Criteria to West Point from Foreign Country,
If Manith Or Many were going to YALE, HOWARD, UCLA, will be different; Will let you kew, this year alone only 2% were approved for Medical Student in these top 10 Academic schools...
Some of Koun Khmer American I knew were accepted there in those pestigious Colleges indeed they does not want to go to West Point Military.
Hun Manith was assisted by the ex-Ambassador of Cambodia and Many will check again @ West Point New York 10996 (895) 938-4041.
It is not about personel just want to find out if any tax payer was wasting to those crooks and cronies.
Write to your congress if you feel that your tax Payer was not spent wisely.
This is not the corrupted country,
U.S is the country for the people, by the people not for a few power grip like Cambodia....

Anonymous said...

yes, hun kwack is pm of khmer, his son is a chift police of khmer and his other son is chift millitary of khmer. and of these tree are buggler, robber and thieft.

see srok khmer right now steal rob, and buggler all over the country because ah hun familly is the chief of thieft. how could they can't catcht thieft because they themselt are chift of thieft. that is how thieft every where in srock khmer.

Anonymous said...

4:57 AM Yeah! His all family all in.

Anonymous said...


The Prime Minister chief of Mafia from the BULL robbers' family along Viet-khmer borders.

Vietnamese leader had chosen a kind of You Cong to rule over khmer heads, and to protect viet interest, and Vietnamisation of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Please be informed that the Uni is called the US National Defence University.

It s amusing to see the different opinions posted on this site. It s free to express their thoughts, but do not talk before you think, and think twice before you talk.

Most of you should look a bit further than the point of your nose.
You cant change a country or a policy in one night, you should do
it step by step.

One of you said "there are billion of dollars in donation for Cambodia" but yet the nation is still poor. Please check the GDP per capita again and the poverty rate in our country. As far as I know the income per capita has been increasing, while the poverty rate has been decling. Also did you look the country infrastructure? Where do you think the money came from for those roads anyway? Did you know how long does it take to go to Kratis/Krorchess? Probably 4 time longer than today.