Friday, September 04, 2009

Khmer Rouge victims boycott Duch trials


Anonymous said...

Robert Petit had met his family members in Siemreap city to see that his family members were not physically harmed.

It must be reminded that Robert Petit had asked the ECCC to put six more people on trial such as NORODOM SIHANOUK, HENG SAMRIN, CHEA SIM, HUN SEN, HO NAM HONG and KEAT CHHON.

HUN SEN representatives ordered Mr. Robert Petit to stop asking the ECCC to put more people to trial. If he doesn’t stop, he must resign, ordered HUN SEN people or else (Police HUN SEN threatened on the lives of Robert Petit’s family members).

We have witnesses to support the above facts.

Anonymous said...

Chea Leang and Sok An is accessory to Khmer Rouge Genocidal. Put them both on trial for obstruction of justice, and interference the court. They try to set the murderer free while victim and families seeking for justice. Shame on both of them.
Here are top Khmer rouge leader
1 Norodom Sihanouk
2 Pol Pot
3 Ieng Sary
4 Kiev Samphan
5 Hun Sen
6 Chea Sim
7 Heng Samrin
8 Kaing Kek Eiv
9 Chea Leang
10 Sok An
11 Hor Nam Hong
12 Om Yin Tieng
and the list still go on. For get the Khmer Rouge soldier. They're brother and sister that force to joint them against their will. Please have more UN Envoy deploy to Cambodia in case these murderer make escape to Beijing and Ho Chi Minh City.
There'll be bo peace if these top Commander are still free.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

They're not losing their livelihood, They're losing their corrupt livelihood.

We made $1.00 a day just eat and die. We don't have any tv, karaoke, liquor, computer, internet, toy, bike, car, moto, laptop, running water and etc.
Our toilet would be digging dirt spot by spot for our poop around our shack. We worked sunrise till sunset and 7 a days a week to feed our whole family.