Saturday, September 26, 2009

Opinion from our KI's reader regarding Letter from Press and Quick Open Unit

Dear KI

Op-Ed: Meng Ly

First, I would like to say that Chea Sim, Heng Samrin and Hun Sen were not the one who have saved Cambodian from extinction. Indeed these individuals have also killed Cambodians in their area of administration suddenly after the fall of Republic Regime. Their flee to Vietnam was also related to their killings to the Cambodian people. Pol Pot wanted only to kill former republic officials and wanted to build Cambodia into a Khmer Loeu model society. But many of his officials at lower levels have killed and robbed people at all levels. Therefore, Pol Pot wanted them to be arrested and to be slaughtered at Tuol Sleng. Cambodia cannot be liberated by a few of Chea Sim, Heng Samrin and Hun Sen at all. But it was the invasion of Vietnam following political disputes between Pol Pot and Vietnam. Therefore they cannot claim that they have saved Cambodian lives at all.

As a democratic country, leader of the opposition and leader of the ruling party should work together smoothly. Each leader has been elected through the National General Election for their different mandate.
  • The Leader of the ruling party has his mandate to lead the country as the country government and can spend the public moneys to build the country accordingly.
  • The leader of the opposition has been elected to lead his team to helpfully ensure all government ministers, included the Prime Minister for their public activities to make sure that they are acting within the rules and the laws of Cambodia. In case of Prime Minister is acting wrongly, it is the job of opposition leader to challenge him at all levels (ocally, domestically and internationally).
  • The opposition leader can chose either to criticise the whole government or any individual of the government. It is not about division. It is about to make sure the government is running within the laws and the rules of the country. There is nothing else beside the opposition leader and his team to criticise the Prime Minister and his ministers. "span class="fullpost">
  • The letter written by a group mentioned by KI is a group of idiots who do not know very well how a democratic system is running. They have written to mislead the public by using scaring languages to appeal the farmers to support CPP.
  • It is a long way for Cambodian people to learn about democracy system. In this system, the Head of state is ;
  • No 1-King appointment by Royal Council.
  • No 2-The Prime Minister through General Election and by leading a large party
  • No 3-The opposition Leader elected through General Election and led a second large party.
  • All of these three individuals should have deserved the same respect and the same level of protection by all National Institution.

Chairman of the National Assembly and of the senates are substitute. They are not being elected directly by the people. So they are not statesmen at all. Cambodians have confused about this since 1993.


Meng Ly


Anonymous said...

you got the right analysis! those 3 stooges did not save cambodia! what you have described above is the fact! which all khmers should be aware of!

Anonymous said...

All the Khmer people aware of that problem, but no one is brave enough to stand up and fight back for the country.

Khmer people in Cambodia have no protection by any of CPP goverment, if anyone will be stand up then they have to kill by their own Leader. I don't think all khmer are confused, they all have no choice, in Cambodia have no Law.

Anonymous said...

good meng ly, to me i think that all khmer leader in srok khmer let call opposition party since you have voice for challeng cpp party each of you should continue to stand up till one day hun give up, good that i see few more people still stand up for our poor people event thought mu have an example for them. keep continue stand up that all i can say. thank you those who continue to stand up and one day you will get what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Ah Meng ly you are fucking asshole.You forgot your motherfuck your mother life.Who saved motherfuck your mom life asshole from 1979 fucking now you dump ass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Khmer krom alway protest any issue at the UN. Khmer in cambodia need to do the same. But should protest more offend and at all UN headquarters.

Only demands will bring justice.

Anonymous said...

Dear 9:57 AM,

Sadly, the type of ignorant comments that are made by those such as yourself, reflect the sad state of Cambodia. It's unfortunate that nothing constructive ever comes out of CPP supporter. This forum could be used to work towards improving governance across the board, but I guess some people enjoy the taste of CPP cock over the taste of freedom.

Anonymous said...

9:57 AM ! the peace agreement signed in Paris by all Factions in 1991 saved all khmer people and Cambodia from extinction. Viet invaded Cambodai in 1979 saved you from Khmer Rouge but didn't save Khmer lives because the killing was still going on .
By the way , I think you need to get some anger management help 9:57 AM .

Anonymous said...

These "Three Stooges" aren't funny at all. They hungry all the time.

Corpes of Pol Pot had been gone half a century ago, nowadays we're dealing with another Clans of Phnom Penh every moment of it. Lives from the past 1.7M to 2,174,540 and still climbing today.

Anonymous said...

All of above are right, except 9:57

That's him Ah Angkorian Ah Krama Man also as Khmer under new alias.
I just read his comment from CAAI (Khmer of New Zealand site) he threatening us not to mess with his party. CAAI has warned this dude not to moralizing others.

Anonymous said...

9:57AM's ignorrance cannot be cured by medical means. The only possible means to cure such an ignorrant idiot is by using a baseball bat to hit right on his doggy head three times but count as once. This once does not cure him, repeat the same method time after time.

Anonymous said...

correction: This once=If once

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំមិនយល់១០២៣​និយាយពីអ្វី? មករស់នៅ
ស្រុកអាមេរីកជាង៣០ឆ្នាំ ខ្លះនៅតែក្រ​ ខ្លះមិន
ចេះភាសា ខ្លះទើបតែចេញពីអាពតបានជាង៣០ឆ្នាំ
តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ គួរអោយអាណឹតគ្នាណាស់។​តើចាំដល់ណាទៀត ល្មបចេះដើរខ្លួនឯងហើយ។
៣០ឆ្នាំក្រោយអាពត នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ នឺងនៅស្រុកអាមេរីក តើយកមួយណា?

Anonymous said...

Meng Ly, you're nail them on the Head.

In my view, the current government prohibited the Khmer Rouge Regime history from being taught in school is to keep the public as dumb as can be. It the Khmer Rouge tactic in order to manipulate/control the citizens.

We continued to see these tactics everyday in Cambodia. Will it end in my lifetime? Probably not, the Hun Sen offsprings line up to take charge in the country.

Will the Khmer Society be sustainable by 2050. Probably yes with the help of NGOs, the Outsiders are the sources of education and the fight for equality. The Elites/Officials in Cambodia Are Not in the interests of the citizens as whole.

Please prove me wrong in these issues, I beg the differ!

Anonymous said...

It is not because they confused, it is really true that they want to make the confusion becomes correct act.

Anonymous said...

Ah silly 9:57 am, ah lobsre's brain, ah young generation in recent regime, ah stupid, only your motherfuck who was rescued by ah those 3 bloody guys. AH LOBB.