Monday, September 21, 2009

PAD ends Phrea Vihear protest


The People's Alliance for Democracy has ended its protest to force Cambodians out of the disputed area near the Phrea Vihear temple yet vowed to return if the government fails to resolve the matter.

Veera Somkwamkid who led the yellow-clad PAD protest in Si Sa Ket was allowed to read a protest statement at Pha Mor E Daeng inside Khao Phra Viharn National Park which is close to the 4.6 square kilometre disputed area and stairway leading into the ancient Preah Vihear temple.

The permission followed the Saturday clash between PAD protesters and Si Sa Ket residents near the natural park which has resulted in scores of injuries.

The group statement demands that the Cambodian soldiers and villagers evacuate the disputed 4.6 square kilometre dispute area.

"We do not accept the World Heritage Committee's decision to grant Cambodia the right to list the Preah Vihear temple as well as land around it as the part of World Heritage site,'' said the statement.

Second Army Corps commander Lt Gen Wiwalit Chornsamrit listened to the PAD's statement reading.

Mr Veera accused the Cambodian government of allowing its people to build houses, roads, and temples in the disputed area and said the PAD only exercised the constitutional rights of Thai people to fight to protect Thai sovereignty.

He also accused Thai authorities of mobilising villagers in the nearby community to clash with the PAD protestors on Saturday which has resulted in scores of injuries.

Mr Veera later told media that Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda should use martial law as a tool to push back the Cambodians to return to their homeland.

He added the PAD protesters would came back to the area if the government fail to follow their demand.


Anonymous said...

It's time for the PM to stand up for his people! What is he doing all this time when Thai have a clear intentions to wage war? When the boy was burned alive, he didn't bark a word! When the Thai protest, he's not taking this to international level. AArgg gosh he's worst than a dog!

Anonymous said...

what a pathetic PM, Khmer can't even protest in front of thai embassy in phnom penh.

Anonymous said...

Ah jerky PAD we clealy understood you King intention don't bark to much Do another cuop for yourown take power and bring your troop in if you're the one. Don't forget you jerky King is resigning because sole of his blood brother hunting him down.

Your King is not able to choose a better Spins steal in hell.

Anonymous said...

In the name of Thai, please let me say sorry and do apologies to Khmer, because we, Thai has nothing from China.

Our ancestors robbed Khmer properties...We are thief!

We, Thai should bow down and pay respect to our gratitude Khmer.


Please, Khmer, apology to me, Siam.

A Thai Representative.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

I know 3:03 AM, you were sent here by British born Thai PM Abhisit Vejjajiva, at least he was born from country that has more respect on human right than Thailand. Your comment were educated than PAD pathetic (yellow shirts).

New Phally

Anonymous said...

Thai king behind the PAD they try to invade 4.6 km of land so they can cut off cambodian from access to the preah vihear temble.Thai kings change their own history make their own people confused.

Anonymous said...

go back to nanchoa province of china and give back all of old khmer provinces back to cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Originally, Khmer is from Khmer.

However, Thai or Siam is from chines (10%) and Khmer (90%).

One more language that is called Thai was born.

Anonymous said...

ah joymaray king of thai kwack land the sonner you die the better for khmer people find the way to kill your stupid son. becaue you stupid jerk king that why all you grandaugher look like retard people no one look beautifule all you stupid king look retard.

Anonymous said...

ah ankorian krama man, what is ah kwack hun do? did he besy fucking women around or whate?