Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PAD: Govts 'neglected Preah Vihear'


The People's Alliance for Democracy on Wednesday petitioned the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), accusing past and present governments of negligence of duty in allowing Cambodia to encroach on a disputed border area near Preah Vihear temple.

The PAD, represented by Veera Somkwamkid, chairman of the People's Rights and Liberty Protection Group, and about 30 members of the alliance, asked the NACC to investigate past governments, beginning with the Chavalit Yongchaiyudh in 1998 to the present administration of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

The petition said they allowed Cambodian troops and people to encroach on an area of over 3,000 rai around the Preah Vihear temple.

The petition was supported by about 10 items of evidence allegedly showing that Thai territory had been intruded on since 1998, and that Thailand had lost sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The past and present governments had not only failed to push out the intruders but also allowed them to build houses and shops and clear forest to build roads inside the disputed area. The number of Cambodian soldiers and people in the area had considerably increased, particularly during the administrations of Gen Surayud Chulanont and Mr Abhisit, the petition alleged.

Commanders of the army and the 2nd Army Area as well as the past and present governments since 1998 had committed malfeasance, causing damage to the state and the people in violation of Article 157 of the Criminal Code, the petitioners claimed.

The PAD plans a rally on Saturday near the disputed area near the Preah Vihear temple, to demand the government push the alleged intruders out of the disputed area.


Anonymous said...

if they enter cambodia just kill them any capture ones just burn them alive, especially the leaders of the protesters. these thais they only know brute force so we play their's clear that they hate khmer to the bone in their hearts.

Anonymous said...


Khmer at this point have no power to encroashes on no countrie. The thai and vietnam is a jokster and crooks twisting truth.

Anonymous said...

If thai think that is their land since day one, why don't they kick them out?

I doubt it that is Thai's land. If it their land they wouldn't let us stay in there.

This is 100% Khmer's land!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should tell the Thai that Khmer's lands is not just near this border here. It is way beyond this border.

Kork Khan
Nokor Reacheasima
Preah Khan
Udor Theani (Udon Thani)
Si Sa Ket (Srey Sah Keh)
Sreh Keo (Sakeow)
Chantha Buri

And many many more!!!

Anonymous said...

Thai military uses a wrong map, a map they created for their advantage. The PAD and the Thai congress have been trying to legitimize an error, a Thai map error. The buddhist temple, the market, and Khmer houses are inside Cambodia, with a border well defined since 1908.

Anonymous said...

Found out from the research that Khmer or Khmer Leu in Thailand has the population of 30 million.

Anonymous said...

What protest? are they done yet?
The pad have so much time in their hand. All they do with their spare time is think and causing trouble. This is their full time job. Bustard thais.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At the same time those Khmer (Khmer Leur or Khmer Issan) need to wake up to declare independent in coincide with this events.

Rise up Khmer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard Issan wants to be independent any time soon like Khmer Krom in Vietnam. Here what I know about Laotian dialect you can communicate one another Laotian, Issan, and Ngaw but different accent. Thai won't understand them though.

Anonymous said...

I want khmer rouge burns these yellows shirt bastard into ashes, no morecy! especially Thai soldier, just blew them up with ANTI-TANK GUNS, khmer military leader should learned that Thai is no friendly neighbors....

Burns your people alive, and you still called them friendly neighbors?

Anonymous said...

If Thailand had done this to Vietnam, they are in deep shit trouble, because Viet will invade the whole country...

Anonymous said...

Yep! Hun Sen keep quiet and shut his mouth the whole time! i hope Thai burns one of his son to death...

Anonymous said...

preah vihear temple and surrounding area is not yours, ah siem thugs! go back to nanchoa province of china already! stop stealing from cambodia like during the dark ages again, ok! this time you will lose all of the khmer provinces you thieves stole from us and more! being greedy, bad karma will catch up with siem thieves, sooner or later! god bless cambodia.