Sunday, September 20, 2009

PAD makes demands on Preah Vihear [-Dream on PAD!]


The yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) called on the Cambodian government to quickly move its villagers and troops out of the disputed border area around Preah Vihear temple.

About 300 Thai soldiers at Preah Vihear national park in Si Sa Ket province allowed 33 PAD protesters led by Veera Somkwamkid to enter the site on Sunday.

After arriving at Mo I Daeng cliff in the national park, PAD core member Veera announced that the ancient temple and the areas around it are within Thailand's territory in reference to the border demarcation in 1904.

"Now, the Cambodian people have encroached on our country. The PAD would like the Cambodian government to quickly move its people and soldiers out of this area, or else Thai people will have to do their duty in protecting the country's sovereignty," Mr Veera said.

The Suranaree Task Force commander, Maj Gen Chavalit Choonhasarn, and a group of army officials were present when Mr Veera read the PAD's statement.

The PAD members later left the national park.


Anonymous said...

Stupidity n greed at their finest...

Anonymous said...

Why not give this temple back to its rightful owner--Thailand, that is.

When you did not have place to settle, we provided you shelter (remember refugee camps?).

Anonymous said...

to 5:04 PM
Why don't you tell that to the International Court that rewarded the Prea Vihear Temple to Cambodia in 1962 ? Use your head to comment 5:04 PM .

Anonymous said...

5:04 PM ! I don't know how educated you are , but according to what you say up there , it makes you look so dumb . After Thai loss the case , the International Court gave them 10 years to protest if they don't agree with the Court decision but it has been more than 40 years Thai didn't say a word about it . Now they want to take it by force , what world do you live in 5:04 PM ?
Truck Driver

Anonymous said...

Siam NEVER provide any Refuge to the Khmers fleeing Khmerland due to Genocide Era. It's the UN that pay the Siamese government to give shelter to the refugees, not just Khmer, but Hmongs & Laotians as well. THE UN PAID THE SIAMESE GOVERNMENT.


Check the history book, one NOT WRITTEN BY SIAMESE SCHOLAR IF YOU WANTED THE TRUTH. Circa 1AD-1300AD, Siam DOES NOT EXISTED YET, KHMER EMPIRE IS. The TRUTH is ALL EMPIRES, like the Roman, Persian, Kan, et al -- they Fall.

The Laotian accepted that they were born of Khmer. And why NOT the Siamese. Khmer should go ICJ, and claim the whole Siamland back!

Anonymous said...

5:04 PM ! Is that what Thai people do whenever they loss the case through the court ? taking it by forces ? Khon Thai bang khon ngor jing jing ... pood meun khon mai keuy pai rong rian .

Anonymous said...

Siem have to know Cambodian people so kindness to the Siem people,but Siemes never respect back to Cambodian people always racing with Cambodian all the time.

Anonymous said...

Thai people are one of the most kind and pleasant people on earth. They took many of us (Khmers)to settle on their land when we did not have a place to dwell. Now everyone of us are safely in the US and other third countries, and therefore the least we can do for Thailand is to give the Preah Vihear temple back to them, if we want to achieve regional peace and stability.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

King of thieve Siam Bhumibol should tell his soldiers to stop committed crimes against humanities.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

11:30 you are not Khmer! If thai people really the nicest people on earth then who started the disputed in the first place? THAI! If thai is so nice, why not let Khmer alone and be peace? Thai should thanks Khmer for letting them live on Khmer soil and by the way, Thailand is bigger than Cambodia, why they bullying the small one? You greedy animal!

Anonymous said...

In the name of Thai, please let me say sorry and do apologies to Khmer, because we, Thai has nothing from China.

Our ancestors robbed Khmer properties...We are thief!

We, Thai should bow down and pay respect to our gratitude Khmer.


Please, Khmer, apology to me, Siam.

A Thai Representative.

Anonymous said...

these are a bunch of ignorant siem thugs! khmer say go back to nanchoa province of china already! give back all of khmer provinces you people stole from us!

Anonymous said...

fuck you 5:04 PM, don't you give us free sttlement? do you get benefit from these camp till you country is growing and your people have plainty of job to work. jerk of 5:04 further more it is our ancestor. fuck you don't you khmer surin people is khmer and those land are us not you.

Anonymous said...

It is require by the international law to take refugee into Kao I Dang. So 5:04, you want the refugee settle with the a condition? Is that why you think we owe you Preah Vehear? Or because you want Preah Vihear so bad that this is your excuse for you to bring up the refugee settlement? Let me tell you want thing about living in the refugee camp. The Thais soldiers had shot and beaten the innocent Cambodians. I did not have good memory living in the camp. That is the reason why I never say thank to Thailand in my heart. I give a lot of thanks to the Phillipine government and their people that were so kind in many ways to the refugee.

Ratana Gold said...

It is my rubbish thought since the past that felt that Siamese nation is glorious with culture and dignity, but now i witness with my own eyes and knowledge, This nation is a rubbish and left-wing education, they don' know what's right and what's wrong. It is hard to blame them because their current king is not a rationale king, he may think what is fucking idea is right and other well educated scholars in next generation are poorer in knowledge than him. Oh, Fucking and stupid king, you are destroying your country. You are the most studid and outlaw king in the world, as i know.

Anonymous said...

To the PAD,

Our Khmer numerals have been written on every your Thai King face since the day the Thai became the slave of Khmer people when the Mongol kicking the Thai ass out of Nanchao.