Monday, September 21, 2009

Thai King in Hospital, says Palace

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eighty-one-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-serving monarch, has been hospitalised after suffering from a fever and fatigue, the palace announced Sunday. A statement from the Royal Household Bureau, read on the evening television news, said the king was taken to Siriraj Hospital on Saturday night on the advice of his doctors. It had been rumored since late last week that the king had visited the hospital, but the Thai press only reported the matter widely Sunday.


Anonymous said...

This murderer king Eighty-one-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-serving monarch, has been hospitalised after suffering from a fever and fatigue, the palace announced Sunday and will die soon.

Thakson will be so happy to hear this bastard king die!

Anonymous said...

Thailand will be in turmoil in this near future. Probably in a couple months right after the murdered king dies.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Siam King Bhumibol should tell his soldiers to stop committed crimes against humanities, allow his people to acknowledge fact in history before going to hell with malignant cancer.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

Are you guys Buddhists?
Every man has his duty to fullfil.
This Thai King or other human beings around the world are here on earth to pay off our debts. This man was born now King of Thailand didn't know he was born to be King or how he had to shoot his brother or what not.
Taksin too he didn't know he has to face his enemy who is King either.

Anonymous said...

The Khmer King (Sihanouk)always likes Chinese herbs on the expense of the Khmer people. Sihanouk should try to trust Khmer doctors.

Anonymous said...

1:17 AM

You should know that this is part of your boss' political charade to divert current economic mess.

Anonymous said...

1:50 AM,
If Khmer doctors are competent doctors, King Sihanouk or others would trust Khmer doctors. But when some Khmer doctors treat patient based on $$dollars, Khmer doctors cannot be trusted. By the way Chinese herbs are popular around the world and even popular in the US and Europe, and why not using the real natural thing from plants instead of taking medicine used with only toxics that killed humans every day?

Anonymous said...

the quicker thai king die the better it is, i wish ah king of thailand die soon, khmer should also find way to kill the son of this stupid king thai so we can get all our land back to combodia.
die soon ah kwack king thai.

Anonymous said...

This Murderer King won't survive, the sole of his brother Hunted him down. His sole already travel to take place where the steal spines in hell. He is really want to see the Yellow shirts taking last action before he lay donw westward, that's why the yellow shirt rushing in to occupy our land surounding Prasath Phnom Preah Vihear, he migh wait to see the final consequant when the Yellow shirts reach Khmer border, then he can close his second eye with the yellow shirt wrap around his head. You have killed your blood brother for the throne don't try be so nice in front of Khmer people we don't buy it periot.

Go to hell jurky you kingko!

Go to hell Killer

Anonymous said...

2:36 AM and 2:46AM.
What is your hobby besides going crazy and cursing people online?

Anonymous said...

ngop oay rohas tao ah chour siem chongrai!

Anonymous said...

to common 4:33 AM, to fuck you

Anonymous said...

Damnble King,Bhumvibol Aduljadet,The murderer. You suit go to hell.Did you remember your barberious activity that killed Cambodian civils in year 1979 along Thai Cambodia border at Preah vihear. During that time, your royal thai army have forced fircely the Cambodia refugees pouring in mine forest and made alot of inocent Cambodian civils about thousands died of mine and hunger. So we earnly suggest that International Court to bring the Thai bastard king and Army officers that time to justice so that can be imprisoned for all their rest of the lives.

Anonymous said...

Thai people must know that event your king is not helped by God or Budhish because he has bad mood in killing khmer people especially, he invades khmer souvereignty.
If he wants be good health he must respect khmer souvereigty and stop killing khmer people from now on.
If thais contunue these activities, there will be bad event with you and your country.

Budhish servered Cambodia

Anonymous said...

Wish Thai's King dies in the hospital now.

Anonymous said...

How long do you think King is going to live? Thai's new King? who? and what must Abhisit do to assure the new crown?

Anonymous said...

May murderer King Bhumibol Adulyadej die to night for having his brother murdered...

Anonymous said...

Go to hell soon

Anonymous said...

wish this bastard kind die soon.. Amen

Anonymous said...

Correction: wish this bastard king die soon.. Amen

Anonymous said...

King Bhumibal isn't a bastard. It looks more like the other way around.

Anonymous said...

3:18PM! just don't know realy the meaning of the word!

Go to school, boy!

Anonymous said...

If the Thai King pass away, I think the Temple Preah Vihear dispute would be finish.

The king on his throne for too long maybe it is the time for change in Thai or Siem.

Bravo!!! Thai King is dying.

Anonymous said...

Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej is greedy bastard, i wish he's die to night...

Anonymous said...

The Thai Nation has come to an end that is why the Thai king fell sick. What goes up, must comes down!

Anonymous said...

The next Thai King, his face looks like Frankenstein.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Thaksin has been hideout in Hun Sen villa couple month ago. If Thaksin rules Thailand, we all can easily beat the crap of Thai any time. Thaksin and Hun Sen walking on a tight rope together look at them played golf, drink, party at Hun Sen back yard no problem.