Monday, September 14, 2009

UN Human Rights Council to open first session with US as member [-Human rights report on Cambodia will be presented]

Mon, 14 Sep 2009

Geneva - The United Nations Human Rights Council was opening its autumn session on Monday, with the United States assuming a seat on the body for the first time. However, a debate of how to deal with Honduras was holding up the start by several hours, diplomats said.

The Central American country underwent a military takeover since the last council session, leading to confusion on how to handle the country's representative, who has sided with the coup leaders.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, was expected to criticize the constitutional crisis there in her opening remarks to the council.

Earlier this year, the US was elected to the 47-member council that the administration of former president George W Bush had shunned since it came into existence in 2006, saying it was biased.

The council was created from the ashes of the Commission on Human Rights, which was seen as being generally ineffective and was discredited in certain circles.

US President Barack Obama's administration, as part of its programme of international outreach, decided to run for the council earlier this year, despite some reservations. The move received widespread support from within the UN.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said last week during a speech that while there were concerns about joining the council, her diplomats would work for "upholding universal standards for freedom of expression as we combat intolerance and discrimination everywhere it rears it head."

Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer was to represent Washington at the opening session.

In a statement, the US mission to Geneva, where the council is housed, said the government "looks forward to employing its voice in the promotion and protection of fundamental human rights and liberties."

Obama's administration hoped the body would "be the pre-eminent UN forum for the credible, balanced and effective advancement of human rights."

The council was scheduled to remain in session until October 2. Issues to be discussed would include modern slavery, children in war and the right to food and water.

Members would also focus on the global financial crisis in one afternoon meeting this week and later this month were set to hold a session on racism.

Experts on human rights would also deliver reports on situations in specific countries, including Cambodia and the troubled Somalia.

During what is expected to be a heated day at the end of the month, South African Justice Richard Goldstone and his fact-finding team would issue their report on Israel's war earlier this year in the Gaza Strip.

The fighting, which started in late December and lasted for three weeks, saw approximately 1,400 Palestinians killed along with 13 Israelis.


Anonymous said...

Is Navi Pillay a name of Khmer lady?

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters

Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
Ah Mercedez Benz (Identity Thief) 

You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរនៅក្នុងប្រទេសទេគឺទុក្ខឲ្យពលរដ្ធខ្មែរជារាងរាល់ថ្ងៃដោយគ្មាន ម្ហUបអាហារ ថ្នាំពេទ្រមកសង្គ្រោះទេ។ល។បើខ្ញុំនិយាយគឺប្រាំពិលយប់ប្រាំពិលថ្ងៃបានចប់។