Thursday, September 17, 2009

Unsettled peace in Cambodia

September 17, 2009
By Chak Sopheap
Guest Commentary
UPI Asia

Niigata, Japan — The world will soon once again celebrate the United Nations International Day of Peace, marked every year on Sept. 21. Yet the world is far from peace as civil wars, religious conflicts, growing insurgencies and the economic downturn bring more hardship than joy and smiles to people. Cambodia is no exception.

Cambodia claims to be a peaceful state, having recovered from a series of civil wars that included horrendous acts of genocide. However, there must be a clear consensus on how the country defines peace.

Peace should not be described as merely the absence of war or violence, which is “negative peace.” It should also include communal harmony, socioeconomic cooperation and equal political representation in government for all citizens. These, along with good governance, which respects the rights of the people, constitute the positive side of peace, or rather peace building.

Even when we say “absence of violence,” we must first examine what violence is. While war is direct visible violence, there is also a kind of “structural violence,” the result of bad and harmful state policies that have long-term negative effects on people, such as hunger and poverty, which harm and put peoples’ lives at risk.

If we look at the current trend in Cambodia, negative peace has been obtained but is jeopardizing positive peace. While parts of the economy are making considerable progress, more than 30 percent of the population is still living in extreme poverty. In addition, with corruption and continuous human rights violations – especially forced evictions and land grabbing under so-called development claims – there is little hope that Cambodia can move out of poverty.

In its current pursuit of development, the government of Cambodia has abused and violated people’s rights to housing and development. The judicial system is corrupt and the state is the main violator of the law. This state of affairs has rendered poor communities voiceless and powerless.

At the same time, freedom of expression – a fundamental right – has also been abused by the government, which applies various ill-defined laws with the help of the judiciary it controls as a political tool to silence critics. It is not surprising that the government recently filed many lawsuits against political activists, journalists and human rights defenders.

Systematic structural violence has not yet affected peace in Cambodia, but it will soon if the government does not undertake and implement reforms immediately. For example, there is fear that the ongoing land grabbing and evictions by the government could lead to a peasant revolution. This would then revive the cycle of bitter agrarian revolution that brought past political regimes, like Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, to power.

The government therefore must commit to not only maintaining negative peace, but also to building positive peace in order to attain social harmony.
(Chak Sopheap is a graduate student of peace studies at the International University of Japan. She runs a blog,, in which she shares her impressions of both Japan and her homeland, Cambodia. She was previously advocacy officer of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights.)


Anonymous said...

Wow! An impressive piece of writing which truly reflects the contemporary poor Cambodian society. Good job miss Sopeap!

Anonymous said...

1. "Peace should not be described as merely the absence of war or violence, which is “negative peace.”
- Princeton University:Peace is "the state prevailing during the absence of war"

2. "If we look at the current trend in Cambodia, negative peace has been obtained but is jeopardizing positive peace."
- 30 years ago, we even never dream of a day without a gun fire..Now, when the war end, some people start to dream of something fantasy..

3. "there is little hope that Cambodia can move out of poverty"
- From GPD less than 250$ and more than 60% living under poverty line in 1993 to 880$ and less than 30% living under poverty line in 2009, have me moved toward poverty?

4. "In its current pursuit of development, the government of Cambodia has abused and violated people’s rights to housing and development"," freedom of expression – a fundamental right – has also been abused by the government, which applies various ill-defined laws with the help of the judiciary it controls as a political tool to silence critics. It is not surprising that the government recently filed many lawsuits against political activists, journalists and human rights defenders",
- Please read the History of Singapore, and see how is singapore now?..

5."The government therefore must commit to not only maintaining negative peace, but also to building positive peace in order to attain social harmony"
- They have been doing and they are doing, but they can't be able to achieve it in short time as some people dream of. See the history of India, Indonesia, Philippine, are they now?..a Free world?..

And finally, I woudn't be surprise to see some member here would label me as Youn or Hun Sen blah blah..but please rethink...

Anonymous said...

11:02PM in stead try to compair yourself to other why you just try to do the right thing?

What wrong to have corruption law?
What wrong to do better than other?
Does Hun Sen want his family to end up like Marcos or Shehato?

Anonymous said...

i think this is a nature process of political evolution of changes in cambodia or anywhere in the world, for that matter. as cambodia progresses and developed with the rest of the world, we expect to see people asked to be relocated, the presence of protests, demonstration, etc... just because is seemed unprecedented in cambodia, doesn't mean it can't happen. as a country, i don't think cambodia can just stand still and do nothing to develop our country, etc... wake up, people. think smartly about it all.

Anonymous said...

Chak Sopheap,
Thank you for sharing! Now that you realize how horrible our country is and absolutely understanding its need help for change, are you consider yourself for those who try to make things happen, or those who wounder and watch what will happen?

Anonymous said...

Chak Sopheap do you have boyfriend.......cause you look bangin girl....let me know if you wanna go out on a date....=)

Anonymous said...

Great writing, great reflection...great enlightenment Sopheap...keep on your great job!


Anonymous said...

11:02 AM

See pure KHMER stand up!

Anonymous said...

5:21 AM,

Be careful there 5:21 AM, you might just lose your dipstick...

Anonymous said...

11:02 AM,

Maybe you deserve to be labeled as such from the sound of your writing...

Anonymous said...

6:55 AM,

If you think that m deserved to be called like that..pls give a counter argument..

If you don't have one, ...pls rethink..

Anonymous said...

5:21 AM

No, Don't even messed with her. You joined us and will go to Ah Siam country and bang them as much as we can. Remembered what they have done something to us in the past to present.

No more game for them and don't talk to them. Just burned them alive see how they feel and we going kill them all nowadays.

Anonymous said...

hey, cambodia never give up hope as long as the sun is still shining on earth - this is a khmer thinking long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Ms Chak Sopheap

Thank you for your article which clearly defined Peace that eveyone longs for. Also noted that abuse of public power, corruption within govt system that become well known nationally and internationally. While ome considerable progress has been made in economy and still a third of cambodians struggling with poverty.

And what is your recommendations in regarding a such reform that govt should undertake?
Looking forward to hearing your comments.

Neang SA