Thursday, October 29, 2009

5 grands for King-Son (Luong Kon) on his 5th coronation anniversary ... with love from Papa (Father) and Maman (Mother)

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia and
Queen-Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk of the Kingdom of Cambodia

To King-Son
His Majesty Preah Baromneat Norodom Sihamoni
The King of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Extremely beloved King-Son

On the august occasion of the 5th anniversary of the coronation of King-Son, Papa and Mama are very pleased and we are sending you our warmest praise to King-Son for his superior work to serve the Cambodian people and nation that receives brilliant victory and that pleases Papa and Maman, as well as the Cambodian people.

Papa and Maman, just like the Cambodian people, are very proud about King-Son who is filled with all kinds of good conduct, skillful imagination, who is alert, agile and who is virtuous to Cambodian people.

King-Son also participated in the building of numerous achievements to serve the Cambodian nation, religion and people, and King-Son’s reputation and prestige keeps on growing up, and you are renowned both at the national level and at the international level.

On this august occasion, Papa and Maman is giving you US$5,000 through Samdach Chaufa Vaing Kong Sam Ol, and we are sending you our best wishes, may King-Son’s reign meet with eternal peace and prosperity for bring wellness to the Cambodian nation and people.

May the three Buddhist gems and the most revered objects in the world, as well as the spirit of the former kings and queens protect King-Son so that you may receive continued victory in the history of our nation, and may you be blessed with the four Buddhist blessings: longevity, class, good health and strength.

May King-Son receive our deepest love from Papa and Maman

Beijing, 29 October 2009

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk

(Signed) Norodom Monineath Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

What have he done? I never hear of his accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

12:07PM, The father king destroyed our people and nation. The son, current king have done nothing.


Anonymous said...

1:09 and 12:07
He is a monkey king son or Ah chamkuot luong

Anonymous said...

People who criticize the goodness of our King Sihamoni have no merits at all. What have you three monkeys above done for the country so far? For the past five years, King Sihamoni has won the hearts of many Cambodians throughout the country and has made the Cambodian monarchy more meaningful and respectable.

May God bless you for your tireless efforts serving the Cambodian people.

Cheyo Preah Moha Ksatr Khmer!
Cheyo Preah Bat Samdech Preah Baromneath Norodom Sihamoni!

William said...
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Anonymous said...

The old king exaggerated again,the citizen are warming heart? The land youn encroaching,the poor losing the farming land and shelters,alot citizen on cracks ,human trafficking and prostitution(oh PAPA like that).
Sihaknuk stop bullshit and lying if you are not retarded

Anonymous said...

to 2:08 PM
you should have asked .. how much money do the king and his clowns get from the government everymoth and compair to what he has done for the country instead of asking the readers what have they done for the country because the readers don't get anymoney from the government.

Anonymous said...

Long Live Democracy and Death to the Dictator

Anonymous said...

Long Live King Sihamoni!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can you royalist have some thing to prove that the king do something good than just claimed he win people hearth?

Help helwith interligent , FOOLs!

son of a farmer said...

I undoubtedly agree with SihanoukVarman that his beloved loving King-Doggy did a great job by signing away one island to Youn!

Anonymous said...

Since King Father and King Son serve the Cambodian people and nation until now, Cambodia still Under Vietnamese invaders; even have shown more and more of their intension to transform Cambodia into a second Kampuchea Krom, or finally into a second Champa and in the process of the Union of Indochina, according to a Ghost Ho Chi Minh's planning in 1930.

Now the adults' Vietnamese born in Cambodia Since Jan. 7th 1979 now they became the lawers, doctors, teachers, Ministers, Police Commanders, Arm forces Commanders etc...
Their next step of taking over Cambodia, is to infiltate into the Legislature body. This will be happened in the near future, then how shameful AS THE KHMER KING?
Do you know about 5-6 millions Vietnameses have resettled illegaly in Cambodia, the root problem of these Yuons in Cambodia; there is no way to ousted them.


Anonymous said...

Kings lead our nation for the past 30-40years, 2-3 millions Khmer died!
We don't need kings any more,we talking about democracy ,we don't need kings . who need kings ,loot at usa,russa,china,french,canada,autrali no kings ,1st super power usa no kings! it is good and 4 years change ministers,it is good!If you want to be good follow USA!Follow USA step!
So we don't need king What for? All
Our Children can be Kings ,who know like uSA!

Anonymous said...

God say kings no good! Remember!

Anonymous said...

That Why God make democracy for people ,all equal with the law.

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM,

He had done as Vietnamese Rubber Stamp legally ceding more khmer territories to Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Ah Trah NGoal oat sel sihamee nhee achieved one big thing, hiss ASS is swollen real bad! by one of his servant! That's all this PD has achieved!

Anonymous said...

please list a young king accomplishment. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

We solemnly announce today, that our King Father and Son had committed to help exterminate Khmer race for Vietnamese Boss and their clique completely by 2020 or the latest 2030 as President Sam Rainsy had stated in Modesto Ca, in 2001.
So, what is good to have King?
President Sam Rainsy don't need King, he believes in Democracy, and Democracy don't have King.

Anonymous said...

He achieved at least 70% for his mother Vietnamese objectives on Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

But Sam Raisy,Son Chay,Kem Sokha want power for king do this do that Why? we all know kings no good,why want give Kings the power? cpp refuse is good! because cpp know pretty good about the kings ,the Kings went to Vietcong before CPP!Help Vietcong before Hun Sen ,and Hun Sen after the Kings?
Both of them can not fix our Khmer proble!

Anonymous said...

We know why a lot of Political Party in Cambodia! Because Kings and Hun Sen,CPP Belong to Vietcongs? that why? we have a lot of political Party? If FUNCINPEC is good since 1993, we think not too many party in khmer?SO THE KINGS AND HUN SEN (CPP) CAN NOT FIX OUR KHMER PROBLEM!

Anonymous said...

The trashbashers cannot find anything else to help Cambodia, but shitting the same and same thing for the past 3 decades online.

It is a great honor to have good Khmer Kings like King Ang Doung, KIng Father and the current King.

God bless Khmer Kings from the past until present.

Anonymous said...

Dear bitch10:31am your mother fucker ball licker have nothing to say beside king ass kisser,that was too bad that ah Pol Pot forget that 10:31slut made easy business ,by lying up open that legs let the king bashing behind Oh disgusting.
Cambodian now smarter than ever ,they do not let the feudalism lead them to hell no more.
Only way to go democratic,and ah Hun Sen you die taihong!

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear the word 'King' because of this stupid king, even the blood line of his still alive makes me sick when other innocents are dead, so he should be dead too, people will never have peace, until all of his blood line are gone for good. So, by now, Khmer people should be smarter, isn't 2-3 millions killed enough already? all evidences are right there in front of you to prove it, can't you see?. Stop the word king ever existed in our society, enough is enough!!!!!!!!. Hun Sen should be smarter by now, because by allowing this shit head to come back in and in which it brought in 1993 exchanged fire which killed a numbers of innocents people remember? Hun vuses Ranarith (blood line of a devil continueing to kill like father like son) the king family has blood in their hands.

Anonymous said...

Cambodians and no Cambodians now are smarter because of internet that makes the world becomes like a global village, but you trash bashers are the dumbest.

About fucking and asskissing, all do, and you do fuck more than the rest.

Khmer Kings are great. They fought the enemies while the dumbest braggarts are busy fucking online cursing.

Anonymous said...

11:55AM what are you talking about ?
You are already know Cambodian people they do not want to eat that monarchy shit any more ,why you force them at all the times? Hey come on bitch it doesn't work that way ,Sihaknuk took khmer in to youn trap by joining Marki jungle shit that Viet minh and mee Monique youn spy in there .Why this bitch Monique don't dye yet because youn didn't completely taking Cambodia ,so this bitch still using her youn juice to comfort Sihaknuk like Jey Chetha II both of them are cowards =Sihaknuk and Chey ChethaII those two son of the bitch and ah Hun Sen will be rotten in hell million livetimes.

Anonymous said...

May be Hun Sen learns from China!
One country policy,Indochina!
Since we can't stop Viet moves to west, Hun Sen 's plan is integrating them into Cambodia, then subsequently changing names of cities,ie Saigon to Ho Chi Minh, phnom Penh wanted to become Saigon Meuy,now Nam Yang.
History of conquering then replaces names of cities proved of what have happened to Kampuchea Krom, and recent past Koh Tral?pho Quoc.
Vietnamisation's policy of either North or South(past) is highly risky to cambodians!.
Does RGC foresees the horrible impact to Cambodia?
Is the king aware of that integration?
What is slogan" Friendship of million years" to Cambodia?
Clearly, cambodians can see that.
And I wonder what is killingfield is all about.

Neang Sa

Anonymous said...

2:03 PM,
I cannot stop laughing at your monkey stupid moron. :))) Glad that you are mentally sick know only barking.

Anonymous said...

Me too my mind full of ecstasy ,while you are bitching here and forget to serve your clientele by the way how many customers have you fucked already ? Make sure protect your self before herpes and HIV infect on your private part.
Thanks you for respond back ,and please do not forget okay mee ah Sihaknuk s ball licker

Anonymous said...

king 56 years old,but papa/mama like baby?