Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Sva Euy Sva" a Poem in Khmer by Sék Sérei


Somongkol said...

Please in middle don't just look at one site.

Anonymous said...

4:18Pm ! do you mother taugth you about wright and wrong?

When you do a wrong thing that hurt others live and suffering and repeat it again and again1 no small good will help!

Go to hell evils! Make your mothers be in peace to have evil child like you!

Anonymous said...

Chkaer euy euy chkaer, Ah chkaer!

Anonymous said...

Sv'a Oeuy S'va Kress, Chh'kae Yuon Aing Phes, Chess Ot Sala, Bandit No School, Fools Tarm Viet Tha, Bang Hen Khemara, Kh'la Sam Lab Khmer.

Taing Ov Saktraob, L'ngong L'ngoeu Karm L'maob, Thing Mong Pou Kae,
Lourk Srok Oy Yuon, LOun Lit Choeung Hue, Doch Chh'kar Ang Ker,
Trosak Chang Rai.

Anonymous said...

What an ugly poem you wrote 5;50am.

Manuss thourk tiep ang tae chae;
(Stupid lowclass people know only cursing).

neak prach ang tae preu prach-nha;
(wise men will use their intelligence).

pram-roy chhnam heuy Youn mintov-na
Pi ana-chak kampuchea Khmer.
(500 years Youn controlled Cambodia)