Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The message to the Cambodian people: You are not alone. We know what you are going through and we want to assist you.

Dear Readers,

Please find below answers from an aid to Congressman James Moran (NOT from the Congressman himself). Rep. James Moran was one of the co-sponsors of the House Resolution 820 condemning the pervasive corruption of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

1 - What is the status of the H. Res 820?

H. Res. 820 - Condemning the pervasive corruption of the Kingdom of Cambodia was introduced by Rep. Edward Royce and was refereed to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Oct. 8, 2009. It currently has three original co-sponsors (Rep. Anh “Joseph" Cao, Rep. Frank Wolf and Rep. Jim Moran) who sat on the Cambodia hearing on Sept. 10, 2009.

2 - Will it bypass committee and go straight to the House floor for consideration?

This is unknown yet.

If possible, I would like to see if you or a congressman can comment on:

1 - The importance of Cambodia-US relations –

While some would view Cambodia-US relations from a security perspective (ie., working with Cambodia's military to fight global terrorism), Congressman Moran views Cambodia-US relations as an opportunity to assist a country seeking a free and democratic way of life. As a strong advocate of human rights, Congressman Moran would like to use the strong ties the US holds with Cambodia to influence, in a positive way, the condition in which many Cambodians live, by increase the opportunities for a more fruitful and beneficial life for all Cambodians.

2 - Why the congressmen signed this particular resolution and what message they want/aim to send to the Hun Sen government and the Cambodian people?

As Congressman Moran stated in the hearing that took place last month, he is pleased to see the US begin to place a greater emphasis on preserving human rights and the rule of law around the world. Congressman Moran’s interest in Cambodia is not due to what the U.S. can gain, but how the U.S. can assist a country whose people strive for freedom of expression, thought, and movement, but whose own government is knowingly preventing those functions from taking place. Congressman Moran sees Cambodia, not only as a country in turmoil, but as a country that has a strong chance of changing course, if provided the tools and international backing to do so. Cambodia can still become what most of its people wish it to be – free from abuse of human rights, mistreatment of justice, and restriction on speech.

The Congressman believes, human rights can best be safeguarded through the preservation of democracy. While Cambodia holds some elements of democracy, true democracy must be based on more than the number of elections it holds. This includes the separation of powers and the freedom of the media to criticize their own government. Unfortunately, the Cambodian government has so far failed to separate those powers, and failed to allow the media to report on their own activities without fear of prosecution.

The message of the resolution to the Cambodian government is this: We, the United States government, are aware of what is going on within your borders; and while Cambodia is a sovereign country it is also part of the international community. We, the United States, cannot stand by idly when we see the people of Cambodia lack what we here in the US take for granted – the freedom to speak up, move around, and live where we wish, without the danger of persecution and prosecution. Saying this, the US would like to work with the government of Cambodia, rather than against it.

The message to the Cambodian people: You are not alone. We know what you are going through and we want to assist you.


Anonymous said...

The measuring scale of Cambodia has been balanced in favor of communism for many decades. And it won't change until the rulers with communism doctrine are changed to leaders with real democratic doctrine; otherwise, Khmer people will be made to suffer endlessly, because the powerful rich suck it all to fulfil their blind ambition which never gets enough and the poor keep living a deperately miserable life for many generations to go.

I would like express my great thanks to those US congressmen who have great concern about the welfare of Khmer poeple.

Anonymous said...

this is a fair remark by the congressman. thank you for your caring and interest in assisting the cambodian people. i think helping cambodia in order to make a difference will benefit all people in cambodia. may god bless cambodia and its khmer people and citizens and every beautiful creature in it.

Anonymous said...

My whole family was the victim of US foreign policy (go in and go out). Between 1970- 1975, our family were fighting on Lon Nol's side against communism. Between 04.1975 and 1979, my whole family was destroyed, 11 officers of Khmer Republic from my relatives, incl. my father were killed by communist, today I am living alone abroad and get a best education. For me, I don't disappointed at all because that is my fate.

Today, I just have heard that the US congressmen have a strong support for Cambodian innocence people, I am very delighted. But please don't leave us alone like 1975 again.

Ghost Angkor

Anonymous said...

Please don’t step on Cambodia shoulders to get to China. Cambodia already suffered enough during your Cold War against Soviet Union. If you really want to help Cambodian people, please build bridges, roads and other public infrastructures in Cambodia. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Do something before it is too late!

Anonymous said...

Give laws, justice and humanity a chance!

Anonymous said...

Resolution 820 is Good Samaritan to assist Cambodia...and at the same time, it may also shake the root of Hun Sen's political reputation...for being brutal and cruel!

Anonymous said...

Hanoi official must be subpoenaed by the ECCC for genocide against Cambodian people.

October 8, 2009, the Honorable Marcel Lemonde, Co-prosecutor (France) released to the public his subpoena that he has signed on September 25, 2009, to summon six government officials – Senate President Chea Sim, National Assembly President Heng Samrin, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, Finance Minister Keat Chhon and two CPP senators Ouk Bunchhœun and Sim Ka – appear at the tribunal to provide testimony “in the framework of the investigation under way against Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan and other leaders”.

Tuk Trey Sre said...

Thank you America, Hun Sen -- it's coming to you.

Freedom for every souls in Cambodia is what we are struggling for.

"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a Sun beam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." A. Hamilton, 1775.

The founding father of democracy state, "The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People is sacredly obligatory upon all." GW, 1796.

The CPP must knows what happen to some of the Dictators around the world. The people wills at some time wil revolved from being oppressed.

Anonymous said...

4:45AM Please take 5 Hong first.

Anonymous said...

As we live in the free nation please do not attacked person. You can criticed or debated on policy of the government. not personal. if you are really love our owne country (Cambodia). I am now working and living in abroad. I am gratiful to the current government that do something done. but we know that some issue need to be inford. If you want Cambodia like USA. You must, Khmer love Khmer. Khmer Sot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those couragious cambodians to bring the attention of international communities in order to eliminate unacceptable corruption dragging so long in cambodia.

Rest assure that china and the rest of world leading countries are looking into commitment of RCG on fullfiling agreement of implementation of national constitution of cambodia.
This assurance and determination from USA leaves RGC no choice but changing political platforms and its management.

Fair fight for justice is heard at last, not in cambodia where resouces are limited,but the international stage especially to those countries committed to 1991 agreement.
Cambodians are thankful.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

democracy takes time; we all have to be patient like a parent looking out after their small children. remember, cambodia has changed both from the worst to the better and more. everyone who has influence on cambodia should encourage the fostering of true democracy, etc because cambodia and our khmer people went through so much and we deserve better now. we all can help to educate one another so we all will not misunderstand one another. yes, it takes time. even in the western world, democracy took hundreds of years to get to where they are at today. so, in such a short time, cambodia has shown a huge step in improvement. of course, it's a constant demand for improvement. we all have to think long-term benefit, really, because after we all are long done, cambodia will see the benefit in the future. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

If I may say, it would of course take hundered years to search and refined democracy, but it should not take another one hundred years to learn from those who are practicing it.
If it takes one hundred years to learn from the teacher, then the teacher will pass away, and you will never achieve it. Please be more practicle.

Neang Sa