Friday, October 16, 2009

Opinion: Know history, Cambodia must do the right thing

His Majesty King Prajadhipok,the last of Chakri house --Photo by Wikipedia

Updated 15 Oct 2009
By Kok Sap
Originally posted at

In reality whether a royalty or a commoner, all Bangkok politics are most involved with the wealthy protecting personal interest.

The smell of royal exploitation remains odorous in Siam modern undemocratic society. Siam extremists have used Cambodia and its sacred temple, Preah Vihear, as a new spark for its new imperialistic war in 21st century. Siam extremists most are wealthy Chinese ethnic have politicized the 900 year old Khmer built temple to advance personal agendas.

A wealthy Chinese Sondhi Limthongkul and posy Democrats Party ruled by another half-Siam literate and Chinese Abhisit Vejjajiva at the half-Siam filthy rich Queen Sirikit blessings have stepped the bound of treason and lèse majesté laws.

Present Siam laws; lèse majesté offense is a crime in the court of law with the punishment up to 15 year imprisonment. This brings our attention to the recent rages and rants caused by PAD and Siam extremists used lèse majesté offense to rid of rival wealthy Chinese like Thaksin Shinawatra from power in 2006.

In Beck’s East Asia to 1800 and up to 1950 book, it apparently showed indifferences in all PAD and posy claims. Beck showed how imperialistic French, British, and Japan worked with neo-imperialist Siam in staking and dividing Khmer territories in the end of 19th and early of 20th century.

The Bhumibolist mouthpiece, the Nation, on 10/7/2009 published a story unraveled the truth about Chakri royalties relationship with French Indo-China and Preah Vihear. It says, "On 30 January 1929, Prince Damrong Rajanuphab (21/6/1832-1/12/1943) arrived at Preah Vihear as head of an official expedition from the Siamese court of King Prajadhipok (Rama VII). With cheers and cordial reception under French flag, Prince Damrong accepted that Preah Vihear belonged to French Indochina.”

Apparently King Prajadhipok (Rama VII 8/11/1893-30/5/1941) had approved and accepted his minister expedition report. After his return to Bangkok, Prince Damrong sent a letter to thank French Indo-China officials for the reception and the guide for his expedition. Likely it’s a royally done deal.

But 80 year later, the current monarch household member, the remotely Chakri kin, seems confused and backed PAD and posy to ignore King Prajadhipok and Prince Damrong royal deal. Obviously PAD and Democrats Party were perpetuated by the Queen Patronage have openly insulted late King Prajadhipok, who was the last of the great Chakri dynasty, noted Beck.

Beck’s chronicle recorded many events and facts are critically challenging Siam history book that filled with myths for later generations to believe and learn. The Nation quoted “This is recorded history – a history that must not be forgotten by Thai students. But by ignoring Prince Damrong’s visit in 1929, it effectively tells us to forget about the truth.” The critic, Mr. Charnvit Kasetsiri, is a historian himself.

“French Indo-China defeated Siam in a brief war that led to the treaty signed in October 1893 gave France the east bank of the Mekong River south from the Chinese border, a demilitarized zone of 25 kilometers on the west bank of the Mekong, protégé status for all the Vietnamese, Laos, and Khmers in Siam, and Siam had to pay a large indemnity.”

“After the 1893 treaty, Siam increased the number of their European advisors to 139 within four years. King Chulalongkorn had been ill during and after the defeat at Paknam, and Damrong Rajanuphap (king half-brother) persuaded the King that Siam would be better off avoiding military confrontations with Europeans while pursuing administrative reforms.”

The panic King Chulalongkorn (Rama VI) royal purse was nearly broke. He needed to devise new strategy to buy time and to forestall French from pushing northward and westward of its occupied provinces Trat-Chanthaburei along the gulf coast line and Nokor Reach-Surin-Bureiriam along old Khmer Angkor highway stretching from Angkor to Phimai in Nokor Reach. Beside hospitals,guest houses a chain of shrines i.e Phimai,Phnom Rong were constructed along this importnat road. The hospitals and guest houses must be wooden and gone with time. Now only the shrines remain standing evidenced Khmer old land.

That’s a new tactic in strategy to counter French for expansionist Siam in its eastward quest.

During this period, French and British were the power brokers in Asia. They both agreed on many secretive treaties that hindered Cambodia and S.East Asian nations internal rule and autonomy. They used Siam, a proxy colony and a buffing zone, to divide and conquer Southeast Asia.

“In 1896 the British and French agreed to guarantee the inviolability of the Chao Phraya River basin, recognizing the independence of Siam. Several villages in Khon Kaen revolted in 1895 and excluded Siam officials from ruling them for three years. 1897 Siam made the secret agreement with the British not to cede territory north of 11 degrees latitude or give anyone else privileges without British approval.” It appeared the author failed to note the Khmers and Laos were involved in uprising against Siam genocidal rule.

“In the northeast 2,500 rebels in Ubon and Laos joined a millenarian movement, and more than 1,000 men led by the superstitious Thao (means old man or Ta in Khmer) Thammikarat (Dhammik raj) black magic practioner sacked Khemmarat (Khmer rath presently west of present Laos) in 1901; but the Siamese army killed three hundred and captured four hundred rebels.” Likely Khmer rath was under a Khmer aristocrat turned Siam collaborateur.

“In 1897 Siam made the secret agreement with the British not to cede territory north of 11 degrees latitude or give anyone else privileges without British approval. The next year the southern border was unstable.”

Subsequently, in 1902 the British gave the Sultanate Pattani-Yala to be under Siam rule.

“In 1904 Chulalongkorn made a treaty with France. In April 1906, the Governor-General crowned 64 year old Sisowath King of Cambodia and attended the Colonial Exhibition at Marseilles with the royal dance company. In Paris King Sisowath concluded the negotiations for the treaty with Siam that returned the provinces of Battambang, Siem Reap, and Sisophon to Cambodia and in 1907 Siam gave up the northwestern Khmer provinces of Siem Reap, Battambang, and Sisophon for France’s renouncing the extraterritorial privileges of its protégés in Siam. The French and Cambodians began to restore Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. The 1908 French census counted 60,000 Vietnamese in Cambodia and nearly that many Chinese."

In parallel, “In 1909 the British gave up the same privileges in exchange for the Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu, and Perlis. The Federated Malay States loaned £4,000,000 to complete the railway system between Siam and Malaya.”

“In a short war with Thailand the French planes bombed Nokor-Phnom (Nakon Phanom) on November 28, 1940. Siam forces advanced toward Battambang, but the French claimed victory at sea. A cease-fire was ordered on January 28, 1941, and the Japanese persuaded the French to return Battambang, Sisophon Sereisophon), Siem Reap (except Angkor), and parts of Laos to Thailand for 6 million piastres.” The battles took place in Phoum Yiang-Dangkum,Phriav-Kaun Tei located adjacent to Kok Khposs (Siam called Kok Soong) that’s not too far from Phoum Kor -Russei Srok-Ang Seila, 1977 battlefield between Democratic Kampuchea and Siam 1977. This package included 420,000 inhabitants. France was weak and strapped of cash while engaging in war at home with powerful Germany.

“In January 1941 Phlaek ( old last name Kattisungkha) Phibunsongkhram (21/7/1897- 11/6/1964) sent troops to take over parts of French Cambodia, and after three weeks Thailand had regained much Cambodian territory. Japan mediated an agreement signed in March that allowed Thailand to keep most of what it had occupied. Then in December 1941 the Japanese army invaded Cambodia through Battambang, and by August 1942 the Japanese had posted 8,000 troops in Cambodia.”

Phlaek was more Siam ethnocentric than his contemporaries in politics including the royalties. His fascist view had a lot to do with his ethnic cleansing in Siam. His primary targeted ethnic was Chinese who were persecuted relentlessly. But it was ironic that Phlaek changed country name from Siam to Thailand which was relative to Tai tribal ethnic living in south China.

Between 1940-1942 Siam promulgated hatred culture toward Khmer heritage. Many Khmers and Laos in Nokor Reach region were forced out of old Khmer provinces to resettle in Phibunsongkhram province which was made up of Battambang- Siem Reap-Sisophon. Use of Khmer language was forbidden in public places. Also it can’t be taught or learned in private homes. Folks were conscripted as war slaves whom Siam can do whatever it pleased with them.

“Then 1940 League of Nations- Treaty Series. 147 No. 4709. Commercial and Customs agreement between France and Siam concerning Indo-China signed at Bangkok December, 9th 1937 stipulates: In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Convention of August 25th, 1926, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have agreed as follows:
Article I.
Article 5 of the Treaty 3 of October 3rd, 1893, shall be annulled.”

For Siam, this new treaty is a new attempt for Dictator Phlaek to resume Siam imperialistic war on Cambodia beside Shan state in the north and Laos in the northeast. The weakening Chakri dynasty was threatened and on the sunset. Then the speculation was King Prajadhipok was the last of Chakri brand. This could be true, if it wasn’t for the world war interruption and Japan imperialism demise; the powerful Phlaek Phibunsongkhram could have been the new Siam emperor.

Nonetheless, after the War ended in 1945, King Sihanouk did not demand Japan for Cambodia reparation. It appeared he saw something on the horizon that most politicians didn’t. Now that Siam seems to go back on its own words, Japan owes Cambodia and King Sihanouk a great deal, thus in its conscionable obligation and peace loving spirit, Japan ought to come forward to clarify and speak in Cambodia behalf that Siam claims territorial and Preah Vihear ownership losses to Cambodia are baseless.

All these times, Cambodia seems focusing on Siam and France records. However, Japan can do justice for Cambodia once for all. To date Siam insists it can solve its problems with Cambodia. Most unlikely so, Cambodia needs to move beyond Siam empty words. One can’t expect thousands of fool to see rightly one sane individual.

For centuries, Siam had been so confused in its identity and history. Therefore in the best interest of generations and justice, Cambodia can’t allow itself to be fooled by Siam thousands of fool when come to do the right thing for the Khmer people.


Anonymous said...

History tells the truth about the facts. It’s time to knock on a numb nut’s head to open eye to see farther and not being shortsighted!
Thanks, for bringing us the brief history of Cambodia and the thief neighbor Thai.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Our Cambodian soldiers were ready to protect our motherland versus Siams bandits PAD (yellow shirts).

New Phally

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We have to remember Siam and Youn are both the same, they both try to take our land.

It is have no question about that!

Anonymous said...

4:42am! i totally agree with you 100%, Viet/Thai are all the same old shit, they both are fulls of all kind of Tricks, Vietnam wanted Khmer lands so bad, in 1979 liberation was invasion instead, thanks to khmer resistant that help kick Vietnamese ass out of cambodia...


Anonymous said...

correction = don't let Neighbor country taken advantage and look down, cambodia must continue to upgrade her military power, to protect cambodia from greedy Neighbors...

Anonymous said...

Princess Bejaratana (pronounced Pet-Cha-Rat) (Thai: สมเด็จพระเจ้าภคินีเธอ เจ้าฟ้าเพชรรัตนราชสุดา สิริโสภาพัณณวดี) was born on 24 November 1925, the only child of HM King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) and HRH Princess Suvadhana (who is of Khmer descent, grand-daughter of Chum Abhaiwongse, ex-governor of Battambang). After having seen his only child for a day, the King died, on 25 November 1925. Her uncle, HM King Prajadhipok (Rama VII), performed the naming ceremony for the princess on 30 December.

Achar Penh

Anonymous said...

khmer's voice!

Borpith preash puth dor chhea camdeng yeung som preash ang chhuoy sangkruos kaun chao khmer krob teussti ory yul kapith ory skoal khluon tha chhea khmer mean pouchh ambo chhea nak chhea.
khmer love khmer every where.

Anonymous said...

Some notes on Khmer words in Thai language. According to the Royal Institute, at least 40% are of Cambodian (กำพุชพากย์): If any Thai words sound Khmer, they are mostly Khmer words.

สมเด็จ (somdej) --- samdech (excellency)
จองกระเบน (jong kraben) --- jongkhben (a type of Khmer garment for men and women)
เดิิน / ดำเนิน (dern, damnoen) --- daer, damnaer (to walk, travel path) as seen in Rajadamnoen Blvd in Bangkok
เกิด / กำเนิด (gerd, kamnerd) --- gaerd, kamnaerd (to give birth, birth)
ชาญ / ชำนาญ (chanh, chamnanh) --- cheagn, chamneagn (to be good at doing something, prowess)
กรุง (krung) --- krong (city)
ทะเลสาบ (thalesaab) --- tonle sap (Cambodia's fresh water lake)
กระบาล (krabahn) --- kbal (head)
สพาน (sapaan) --- spean (bridge)
ฯลฯ --- etc.
(to be continued)

Anonymous said...

Here is a list of Khmer numerals from 0 to 9:

Here is a list of Thai numerals from 0 to 9:

Glad to see that we both have something in common...! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thailand had stolen everything and copying everything from khmer, when Thai looted Angkor, alot khmer people were captured and taken away to Thailand, khmer brought all of their cutural, tradition to Thailand...

Anonymous said...

Thailand of course had lied to their young generations about khmer history, they taught their young people to hate khmer, by telling them that khmer is the one that stold their lands, Temple, Prasat Angkor....etc? Thai King, Thai Govt twisted things around, by lying to their own people to hate khmer, but the current THAILAND IS KHMER EMPIER LANDS....

Anonymous said...

Undeniably common between Tai head of state King Lek and Cambod head of government Shen both use only one eye.

Khmer thaa gau khwak makhang khbahl reung nass,true is it?

Anonymous said...

There's no fucken Thailand on the MAP, the whole world knew that very well, even five years old kid knew,only Khmer Empier exist, Thais people should go back and do some researching about their truth identity, only Khmer Empier King allowed fucken Siamese staying inside khmer lands that time, the same thing as fucken Vietcong mother fucker, using pussy to lure Ah sdach lmop tonnaha krass...

Anonymous said...

true, cambodia can learn from everybody: friends, foes, strangers, family, etc, etc..., really! it is also an excellent idea for our leaders to learn to be flexible, open-minded to new concept and use consultation as well. arrogance and selfishness is never a good character for a leader, really. wake up, please, there are more to cambodia than you and i. it helps to think long term future benefit, not just the your personal benefit in this life time as our country will continue to exist as long as the sun and moon still revolve and shine on earth, really. please think smartly and clever about it for a change. stop the me me me me mentality as cambodia is not really about you or any one individual; there are more to it than you and i, believe it or not, really!

Anonymous said...

I hope Hun Sen got an idea like comments 9:56am, and i hope he's just playing along with Viet..

Anonymous said...

the key was, they (siems) reformed by their kings, but khmer failed to do just that. instead, khmer kings of the past, at least, were just about me me me me me me me and forget you you you, etc... i hope the new generation of khmer will avoid that outdated mentality of political ambition or personal ambition altogether and instead focus or introduce new reformed concept, idea, innovation, encouragement, new mentality, new thinking, etc in cambodia for more generation to come, really. yes, it's really time to wake up, cambodia as there are more to our country than just you and i, really! think about it, please! don't forget to learn from history and everybody else, and don't be so selfish or evil for a change, that would helps as well, ok! open our eyes, the world is bigger than the frog's well mentality, really! i mean, it's good to have pride in who we are and where we came from, however, also keep in mind what what is national interest and what is personal interest and leave the hobby separate from work. that's all. be smart and clever like siem kings leading their country into modernization, ok! god bless cambodia. don't forget to always consult with each other or colleagues, etc., and no more me me me mentality; that is not good for cambodia, ok!

Anonymous said...

Kok Sap,
Why did you say Prajadhipok was the last Chakri House?
How about Bhumibol (Pumipon)?
"Lèse Majesté" is to protect the rich Chinese. Pumipon's mother was a Chinese too.
Dr. Giles Ungpakorn wrote a book called "Coups for the riches".

Anonymous said...

2:49 AM,
You are so good in yapping telling other people to study history but you yourself are the stpudiest.
Did you know Jayavaraman 8 knelt before Kublaikhan even attacked Cambodia? He kept cleaning Khmer Empire's bank just to feed Kublai Kanh's army. Not even that he persecuted Buddhists and changed back all Temples into Hindu Temples not Buddhist temples.
And Jayavaraman 8 was not written in Khmer history. Because Khmers are also liars the same as others like Youn and Siems. The latter Kings were only inherited emptied treasure while the country was already controlled by Siem and Youn.

Anonymous said...

Most powerful elites in Thailand are Chinese. Abhisit's parenst were Chinese and so was Dr. Giles's Father. Dr. Giles admitted that his father was Chinese born in Thailand, but to be accepted by Thais, his Father changed his Chinese name to Thai name.

Anonymous said...

4:34 AM,
I agree with you that Japanese don't care about Cambodia. If the US and its allies Russia and Britain didn't defeat Hitler, Japanese may become a temporary ruler of Indochinese and Cambodia wil be divided to two: one pice to Youn and one piece to Siam; because Ho Chi Minh's god father Phan Boi Chau went to beg Japan and Siam to help to get rid of France. If so, then Khmers lost the country for good. Japanese love Youn and Siam than Khmer.
Thanks God, the two war criminals Hitler and Hirohito were defeated.