Thursday, October 29, 2009

Opposition Asks King To Enter National Affairs [-CPP is still in denial]

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
28 October 2009

[Cheam Yiep] rejected criticism of human rights abuses and said no border violations have occurred
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy and other parliamentarians requested the intervention of King Norodom Sihamoni to improve the lives of the people and resolve longstanding border disputes with Thailand and Vietnam.

Eighteen opposition members met with the king on Tuesday, who “has concerns and pays attention to these issues,” Sam Rainsy told VOA Khmer.

Sam Rainsy pointed to job losses in the wake of the economic crisis, loss of property in land grabs, abuse of the courts and encroachment along the border as issues facing the country and requiring royal intervention.

Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker Cheam Yiep said Sam Rainsy had the right to raise the issues, but he should ensure the allegations are true. He rejected criticism of human rights abuses and said no border violations have occurred.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all parliarmentarians who are seeking king intervention for the welfare of cambodians where abuse of human rights is not taken seriously by RGC.It is a long wait to see participation from every levels, not just RGC to comply with our national constitution.

Our king definitely has an ACTIVE social roles in our society, according to constitution. To achieve a common aim to reduce sufferings,NGOs, social organisations and countries signed peace Accords participation is highly beneficial.

Thank you for your promt attention,MPs.

Kind regards

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Stop daydreaming people, it ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Yab always reject when someone talk about CPP because he is Youn.

He support youn.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Yab and other members always try to say good words for CPP, Youn-back party. These groups always say that they are capable to solve country probems, poverty, corruption, foreing invasion, unemployment etc. However, until now, there is no a single of these problem has been solved.When the domocratic critise, it accuse them of defamtion and, when they want to ask for intervention from the king, it refuse. what kind of this group is??

Anonymous said...

AH Yap is an educated fool who graduated from the Vietcong school of hardknock! I don't how this Vietcong bitch got this job in the first place and he is buying time until he receive his pension!

Take out the GPS and verify every square of Cambodian land and sea and tell me that Cambodia is not being violated!

Anonymous said...

however, be careful not to violate the constitution, though. i think the monarch should be ceremonial like that of england and thailand and more, perhaps. remember from history that monarch in politics may be the best form of gov't in the world, however, remember, too, that there must be a backup plan in case the monarch grow old or something happen to the monarch, so we don't have choas and fighting again. because there are more to cambodia than you and i, really. we want plural and law to gov't back up plan, etc... i hope we study thoroughly first before make any decision. how about surveying the population to see how the feel about it, however, even that, make sure the population is well-educated as well because only educated individual counts in national affairs, really! otherwise, it's like the blind leading the blind again. please wake up and be think smart and cleverly, really; it's about cambodia, not any individual political ambition, really! god bless cambodia.