Thursday, October 08, 2009

"...the practice of democracy and the freedom of assembly to express any concern in Cambodia currently is dropping to less than zero...": Carol Rodley

The scene described by Ambassador Carol Rodley (Photo: DAP news)

US Ambassador Carol Rodley discussed democracy with the Cambodian gov’t

07 October 2009
Radio Australia in Khmer
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Following the observation on a number of concerning changes in the practice of democracy and the respect of human rights in Cambodia that shows an alarming sign of deterioration, Mrs. Carol Rodley, the US Ambassador to Cambodia, claimed that she met to discuss about these issues with high ranking Cambodian government officials.

Den Seyma is reporting from Phnom Penh:

Mrs. Carol Rodley, the US Ambassador to Cambodia, told Radio Australia through a translator, that following the US observation about a number of changes in the practice of democracy and the respect of human rights in Cambodia that shows an alarming sign of deterioration, in the name of the US government, she met to discuss with high ranking Cambodian officials about the deterioration and the backward move of democracy and the respect of human rights.

Nevertheless, she did not provide the details of her discussions, she only indicated briefly through a translator that the results of her meeting were fruitful and meaningful, and that the Cambodian government is paying attention.

Carol Rodley: “Following the World Teachers’ Day celebration on 05 October at the [Teachers’] association headquarters that was surrounded by several dozens of armed joint government police forces that are equipped with electric batons, shields, and tear gas rifles, as well as the closing of all roads to prevent people from joining the celebration, Mr. Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association, considered that the practice of democracy and the freedom of assembly to express any concern in Cambodia currently is dropping to less than zero. This is a sign of extreme concern.”

Rong Chhun: “Through Mrs. Carol [Rodley]’s effort to push for democracy and freedom rights form Cambodians, and even if there hundreds of obstacles, it does not mean that Cambodians should abandon their own effort [to push for democracy].”

Nevertheless, high-ranking Cambodian officials still claim that the respect of human rights, as well as democracy in Cambodia are moving forward smoothly and are continuously progressing from one legislative mandate to another. They claimed that the Cambodian government allowed the operation of thousands of organizations [NGOs] involved in democracy and human rights, and it also allowed them to operate freely without any restriction.


Anonymous said...

To show Madame Ambassador that Cambodia is moving forward with equal rights and equal press and to compete with VOA and RFA, I the Prime Minister…"starting November 1, 2009 the Cambodian government will no longer affiliate itself with CTN”

Khmer youth

Anonymous said...

Where Cambodia has democracy system when Hun Sen is staying in a military stronghold of 4000 strong bodyguards and permanently intimidating other opposition parties.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen allowed NGO's inside Cambodia not because he like them nor did to prove that he, himself like democracy but because he want to keep his begging business alive. Hun Sen knows that with no NGO presence in Cambodia he is not likely to get any money from donor countries.

Anonymous said...

Vietcong has swallowed 1Champa,2PreyNorkor,3AngKorWat.Vietcong ,Sihanouk,Polpot,HO Chiminh,Le Ductho,Ieng Sary,Son sen,Hun SEn,Chea Sim,Heng SamRin, had killed 2 452 651 innocent khmer people already!
Where are democracy,human rights?

"Three things cannot be long hidden:the sun,the moon,and the truth"Our Lord Buddha.

Vietcong has no"Putho,puthaing,acniChaing,Acnakta"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The best time for planting trees of democracy was during the 1993 election when thousands of international police and observers present to monitor the irregulairy of the election.

Unfortunately those trees resisted to grow due to the fact that King Sihanouk didn't welcome democracy.Why didn't the King welcome democracy? It was because he wanted to please Hun Sen for restoring monarchy for his son. The restoration of monarchy for his son was his only wish in this world; therefore, to show his gratitude to Hun Sen, he chose to establish a coalition of Cambodia, which later the CPP that got 40 seats, 20 seats less than the Funcinpec got, became stronger and stronger until the Funcinpec is gone with the wild wind. And trees of democracy now seem to wither gradually due to poor nourishment.

The King is now more than happy that history will honor him as the King who had the power to bring back monarchy, and he will die smilingly with hiseyes tightly close. I don't know if he will born as a slave or a king of China or North Korea in his next life?

Anonymous said...

correction: a coalition government of Cambodia

Anonymous said...

In a well established democratic country, there is a balance of power between the ruling party and the oppositions. In Cambodia, Hun Sen has all the power. Cambodia is only democratic on paper. Dig deeper, Cambodia is now under totalitarian regime!

Khmer Voice - Khemarak

Anonymous said...

Our gov't needs to be more focus on unity, team work, collaboration and as well as learn to ignore from all personal conflicts otherwise it will slow down us in term of community building processes. At the sometime, we don't want other races to take advantage of us because we are too busy fighting with one another. Therefore please, promote unity, love, compassion, share and respect among each other. This is the only way to run the country. Everyone is existed for a purpose, so, accept them all as one. I would like to make a request to all of our Khmer editors to call upon all leaders to come together as one and to discuss about what else need to be done, especially about “national security”.....Aust

Anonymous said...

Let just hope that the Cheery Trees continue to bloom in Cambodia even without rain.