Friday, October 16, 2009

Strength Through Unity

By Son Socheat
Prey Nokor News Vision
Vol. 2, No. 93

Translated from Khmer by Socheata
When Khmer unite, Khmer survive, when Khmer are divided, Khmer die!
For a country to be able to display its culture, civilization, developing economy, political stability, independence, freedom, and that its people is living in peace, depends on the unity between the people and the national leaders for such unity is the strength to protect the country’s national interest and to provide true nationalist ideal and conscience.

This factor leads to progress in the society and no foreign powers could lead any aggression against such country. Among the many populations in the world, the Khmer people are as well known as any other nationalities, we used to be a powerful nation and a superpower in Southeast Asia during the Angkor era. Our Khmer empire used to have a brilliant civilization, our lands were vast, we built magnificent temples throughout our lands, and Angkor Wat is one of such marvels. Furthermore, the Khmer people practice our own customs and traditions and we maintain them until now. Because of our plentiful cultural heritage, other countries acclaim the Khmer people and our renown spread far and wide throughout the world.

The reason such condition took place during that era was the fact that Khmer people were united with their leaders who have high nationalistic ideals. Furthermore, contributions from the Khmer people in the development of their country and their strong commitment to national defense made it such no country was able to undermine our society.

Therefore, the unity strength plays a major role in our accomplishments. Unity strength can take many forms in a human society, however, philosophers tend to distinguish two types of human unity strength: (1) the unity strength to build a country and (2) the unity strength to destroy a country.

It is quite regrettable that our Khmer kingdom has significantly changed from its original state through the invasions and aggressions from neighboring countries, as well as the occupations of Khmer lands and provinces by the Siamese and Yuons. With the lack of unity among the Khmer society and a leadership that is no longer in tune with our population, corruptions, briberies, personal interests led to disputes, struggles for power and genocide among our own people. Currently, our Khmer people are furthermore disunited, we do not trust our own people and we tend to trust foreigners instead. A group of Khmer leaders even went on to ask for help from the Yuons, while another group went to fetch help from the Siamese force to fight one another. In the end, only the Siamese and Yuons were the ones who benefited from our discord, meanwhile, our Khmer people only knew deaths and foreign occupations and rulings, and our lands were also divided among the Siamese and the Yuons.

A portion of our lands along the west is under the Siamese occupation, whereas our lands along the east, the current Kampuchea Krom, are under the colonial occupation of the Yuons. Gradually, our lands shrunk and our people soon lost our rights to administer a large portion of our lands. Just as the saying goes: No foreigner will love Khmer more the Khmer people.

Therefore, we, as the Khmer people, must reflect and wonder why a number of countries in the world are moving forward? Why these countries can maintain political stability, security, economic progress, independence, territorial integrity, freedom and true democracy? I believe that happiness in the society happens when the country’s leadership and the people are united in order to maintain a perpetual protection of the national interests. As indicated above, in the past, our Khmer society used to have a renown civilization and morality, and we used to be a superpower in Southeast Asia, but later on, due to our unsettling political status, a number of Khmer leaders, government officials and people, as well as Khmer Buddhist monks, sold their ideals to foreigners, i.e., while they are still Khmer in name, their national conscience was bought out to serve the foreign interests. Even as we speak, a number of Khmer people, including some Khmer Buddhist monks, have lost their conscience, they are drunk with power, titles, money, the ranks conferred to them by the foreigners, and they unashamedly bring suffering on their own Khmer people. Such is the case for example of the so-called 7 Makara monks led by Tep Vong, Non Nget, Sao Chanthol, Long Kim Leang, Am Lim Heng, Noy Chreuk and Chies Om. The 7 Makara monks have no qualms in defrocking Venerable Tim Sakhorn, the former abbot of the Phnom Den North Pagoda, located in Kirivong district, Takeo province, and they even handed the venerable to the Yuon authority to have him jailed in Vietnam on 30 June 2007.

It should be noted also that, among the 7 Makara monks who defrocked Venerable Tim Sakhorn, Long Kim Leang is currently staying at a Khmer pagoda located in San Jose, California, USA.

Our Khmer people have learned our lessons through the misdeeds we suffered in the hands of our neighbors. Which nation is always bringing suffering on our people? Which nation always wants to eliminate our people? Isn’t it Communist Vietnam???

The Yuons use psychology to attract our people, to buy our conscience, to make us spy on our society, they divide us, i.e. the Yuons have their own plan: they will do all they can not to let us live in peace, because if we, the Khmer people, live with full independence and true social security, then we must revisit our national history.

In spite of the fact that communist Vietnam is using its conniving strategy on our society, a large number of Khmer people still love their nation, they are not willing to betray their conscience, and they will never forget the tragic history imposed on us, both Khmer and Khmer Krom people, by the communist Yuons.

Furthermore, in these days and age of the 21st century, our Khmer and Khmer Krom people throughout the world must remain alert, we must unite with each other through our idealism, we must not be defeated, nor will we fall into the Yuon’s tricks, and more importantly, we will never believe the Yuon propaganda.

In these days and age, our Khmer people all over the world must love each other, we must understand each other, we must not discriminate against each other, we must seek to understand our goals in the construction of our society and religious centers. Moreover, as sons and daughters of the Khmer people, we must be good citizens serving our nation, we must learn to cooperate with one another to serve our national interest with the aim of protecting and perpetually preserving our culture, tradition, customs, our Buddhist religion and our national identity, as well as raising up our civilization.

I believe that colonialist Vietnam which is currently occupying Kampuchea Krom will face defeat in the near future for now is the era of international human rights, and our indigenous Khmer Krom people, both inside and outside our lands, are rising up to demand for our freedoms and our religious belief through non-violent protests in order to be able to decide our own destiny as the Khmer Kampuchea Krom community.

Khmer people understand Khmer feelings, Khmer people love each others, Khmer people cooperate with one another, Khmer people do not instigate disunity among ourselves, we truly serve the interest of the Khmer nation, just as the following saying goes: “When Khmer unite, Khmer survive, when Khmer are divided, Khmer die!


Anonymous said...

this all common sense, too. khmer literature have a lot of wise lesson or moral story to convey this kind of message. i hope everyone is learning them and be wise about this simple philosophy of life, really.

Anonymous said...

That is excellent comment. I absolutely 100% agree with you on that. But you should realize to some extent, the leaders can easily fall behind and forget this fundamental theory due to political confusion and competing for power. Then division among them can sometime happen. I hope Cambodian leaders memorize this key for the sake of our nation and next generations.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you khmer always love khmer, no one love us than we love each other.

I hope everyone will be read this acticle and realize that if we not reunited then we will be impower Youn and Siam to destroy our Nation.

Kaun Khmer from Canada

Anonymous said...

All Khmer have a living sample : Kampuchea Krom. We Khmer should know history relating to the lost of that land along with millions of Khmer citizen. We all should learn from that history so we will not repeat the same mistake or letting any Khmer to commit the same mistake again. No body has the right to sell our bellow country to an other country. Just don't vote for them next time and tell all your relatives not to do so.

Anonymous said...

The truth have reveal how former Monk Tim Sakhon have been arrested and send to Youn prison for one year.

We should not allow this happen against. Thank to Son Socheat to writng this article.

Anonymous said...

Good point but this is easily said than done! We may achieve unity among a very small group first at the only condition that we free ourselves from name, fame, and money. Money is the reflection of the supreme being that may lure anyone into that abyss. Thus, history always repeats itself.

May the truth set us free and bring unity to Cambodia in a near future!

Anonymous said...

It's time to love each other as khmer AngKor!

Anonymous said...

It is very easy to write and say " Khmer Must unite together". But at what kind. Can we unite Hun Sen group to steal Khmer lands and to get ridge off them from their land of birth or we must unite the victims to kill robbers ?
I prefer to unite the victims and kill the robbers is better.
Cambodia is now has three groups
1-The victims
2-The oppressors.
3-The outsiders ( like myself)

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Hanoi official must be subpoenaed by the ECCC for genocide against Cambodian people.

October 8, 2009, the Honorable Marcel Lemonde, Co-prosecutor (France) released to the public his subpoena that he has signed on September 25, 2009, to summon six government officials – Senate President Chea Sim, National Assembly President Heng Samrin, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, Finance Minister Keat Chhon and two CPP senators Ouk Bunchhœun and Sim Ka – appear at the tribunal to provide testimony “in the framework of the investigation under way against Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan and other leaders”.

Follow ECCC!

The best way of peace.

Show the world how to dance,how to sing.

Anonymous said...

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”Buddha

S21=Koor 5=Auswich concentration camp

Anonymous said...

United it is very simple word, just like a cake, but how to make a cake that is another story.
Here my half cent:
1 Kill all the Bull shits.
2 Kill all the nagative.
3 Kill all the fake(Stupid pretend smart.)
4 Kill all the evils and Greeds.
5 Kiil the dunb ass who does not know where the hole is.

Anonymous said...

Democracy will do "tricks and treats" in Cambodia. Your advice is CLASSIC and DERIVATIVE but to whom?

Anonymous said...


Yes, we need to unify but the quetion is how to resolve the conflicts and enables unity to come about.
The bonding agent is respecting Human rights, and as buddhists we ought to be aware of that, however conflicts still persisted.
any common goal to be achieved requires sacrifice in term of effort, time, money or life if necessary in order to uphold the bonding values. in simple term is selfishless, and it is easy to say than done. As Areak prey already mentioned, we all can't cooprerate with violence. violence is an act of destruction, to others as well as to the doers in long run.
Violence is triggered by greed which is fed by other than Khmers in oreder to gain persued goal.

Difficulties lie in lack of human resources where eliminations taken place in several phases up to recent past. Blurred vision on education/corruption retards progresses, and induced corruption by selected groups to continue splitting khmers in to groups.
Applicable solutions are raising values of Ethics, which is now destroyed by controlling and steering Buddhism in lesser values.And updates and improves quality of education will enhence co operation, which subsequently will achieve Unity.
Building economy which is a driver to accelerate standard of living that becomes accessible to education for majority of cambodians. Golden land can provide that, with change to our confused mentality which led to rely on others such as foreign aids.
As long as we ALL do not recognise interferences from all corners, we will then doom to fail.

we indeed rae on the right track of working on platforms of national constitution and continue to persue for human rights which recognised by international communities.

Praised and thankfull to dedicated cambodians who selfislessly struggle for admirable causes, for suffering cambodians and cambodia.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

maybe they should create a psychology counseling services in cambodia for a change to help people cope with anger, depression and other mental or abnormality to do with the thinking in the head or something. i mean some thinking is fine, but many more are based on hysteria, paranoia, and perhaps ignorant or uneducated as well. please stay in school to study from the best in the world, ok! god bless all in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

It is sure. I agree with your article, but i strongly disagree with what your team (Tra Vinh) are doing now. Unity is just on the mouth, but your heart is NO! I am very regretable for KK from Tra Vinh.

Anonymous said...

Normally people love to brag about themselves so they criticise others of being losers or being bad or they would lecture others how to live or to be good, etc., but if they were to practice, they won't be able to practice what they have preached.

Anonymous said...

Khmer love khmer-pull the other one its got bells on.
Khmer love to steal from khmer!
Khmer renowned around the world-ummm but not for angkor wat?
Something about corruption indexes isnt it?