Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Abhisit could die from problems"

November 12, 2009
The Nation
"Khun Abhisit is alleging that Thailand's dignity is at stake. But I want to tell you that the "red shirts" support this appointment (of Thaksin) but the "yellow shirts" don't. And there are those who are remaining quiet about this whole thing. These people know that the Hun Sen government is a good administration. My government is not being used by anybody. I think it's Abhisit who has become a tool of Thaksin. Whenever Thaksin opens up on certain issues, it is Abhisit who reacts accordingly and acted without thinking about the interests of the country and its people. He is using personal reasons to cancel cooperation between two countries. Can Thai people live with a leader like this? Can a person like this lead Asean? Asean will eventually become one market and possibly one currency but it's Thailand who is behaving aggressively against Cambodia. During the Angkor civilisation there were accusations that Thailand had lost territory to Cambodia. Study your history and you will see who is the real aggressor." - Hun Xen

Cambodian PM Hun Sen's recent interview showed no love lost between him and the current Thai government.

Cambodian PM Hun Sen meets the press and following is an excerpt of his conversation.

Problems with the Thai-Cambodia bilateral ties:

The problem with Thai-Cambodia relations is really a problem between myself and Khun Abhisit (Vejjajiva), the prime minister of Thailand. Before anybody speaks about this, they need to understand that I have been working in politics when the Thai prime minister was still a child.

Border closing:

If you want to close the border, close it. Cambodia will take up action in response. Cambodia will close the border, as well as shut out economic activities as well. Even one mouse will not be permitted to cross the border. We can get Thai goods through other countries. In 2008, Thailand exported US$2 billion to Cambodia - but Cambodia exported only US$90 million to Thailand. I don't want to close the border as it would affect the people, but the Thai prime minister is making threats.

Appointing Thaksin Shinawatra as economic adviser:

I want to be clear to all Thai people that the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is the one making an issue out of this. Cambodia has appointed a number of foreigners as economic advisers in the past, including Koreans and Australians and I don't see what the prime minister is afraid of. I have explained to the Asean meeting in Hua Hin, and I have been very patient about it, but I have been at the receiving end of Thailand's attack. It was Abhisit who went on and invalidated the MoU (on joint development of overlapping territory in the Gulf of Thailand).

Who is really serving whom?

Khun Abhisit is alleging that Thailand's dignity is at stake. But I want to tell you that the "red shirts" support this appointment (of Thaksin) but the "yellow shirts" don't. And there are those who are remaining quiet about this whole thing. These people know that the Hun Sen government is a good administration. My government is not being used by anybody. I think it's Abhisit who has become a tool of Thaksin. Whenever Thaksin opens up on certain issues, it is Abhisit who reacts accordingly and acted without thinking about the interests of the country and its people. He is using personal reasons to cancel cooperation between two countries. Can Thai people live with a leader like this? Can a person like this lead Asean? Asean will eventually become one market and possibly one currency but it's Thailand who is behaving aggressively against Cambodia. During the Angkor civilisation there were accusations that Thailand had lost territory to Cambodia. Study your history and you will see who is the real aggressor.

What can Asean do?

Cambodia is prepared to negotiate any place, any time, in a bilateral or multilateral setting. But it appeared that Thailand has already decided that this is not going to happen. Asean Secretary-General Surin (Pitsuwan) needs to understand that it has to be comprehensive and should include the 19 September 2006 coup (against Thaksin), the overlapping claims along the border, the appointment of Thaksin as economic advisor. You can use whatever mechanism you want, Cambodia is ready. I helped safe Thailand and Abhisit's face by not talking about this at Asean Summit in Hua Hin. You want to solve this problem you should go to the beginning. If this is about appointing Thaksin, then we need to all the way back to the 19 September coup. If Ahisit is so capable, why not dissolve the Parliament and call for a new election. What is he afraid of? I am the prime minister of Cambodia who received two-third of the vote and how much vote did Abhisit received or did he stole his seat from other people? If so how do you expect to respect you?

Insulting Thailand

Abhisit is faced with all kinds of problems. He could die from it. He has problem with all his neighbours, including Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Myanmar. Moreover, he has problem with the yellow shirt, the red shirt and the blue shirt and the white shirt. Even the yellow shirt are not united among their own kind. What due respect does Cambodia has to give Thailand? Appointing Thaksin has nothing to do with Thailand? I have told Abhisit that Thaksin is my friend. Friend don't betray friend.

About disrespecting Thailand's judicial system:

There is nothing in the Thai judicial system that is worth respecting. In the past Khieu Samphan, Nuon Chea was residing in Cambodia [KI-Media Note: Thailand?] before they relocate to Cambodia. This was not only a violation of international laws and norms, Thailand even endorse Khmer Rouge and the peace process. I want the Thai people to know that the government don't even respect international law and so how can we even respect Thai judicial system?

On Preah Vihear Temple:

We negotiated with Thailand three times. We agreed to solve the problem peacefully. But the agreement they signed was erased with their feet. Thailand obstructed Thailand's bid (for Unesco World Heritage) and has the nerve to say that it has nothing to do with Cambodia. It's like they are calling us stupid. Thailand has used Preah Vihear as a hostage and used it to take down a government. I have asked Parliament President Chai Chidchob for help but he said the issue has passed the Parliament. Thailand politicised this issue at the expense of prolonging the problem.


Anonymous said...

Thais Govt Abhisit can not lead the country by acting like childish, this government really disappointed Thais people throghoutt the country, Thaksin should be the one Thai people should be considered...

Anonymous said...

i was a child at one time. i said all kind of things to the people whom know me,especially to the elderly. no one care of what i said. people said i'm just a boy,dont mind me. now that i'm older i think back and i felt embarassed. i will think hard before i open my mouth. same to you abhisit. abhisit,you need to go back to school to learn how to be patience,and how to control you emotion toward other leaders. you are losing the battle.

Anonymous said...

Folks, Thailand is in deep trouble right now! they do need a real leader to turns around this country, if they don't, cambodia and Thailand never be living in peace as a good neighbors, and that's up to Thais people....Red or Yellow people for them to united and decide, because Abhisit Vejjajiva and his parties are crooked and greeds...

Anonymous said...

You meant AnoPongPaoJinda is the one who created all of these conflicts? don't blame Abhisit Vejjajiva alone ok! Red Shirts people don't want these shit to happend, but AnoPongPaojinda is the trouble maker, he's and that HIV+ King have the same idea for the, just shut up!!

Chhalumpaddh, Chhantaburei

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Abhisit pick the wrong opponent this time. He's fighting against his political senior and he should know what the end result is. FYI Hun Sen has not lost to anyone in his political career! Now he's undermining Abhisit's government and pave way for Thaksin's comeback to power..

Anonymous said...

Let's wait and see who is blinking first. Abhisit or Hun Sen. The border closure in 2003, result in no trade between the two countries, no revenue generated for the Casinos which mostly belong to Hun Sen's cronies. The incidents prompted Hun Sen to pay $50 Million to Thai just so the Thai would reopen the border. I hope he don't make concession to the Thai this time.

Anonymous said...

Jungle man hun sen considers cambodia his private property . He puts personal hatred of abhisit over national interests.
Why doen(t he do the same when vietnam steals cambodian land?
About time the thais topple him and we have a change in government.

Anonymous said...

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, is it okay for thai to refuse to extradite a Russian to the U.S.

August 12, 2009
Thailand Blocks Extradition of an Arms Dealing Suspect

BANGKOK — A Thai court stunned American officials here on Tuesday by rejecting the extradition of Viktor Bout, a Russian businessman who is accused of global arms trafficking.

The United States says Mr. Bout agreed to sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to agents posing as Colombian rebels intending to kill American pilots patrolling in the drug war.

A three-judge panel said that the case did not fall under Thailand’s extradition treaty with the United States for two main reasons. One, the country recognizes the rebels — the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC — as a political organization, not a terrorist group. Two, on the charge that Mr. Bout was conspiring to kill American citizens, one of the judges, Jitakorn Patanasiri, said, “A Thai court cannot judge a case regarding aliens killing aliens outside of Thailand.”

Thai government prosecutors, acting as proxies for their American counterparts, immediately said they would appeal. Mr. Bout would be freed only if an appeal was not filed within 72 hours.

James Entwistle, a diplomat in the United States Embassy in Bangkok, said he was “disappointed and mystified” by the decision. “We think the facts of the case, our extradition treaty and the relevant Thai law all clearly support extraditing Viktor Bout to the United States to stand trial on serious terrorism charges.”

Mr. Bout has denied any links to arms trafficking and told the judge during the proceedings earlier this year that he was being held in “extremely inhumane” conditions. He has argued that the undercover agents violated Thai law by apprehending him before calling the Thai police and carrying firearms in violation of Thai law.

After the ruling was read, Mr. Bout, 42, hugged his wife, and shook hands with his two lawyers. But he said little to reporters in the courtroom. “I’m not allowed to say anything,” he said.

Wearing a soiled prison uniform and leg irons that clanked across the courtroom floor, Mr. Bout hardly fit his accuser’s portrayal of him as one of the world’s most notorious weapons traffickers — or the Nicolas Cage character he supposedly inspired in the 2005 film “Lord of War.”

According to legal papers, Mr. Bout told undercover agents for the Drug Enforcement Administration that he could deliver 700 to 800 surface-to-air missiles, 5,000 AK-47 assault weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition, land mines, C-4 explosives and unmanned aerial vehicles, and that the weapons would be airdropped into the jungles of Colombia “with great accuracy.”

Thai officials say they have come under pressure from Russia, which has asked for custody of Mr. Bout, and the United States over the case. Judge Jitakorn prefaced the reading of the decision with what sounded like an apology: “Today there must be someone happy and someone sad.” The reading took so long — more than an hour — that Judge Jitakorn gestured to Mr. Bout to sit down halfway through.

2:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:07 PM

Thank you for your posting.

2:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See! This is the reason why HUN SEN wouldn't respect Thai's court!!!!!!!!!!

8:15 PM