Friday, November 27, 2009

Cambodia's Borders Committee focuses on Sam Rainsy's case

26 Nov 2009
By Moeung Tum
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Click here to read the article in Khmer

The Paris-based Cambodia's Borders Committee (CBC) issued a statement focusing on the accusation leveled against Sam Rainsy for allegedly perpetrating a criminal act in the destruction of public properties, and threatening on the national security.

The statement dated 23 November criticized the charge of destruction of public properties, saying that it is improper because these border stakes are located on top of rice fields belonging to Cambodian farmers, and furthermore, these farmers have protested the installation of these stakes on their fields and the commune and district authorities did not resolve this issue for them. These are private lands, therefore, the owners of the lands have the right to pull them out, however, if the authority confiscates these lands and turn them into public properties, then the authorities did not legally compensate the land owners yet.

Regarding the charge of threatening national security, CBC indicated that, in a country with the rule of law, there must be clear confirmation as to what constitutes national security so that the type and extent of this threat can be estimated.

CBC asked whether, through the uprooting of temporary border posts, Sam Rainsy caused danger to the Cambodian people, or whether he created unrest in the country that could lead to internal warfare or a war between Cambodia and Vietnam? Sam Rainsy and his colleagues visited these posts location under the invitation of protesting villagers, they did not carry any weapons to threaten anybody.

In summary, Dr. Dy Kareth, CBC vice-president, wrote in this statement that the trial of Sam Rainsy will actually take place in the future. CBC indicated that this is a pressure exerted by Hanoi on Hun Xen and the CPP.

As of Thursday, RFA did not yet receive any government reaction to the CBC statement above.


Anonymous said...

lift his MP previalage is not enough .jab vea mok pdorn tea tos. Take him jail.

Anonymous said...

1:00PM how could you say in Khmer words here?
If you are talking in Khmer you should be protecting Khmer territory... Maybe you are learning Khmer.
You are Viet slave...

Anonymous said...

1 pm, it is yuon slave. it has no brain as a decent khmer.; it opens it eyes without thinking. it has no formal education.

Anonymous said...

don't hurt 1 pm's feeling. His only vocabulary words in Khmer are restricted to "pdon tea tos". That is all his master and CPEE taught him.

He don't know any better.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:00 PM

Go back to Hanoi where you belong or we will cut your head off . This is Khmer land yuon slave likes you just shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

1:oopm son of the bitch ,motherfucker. Youn Kro Torp Orp Kro Tinn. You R Kaun Me Som Phouerng Bat Pha Sa Ah Hun sen Choy........

Anonymous said...

No need to put Xam RainXy in jail. Just lift his immunity is hurted him very badly and now, he's jumping around asking for help in overseas. Whenever his short temper cool down, he will write a letter to Apology to Cambodian government to let him come back to Cambodia.

Xam RainXy is fastest runner politician that Cambodia has never had in history.

Khmer in Sydney

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck Krom Ah Terk Kdor Youn.
Youn in Australia

Anonymous said...

To 1:00 PM and 2:59 PM,

Both of you are 100% Viet slaves or Viet offsprings born from your Bo Doi's father, Viet invader of Cambodia in 1979.

Viets were , are robbers and invaders of Cambodia.

Go back to where you belong.

Sam Raingsy is elected by khmer people, he had the Rights to speak
to defend Khmer people interest.

It's UNLAWFULL to lift his IMMUNITY, Band of MONKEYS.

Hun Sen and you only knew and use the Mafia's Laws.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is a corrupt politician representing the siam. Notice how he always complained about Vietnam but not Thailand. He is a Siam slave.

Anonymous said...

To 1:38AM

Since when Sam Rainsy represent the Siem? Since 1979? ahahhahha

Anonymous said...

maybe it's a good thing that sam rainsy called attention to the border issue with neighboring countries, really! there's a method to his madness, really. can't just ignore that!

Anonymous said...

How fast did hun xen run from Pol Pot?

Anonymous said...

Bravo SRP Bravo SRP and Bravo bro chea noreas khmer....!