Friday, November 27, 2009

Congressman Warns Against Opposition Attacks

US Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Ed Royce (R-Calif.)

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
26 November 2009

"We may not agree from time to time, or I may not agree with people in opposition parties in the United States, but they should have the right to speak freely and to engage in debate and dialogue and to offer bills and resolutions." - US Rep. Chris Smith
[Editor’s note: Two US Republican congressmen, Chris Smith and Ed Royce, have admonished Cambodia’s recent lifting of opposition leader Sam Rainsy’s parliamentary immunity. The suspension, which follows criminal charges against Sam Rainsy for incitement and destruction of property, has deep implications for the development of democracy, they say. Smith recently sat with VOA Khmer for an interview in Washington.]

Q. What is the impact of Sam Rainsy’s immunity suspension on democracy and the opposition?

A. Removing the immunity and criminalizing [the opposition] as they have done on some defamation cases is a way of further marginalizing the opposition parties and clearing the way for your party to do whatever it wants, without having to be held accountable.

We have what we call free speech and debate clauses in the Congress, which allows us to speak on any subject without fear of prosecution, and it is precisely the free speech and debate clause that allows us to be protected from defamation and the criminalization of differences of viewpoints.

We obviously can be sued elsewhere, but it allows for the most vigorous of debates in Congress, so we can say what we want to say without fear of being criminalized by the opposition party or by someone else. And it really has made an enormous difference in this democracy called the United States of America, in having the most robust debates imaginable.

So I think there is a warning here, whether it be defamation or whether it be a case like Mr. Rainsy.

If they steal or do something or commit murder, obviously, immunity is neither here nor there. But on something like this it seems like a very bad step in the wrong direction.

Q. The government has said the suspension is a legal action. It follows similar instances for two other opposition parliamentarians. If these continue to happen, what will be the effect on US and other international relationships with Cambodia?

A. I think it’s bringing attention, and I think from Cambodia’s point of view unwanted attention, to whether or not the opposition parties are allowed to speak out and conduct themselves on policies. And again when you criminalize behavior of opposition parties you run the risk of losing democracy over a period of time.

Q. In October, four congressmen drafted a resolution censuring Cambodia for its corruption and rights abuses. Do you support that resolution and what have you learned from it?

A. Two of my closest friends [in Congress] are sponsors of it. An Joseph Cao [a Republican from Louisiana], who is the first Vietnamese-American ever to serve in the United States Congress is the one of the sponsors, and Frank Wolf [a Republican] from Virginia is the other. It seeks to put the spotlight on human rights abuse and corruption in Cambodia. I have long been concerned with the trafficking issues in Cambodia, particularly of children. It remains a very serious problem in Cambodia, where people are bought and sold, and the government needs to do much more to stop modern day slavery in Cambodia.

Q. What is your message to the Cambodian people in general and the opposition in particular?

A. We may not agree from time to time, or I may not agree with people in opposition parties in the United States, but they should have the right to speak freely and to engage in debate and dialogue and to offer bills and resolutions. I don’t always like the outcome that happens in the US Congress, but I have the opportunity as a congressman to change it, and that’s all you can ask for. You can’t guarantee the results, but the process has to be protected so that all viewpoints have a place at the table.

Q. Cambodia and Thailand are currently engaged in a diplomatic row and a border dispute. What is your advice to both of these countries in resolving them?

A. I think all regional actors, especially the US, should try to make sure that it is worked out at a table. We can’t dictate an outcome in the US, but we can encourage dialogue, and that’s what we should do.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the support from the father of the free world!

Hun Xen, Chea Xim, Heng Xamrin said...

The three men above were ignorants politician, we should not jeopardise our friendship treaties with our master Vietnam interest, each year we celebrate in gratitude toward our saviors master Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

The US government must exert pressures to get the Hun sen regime to back down. Although the supports of the congressmen are good, I don't think Hun Sen will take much notice because Hun Sen never understand diplomatic tone, only street language. So, the US must threaten him with something before he will get scared.

Anonymous said...

USA knew everything about Vietnamese government is up to, Vietnam playing role in cambodian attacking Sam Rainsy party! Vietnam better step back, if US go to war again, your ass will be fry....not like last time?

Anonymous said...

Vietnam will has no luck this time! USA is the number one military power on earth...!

Anonymous said...

" We have what we call free speech and debate clauses in the Congress, which allows us to speak on any subject without fear of prosecution, and it is precisely the free speech and debate clause that allows us to be protected from defamation and the criminalization of differences of viewpoints". This is great great intervention, I strongly support this two buddy from fucken US comgress, Congradulation US/SRP!!! .
Regarding to this, I would share you some idea, in Cambodia, if you want get more right and to get everthing free as you need, there is only one better place that SRP member ( Mrs. Mu, and Mr. dick-head SR) should be well protected is in jail. Because in Jail, you guy will be free : Make Speech Free, Meal Free, Cloth Free, Every thing Free in Jail, but Fucking u guy need to be charge, not Free)...


Anonymous said...

I support USA to attack Vietnam again, but from my own opinion I do not see the Cambodia are more important than Vietnam for US interests.
Thailand also, we Khmer are the last to protect from the US.
So we Khmer will get banana, but we all must united.
Can we Khmer be united?

Anonymous said...

During Lindon Johnson there was a secret meeting that Lindon Johnson thinking of nuecleas bombing Hanoi. But later the decision was drop. Now hopefully this time Hanoi has more to loose because of their present economie. In the old day they don't have wealth, but these day they have alot asset to bomb.

Khmer united khmer

Anonymous said...

Hope America will do something, not just a lip service.

Anonymous said...

Asian people! you all must wake up now! Be United! look at the European nation, they are working together to avoid sanction from the "Anglo Saxon". Asian will go back to square one! defending the "B52 of the USA. The did it to Viet, Cambo, Iraq, Afga, Middle East, North Korea. who knows, history can be repeated. Watch out Asian nations! Don't be too involved in invading its own neighbour, but more toward collaboration!!!! team work!!!! Do it now before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

Asian people! you all must wake up now! Be United! look at the European nation, they are working together to avoid sanction from the "Anglo Saxon". Asian will go back to square one! defending the "B52 of the USA. The did it to Viet, Cambo, Iraq, Afga, Middle East, North Korea. who knows, history can be repeated. Watch out Asian nations! Don't be too involved in invading its own neighbour, but more toward collaboration!!!! team work!!!! Do it now before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian don't like to be united to be step on their head by the Viet! Cambodian live under God not under the Viet!

Anonymous said...

US screwed up my cambodia in the past..! cambodia does not need US again, stay way!

Anonymous said...

10:10 AM,
Every nation has to survive, and the US is also the same thing. If not the US will lost million jobs to oversea; and when the economy goes down, the US will fall into first Socialist then second to Communist, and we don't want that.
You want the US to stay away, but Hanoi now is working with the US to get rid of China, and Thailand keeps the US military base just in case; and Singapore PM just called for the US to save ASEAN.

Anonymous said...

2:04 PM,
Good advice, and I hope the Vietnamese Communist leaders need to stop invading Cambodia and Laos.
Vietnamese are so hated by Cambodian, by Laos and by Thais.

Anonymous said...

US left my cambodia in the dark cave and bombards my cambodia, starved my cambodian to death, US is an evil government..!


Anonymous said...

A few months ago, I did my spring cleanup … and I did expect the White House to do the same; however—to my greatest disappointment—they DID NOT meet my expectation. Nevertheless, this guy thinks he can mingle and meddle with our internal affairs, because he’s a member of Washington's power elite—he has every right to be wrong. You need to CLEAN your backyard first before cleaning ours.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

You bla bla too much. Do you know even Hanoi is still secretely asking for helps from the US.

Anonymous said...

to Pi Anh 11:35 pm off couse they do clean up their back yard before you and Hun kwack born to this earth.that is why you come to live in USA and collected their welfar to feed youself and your familly if they do not clean their back yard then you can't not be here in US and feel free and express you opion. other wise you are going to be like Kampuchea Krom yourn tort ture them this khmer krom land and not youn land any way ah youn still torture them. so stop saying they are not cleanin their back yard if they do not clean up their back yard they can't be a super power on earth. you stupid and ignorant youselft. so go home take off your pan and spen more time clean up your dick with your own money and do not take US money and fame country to show off in your stupid country. or show off on any purposes. if you think you country is better then US why don't you go and live under your cpp boss and a country you said your love and the party your devote your life for it. why you still fuck with you country for.

Anonymous said...

correction on 9:14 why your still fuck up with US for? if you still here it mean you brain also love this country too. and you mouth full of shit.